Serving Food In Dreams – Meaning and Interpretation

What dreams of serving food actually mean? Why do we see ourselves juggling hot plates and drinks and barely having time to breathe between serving all guests? Who in the dream has the role of a waiter, whose goal is in the dream world to actually service to the people?

But beware, the dream symbol sometimes also challenges us to question whether we do not do too much with our services and forget about ourselves.

If you cannot or do not want to eat in a dream, there is probably a mental imbalance. The dreaming closes his feelings and shields his inside against external influences, which might do him good. He should become more open, both to himself and to others. It is also important which foods are not being eaten.

If the dreamer excludes certain foods, but enjoys others, these foods are clear clues to the origin of the dreams.

In this text we will discuss the symbolical meaning of serving food in dreams and what this dream means for us.

Sometimes even the simplest actions in our dream world can have a significant and deep symbolical meaning, so nothing in your dream should be excluded.

Dream symbol “Serving food” – The general interpretation

When we dream, we often slip into roles that have nothing to do with our true identity at all. For example, in the dream we can find ourselves as a waiter and go with a tray through a restaurant to serve the ordered food to the guests.

For the common dream interpreter, this dream experience can indicate that one is about to lose his independence due to outside influences.

Even being a server or a waitress in a dream can also mean that you will soon need help from friends.

If one sees a server in his dreams, one can generally interpret this as positive and look forward to a happy future. Serving as a waiter, can also point to your own comfort. The dreaming can possibly also be served in real life.

For male dreamers this can also be an intimate connection. There may be a preference to be here also happy to serve, and all alone according to his wishes and needs.

In addition, the dream image “serving food” in the dream interpretation stands for indecision and subordination. The person dreaming should work more on strengthening his self-confidence.

Furthermore, the dream of serving food can also raise the question of where in your life you might feel that you are always at the service of others and willing to continue to do so.

Dream symbol “Serving food” – The psychological interpretation

The person, who served us in the dream and offers us various food or drinks, can show from a psychological point of view that we need advice and support in the real life.

Perhaps we have long felt that we are not valued enough for what we always do for others. Being served by a waiter can illustrate how great the dreaming’s desire is to be pampered and cared for by others.

Giving up an order to the waiter is beyond patience. Is there a topic in your life that requires patience? Then you should work on applying them, because only then will you achieve what you want.


In the dream to serve other people shows that the dreaming has the ability to look after other people and to recognize when you need his help.

However, it is often difficult for him to recognize his own limit and not to sacrifice himself to self-abandonment.

Dream symbol “Waiter” – The spiritual interpretation

Similar dreams

  • kitchen
  • work
  • service

In the spiritual context, the dream symbol “serving food” challenges the dreaming to patience.

On the other hand, the dream image of him requires the willingness to help and serve others. A dream of food can be considered as a good sign, especially if you ate and you are feeling full.

Dreams about Eating Food

To dream of food at this point means the normal process of eating, just the food in the classical sense. Eating means dreaming that you internalize something or absorb it. Healthy eating behavior in the dream is synonymous with health in the watch world.

Noteworthy are the dreams of eating, however, when it takes on anomalous traits, for example refusing to eat, indulging in unrestrained feasting or compulsively stuffing food in yourself.

If you cannot or do not want to eat in a dream, there is probably a mental imbalance. The dreaming closes his feelings and shields his inside against external influences, which might do him good. He should become more open, both to himself and to others.

It is also important which foods are not eaten. If the dreamer excludes certain foods, but enjoys others, these foods are clear clues to the origin of the dreams.

Delicacy, gluttony and compulsive eating are also not good signs. The excessiveness of these dream images is already in an area that can be described as an addiction. Behind these dreams is usually hidden the message to take back something and not overdo it with his lifestyle. Excessive eating leads to various follow-up problems such as obesity and recognized diseases such as diabetes.

Dreams about swallowing

To swallow something logically means to absorb something.

However, the symbolism of swallowing differs from the similar eating and drinking actions. Swallowing is a short and active act that happens only under conscious effort.

This is true at least when swallowing in a dream is so conspicuous that it is remembered in the morning. It is similar with the weather. In every dream there is weather, but one usually remembers only if it had a special influence on the dream happening.

Anyone who has a lot to swallow in a dream probably also swallows a lot in the wake world, instead of processing it or dealing with it.

Most of the time things are purely emotional, like anger or pride, which we sometimes emotionally swallow.

The dreaming should deal with such things and process them, instead of displacing.

Dreams about Drinking

Drinking is a vital activity. Drinking in a dream means taking in something that is emotionally important. Unlike food, liquids are strongly emotional, so that the meaning moves more into the realm of inner soul life. In dream interpretation it always depends on what the dreaming drinks. For example, water is usually used for cleaning. The dreaming would like to purify him of something.

At this point comes the question of whether he has got the drink itself or if it was enough for him. If he got the drink from someone, it certainly plays an important role, which this person was and what drink it is.
