May 18 Zodiac Sign, Love Compatibility

Each person has his own Natal chart, a specific Map that represents the world in which one person lives in, with the aspects of life that are in a particular relation.  We are talking about jobs, love, wars, life routes everything that a specific person can encounter during their life. But even if two different people have the same or similar Zodiac sign and the day of their birth, that doesn’t mean that their lives will be the same; and as you can see the situation is very complicated. So even if we have two identical people that share their birth date, their lives differ because they go through different interactions with the environment. Cause the environment is something that has to be put into the equation when we are examining the life of a certain individual.

But even if things are so complicated to understand, in any examination it is good to have as many information as possible, and a starting point that represents the basis for the analyses. For us, that starting point is the date of birth, in this particular case May 18. We think that is worth to learn more about this date; it will even, at least, widen your view on this date and the Taurus Zodiac sign.

Personality and Character

These are people who have a lot of revolutionary spirit in themselves, and unlike many Taurus people, those who are born on May 18 are not so traditionalistic. They can often be seen as those, whether they are in a political party or not, fighting the existing principles and rules and need to help people on some higher level.

These people who are born on May 18 do not endure injustice and dishonor and fight against where they meet them, and the price for this lifestyle is high, along the way they could lose themselves, forgetting the starting point of their fight. Regardless of their profession, these people treat their work, hobby, or art professionally, and they put obligations and agreements in the first place, and breaking of a promise is an ultimate sin if you ask them.

People born on May 18 are efficient and love to do things to the end without any delay; they push themselves in the direction of constant progress. However, their directing can often cause problems because they do not know how to retreat or belittle when they meet with ignorance or prejudice. And the ignorance and bias is something that people of this dare encounter numerous times during their lives. Learning how to deal with this is a significant lesson for all of us and for the people of this date also.

People born this day often define life as a never-ending struggle and this is the first fight between them; their whole life is in some conflict, and people who are born on May 18 are used to it. If they were very insecure in the youth, these people would in the later years strive to build themselves as stable and self-confident personalities, and in the majority of cases, they succeed. Conflict and persistent struggle for individuals born this day can become a lifestyle as well as search for obstacles that need to be resolved. But you would agree that every life is different and that we cannot have the same path.

In the end, in that entire struggle, these people often lose touch with their own emotions. Overwhelmed by the social and family responsibilities that they impose to themselves, born on May 18 often neglected their needs and then there is complete dissatisfaction. Family and friends can help them to express their emotions, only if they would listen to the advice from them, and they don’t (usually).

Love Compatibility

On top of being merciful and kind-hearted, those who are born on the May 18 are people who are talented to love; their lovers feel extra special when they are with those people. If only they could find more time for being in love, they often neglect their love life, imposing on themselves millions of obligations, forgetting that their heart should be warm also.

From the outside, those who celebrate their birthdays on the May 18 are graceful and easy to be with; they love spending time outside and in nature. When in a love relationship, they are honest and open; and are incredibly attracted to the opposite sex. They don’t have a problem in finding a real partner since they could agree with almost anyone, only if they could find some time.

Maintain good partners and lasting friendships; they don’t have a large number of lovers. At some phase in their lives, they will almost certainly have a good sense of good for your right – these people should remember that romances and emotions always play a significant and vital role in life! And neglecting a love life is never a good idea, and if they are not content themselves, they cannot be good for the rest of the world.

Also, one lesson needs to be learned when people of the May 18 are in question, and that is that they have to listen to the advice that comes from their partners and friends.

Purpose and Career

These people who are born on May 18 find interest in so many things in life; they are smart and can easily find their way in the society. They don’t like fun and socialising; they are focused on their agendas that are in most of the time-oriented in helping people. So they often find their life work in some form of helping people, this is something that moves them and keeps them interested until the rest of their lives.

They are the people who never neglect their obligations, are honest and honorable into heir work, loved by their coworkers, but they don’t shy away from the conflicts if the asses that are necessary.

Also, these people should never neglect their love of books and the harder and more serious side of life; they can grow even more in this way.

Also, these people are ultimate optimists who can see the happy side of everything, so in the end, they succeed indeed. Those who are born on May 18 have a good sense of business and are thinking of everything in the long run.

Symbols, Colors and Lucky numbers

The number 9 and planet Mars rules people born on the May 18. We have already said that number 9 is considered to be the number that is one of the strongest in the numerological specter and that it has a substantial impact on other numbers, so also people born May 18 have a considerable effect on their environment.


The ruling planet Mars wants to show off its aggressive energy, but Venus, which dominates the Taurus Zodiac sign, calms passion and conflicts there. The combination of Mars and Venus naturally brings unbelievable magnetism and sexual attraction, however, if people born May 18 hide their needs, and they do, they can neglect their progress, and that is a never a good idea. For the health of people born on May 18, it is very important to balance the energy of Mars and Venus. To this balance comes the struggle against suppressing desire. These people often require tremendous attention. If these needs are concealed, grief and aggression that can manifest itself

Their color is pink, and the lucky number 14.

Historical Events on May 18

Take look at the most significant and compelling events that occurred on May 18 throughout history. Read all about them.

1096 – About 800 Jews were killed during the First Crusade War.

1268 – Mameluke Sultan Baibars destroyed the Crusader Principality of Antioch

1291- After six weeks of siege, Akkon, the last great hub of Christian power, falls into the hands of Muslims.

1565 – The great siege of Malta began, in which the Ottoman forces tried unsuccessfully to win Malta.

1652 -Round Island adopted the first law in Anglo-Saxon America where slavery was put out of the law.

1756 – The Seven Year War Began When Great Britain Announced War to France.

1803 – Britain announced war on France because of Napoleon’s interference in domestic affairs in Italy and Switzerland.

1804 – Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed for the Emperor of France. In December, crowned as Napoleon the I.

1896 – The United States Supreme Court ruled that the doctrine was “separate, but equal” following the US Constitution.

1941 – The Treaty of Rome was signed.

1944 – The World War II: More than 200,000 Tatars of Crimea began to inhabit the Soviet Union.

1944 – The victory of the Allies, but with heavy losses, the Battle for Monte Cassino ended, one of the most important battles on the Italian front in the Second World War.

1954 – The European Convention on Human Rights came into force.

1974 -India conducted the first nuclear test in the desert in Rajasthan.

1980 – Ian Curtis, a singer of Joy Division, committed suicide.

1988 – The withdrawal of Soviet soldiers from Afghanistan began.

1998 – The US government filed a major lawsuit against the corporation “Microsoft”, the world’s largest software company, due to the monopoly.

1999 – The government in Sierra Leone and the rebels agreed on a ceasefire, ending the seven-year battle.

2000 – The UN Security Council unanimously adopted an embargo against Ethiopia and Eritrea as a consequence of re-engaging their two-year border war.

Famous people born on May 18

We often wonder do the people who are born on the same date have the same characteristics. It is hard to believe, but not impossible. Today read who those people are born on May 18.

1048 – Omar Khayyam, a Persian poet, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher.

1475 -Alfons V., a Portuguese prince.

1616 – Johann Jakob Froberger, a German composer.

1810 -Johann Peter Hazenklever, a German painter.

1815 – James Bicheno Francis, a British-American engineer.

1868 – Nikolay (Nicholas) II, the last Russian emperor.

1872 – Bertrand Russell, an English philosopher, mathematician and social reformer.

1883 – Walter Gropius, a German architect and founder of Bauhaus.

1897 – Frank Capra, an American film director, screenwriter and producer.

1909 -Fred Perry, an English tennis player.

1911 – Sigrid Gurie, a Norwegian-American actress.

1912 – Perry Como, an American singer.

1913 – Charles Trenet, a French chancellor.

1919 -Margot Fonteyn, a British Artist.

1920 – Pope John Paul II, the real name Karol Józef Wojtyła, a Roman Catholic Church chief and Vatican Head of State.

1942 – Albert Hammond, a British Cantautor.

1950 – Thomas Gottschalk, a German TV Manager.

1955 – Chu Jun-Fat, a Chinese actor.

1970- Tina Fey, an American actress and comedian.

1985 – Oliver Sin, a Hungarian painter.

1987 – Luisana Lopilato, an Argentine actress, model and singer.

We have to end or to start this part by saying that those who are born on May 18 belong to the Taurus Zodiac sign. Powerful and reliable, Taurus is the first when it comes to harvesting fruit of valuable work, but they love good and beautiful things and are very often be surrounded by material pleasures. They are very sensual and tactile, but also stable and conservative; Taurus is among the most reliable signs of the zodiac. And people of the May 18 have most of these characteristics.

These people are known for a patient and loyal nature, and it can be the best seen in their work that is oriented towards other people, especially on those who are in need. Rarely these people express their frustrations; those who are born on May 18 prefer understanding and patience. These qualities create them naturally born mediators that are amazing in any diplomacy.

These people are loyal and honest, they never neglect their obligation, and it is something that is reflected in every element of their lives, which can be frustrating for their environment that cannot match them. Also, these people of the May 18 are incredibly loyal and devoted to all loved ones, and they have no problem in neglecting their own needs to satisfy others – but it can reflect negatively to their mental state, creating more difficult than ever.
