In all civilisations, for a long time, until the beginning of the twentieth century, Astro sciences were exclusively used for the needs of the rulers, emperors, etc., anyone who was necessary for that society.
Astrologers or numerologists were responsible for the rise or fall of the kings, donations and the fate of the rulers who often made their decisions based on their advice.
This remained a long time, each time when someone important need to make an important decision they consulted these people who looked at the Stars and the numbers.
Why were these sciences connected to rulers and most important people of that time? They were the only ones who know the date of birth, and the calculation was possible for them, Astor-numerologist has a material to work.
Today all of us have that opportunity, and today we are dealing with Scorpios who are born on October 29.
Personality and Character
Those who belong to the October 29 are the people who are seen as very quiet, reserved and dignified; cautious in all endeavours – they are calculated Scorpios who will never take any step forward until they feel a stable ground under their feet.
People born on October 29 are smart, and they know a lot of things in life, and more importantly, they own the knowledge that can be used practically, for achieving some goals.
These people are intellectuals, they can be office workers or ordinary workers, but nevertheless, they will definitely be recognizable by their approach to work and the fresh ideas they bring – they have all the abilities to succeed in life, but there is nothing that is guaranteed for them, they can ruin everything that they build.
Those who are born on October 29 are smart people in a way that they are able always to think logically and to make a place in a particular system, especially if they have created it themselves- they like to be the creators, the inventors, and the supreme rulers.
As very mysterious people born on October 29 and this is not a surprise since this is something that we can contribute to all Scorpio Zodiac sign people, so it is not a surprise. The intentions of these interesting human beings are somehow hidden from others, and the thing is that the environment does not entirely comprehend are their motives for sincerity and intent. You never know are these people are helping you because of their interest or yours; you can never tell for sure what are they saying is honest or not, in everything they do, there is a certain veil of mystery.
Therefore, it would be helpful to these people if they were more open when in communication with other humans, especially those who are close to them in some way. Because there is no doubt that those who belong to this day, are people who are capable of loving; they are very caring for their family and friends and expressing a protective attitude. Of course, since their nature is too intense, they can misbehave when they want to protect their loved ones.
The tendency to always be prepared for everything, combined with personal qualities, is the secret of the success of these people.
Love Compatibility
In interpersonal relationships Scorpios who are born on October 28 love children; they are gentle and sympathetic which is uncharacteristic for the people born in the Scorpio Zodiac sign. In most cases, these people born on October 29 have, probably, an attractive, poetic and lively face.
If we are talking about sex, an aspect that is very important for every living Scorpio on this planet, we will say that these Scorpios born on October 29 have a special relationship with sensual pleasures.
These people know very well how and when to use sex, money and power to manipulate the situation in their favor – they are those people who are controversial in one part of their personalities and can often be reflected on their emotional life, in a bad or good way. Their instincts are very pronounced and knowing what they need to do to leave a powerful impression on others. They have a magnetic personality that can attract people that are entirely different, and they can make their position in love to be the dominant one.
These are charming and compelling people when they are in their good mood, and they are those who can give a lot to their loved ones. One thing is especially important – these human beings born on October 29 are capable of managing their emotions, while others struggle to control those who are in an emotional relationship with them. They not only direct the lives of people who are close to them but also tend to play a dominant role in others. The most critical aspect of love is that those born this day find the right person at the right time, timing is crucial for them.
Purpose and Career
These people will often make a mistake if they are not wise and get involved in some speculation because those who are born on October 29 would rarely have luck in this direction -they can be overwhelmed by their need to succeed and to make something out of a particular opportunity, and this is something that can lead them into the mistakes.
In some way, those who are born on October 29 are interested in society, and they can be particularly interested in social reforms of all kinds -they like to see themselves as game changers and those who can make things different.
They can, if they want, be a good and crafty businessman, and will, without a doubt, get a lot of money during your life on account of caution.
People born October 29 as many other Scorpios love the discoveries and technologies in life. In this approach, they should be cautious because such an interest can cost a lot of time and money without any benefit.
In men, but also with women that celebrate their birthdays on October 29, we could say that the interest in politics is highlighted and that they are often involved in this area of work; but some representatives choose the wrong way to achieve their agendas.
Symbols, Colors, Lucky numbers
By looking into the symbolism that is behind this date, we can emphasise that those who are born on October 29 are Scorpios born on under the rule of the number 2 and the Moon-Pluto combination. The relationship between the Moon and Pluto gives the possibility of unique insights into the dark side of human nature.
The combination between the Moon and Pluto indicates that a person has an emotional desire to control situations, events, and other people. At the beginning of life, those born on October 29 is not aware of it, and they need to learn to let things go about their course, as well as to have more confidence in others.
If they release the need to control situations, people, events, and then they will no longer attract those who have the same needs, and this could be beneficial for them. What is interesting about the planetary symbolism is that this aspect points to the principle of the mirror- what you see is what you attract in others.
This combination can be a sign that these people have it inside a fight and that that they have to change somethings, and this does not necessarily mean that this person will leave your life, but it may mean that he will change approach. This is an aspect that indicates that some not very pleasant things happened at an early age and that left emotional consequences on the person in the form of trauma, or fear.
Numerologically speaking, these people are under the government of the number 2 are usually better partners and associates than leaders. This can help introvert people born on October 29 to realise their ideals within a family or workgroup. Of course, it can also act as an obstacle to individual initiative and action, and ultimately frustration.
Their numbers are 2, 29 and 33; and their color is dark grey.
Historical Events on October 29
The time when Vandals ruled remain a permanent trace in human history and one crucial event occurred on October 29.
439- Vandals, led by King Gaiseric, captured Cartagena, which became the capital of the Vandal state of Africa.
588 – A major earthquake hit Antioch, one of the largest cities of the Eastern Empire.
1814 – The first steam warship “Fulton”, constructed by Robert Fulton, was launched at the New York port.
1881 – The first national political party was established in Japan.
1888 – The convention on the Suez Canal was signed in Istanbul, according to which “the channel should be free and open, during the war and in times of peace, for all commercial and warships, regardless of the differences in flags.”
1923 – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk declared the Republic of Turkey, and he became the first president of Turkey.
1929 – The New York Stock Exchange, known as the “Black Tuesday”, marked the beginning of a major crisis that shook the foundations of the US economy and later spread to the whole world. 26 million lost their jobs
1956 – Two days before the French-British attack on Egypt, the Israeli army attacked the Sinai Peninsula.
1961 – Syria withdrew from the United Arab Republic.
1964 – United Republic of Tanganyika, Zanzibar and Pemba changed the name to Tanzania.
1969 – Established the first remote link between two computers at Stanford and California universities. This event marks the start of the Internet era.
1996 – The Austrian and German Nazi took an auction of about 8,000 paintings, sculptures and other works of art in the World War II from the Austrian Jews in Vienna.
1998 – South Africa Truth Commission handed over a report to President Nelson Mandela in which former President Bota, Mandela’s former wife, Buthelezi and the African National Congress are all charged with human rights violations.
1998 – Veteran American astronaut John Glenn, in a 77-year-old “Discovery” re-flew to space, 36 years after his first cosmic mission.
2000 – More than 30,000 people demonstrated against neo-Nazis in the German city of Düsseldorf.
2001 – Japan has adopted a controversial law that allows Japanese armed forces, for the first time since World War II, to be engaged abroad in support of US attacks in Afghanistan.
2001 – Under the pressure of the Pakistani President, 12 members of the Islamic militarist movement were jailed for armed attack on a Christian church, when16 people died.
Famous people born on October 29
There is no part of work where these people born on October 29 did not leave any trail and make a substantial impact on human. Some of the people that you will find on this list have a controversial background and are considered to be evil.
1507 – Fernando Alvarez de Toledo Alba, a Spanish military commander.
1656 – Edmond Halley, an English astronomer, mathematician, and meteorologist.
1882 – Jean Giraudoux, a French playwright.
1897 – Joseph Goebbels, a German Nazi propaganda minister.
1910 – Alfred Jules Ayer, an English philosopher.
1926 – Necmettin Erbakan, a Turkish politician.
1930 – Niki de Saint-Phalle, a French-Swiss painter and sculptor.
1944 – Fausto Leali, an Italian singer.
1950 – Rino Gaetano, Italian author.
1960 – Finola Hughes, a British actress.
1970 – Edwin van der Sar’s room, a Dutch and former Manchester United goalkeeper.
1970 – Phillip Cocu, a Dutch footballer and coach.
1971 – Winona Ryder, an American actress.
1972 – Gabrielle Union, an American actress.
1973 – Robert Emmanuel Pires, a French footballer.
1980- Ben Foster, a British actor.
1981 – Ruslan Rotan, a Ukrainian footballer.
1983 – Dana Eveland, an American baseball player.
1987- Tove Lo, a Swedish songwriter and singer.
These people often put away routines instead of getting up and moving in attempts to create even better conditions; they have to overcome this inclination towards a light walk, above all else.
In some way, these people need to remember that, if they do something, they will make waves, even in the ocean of mediocrity.