What we know so far about the Astrology (all the knowledge that we can find in documents, recordings, studies) is that the horoscope production is in a way, an astronomical process (charting the position of celestial bodies, their distance, motion, velocity and their effect on human beings). And this statement is true and cannot be denied, but the science of the Astrology interprets their meanings, schedules, aspects, speeds, influences of those celestial bodies on humans, and this is why Astrology is, in fact, a science, since it requires certain methodology and rules. Your horoscope would then be, as we rely on these two “theories” or better say rules, a picture of the sky at a certain point, observed from a certain point on Earth at the moment you were born.
Here we think about the picture in which we can see the planets, the stars, along with their positions in signs and houses are symbolically displayed, but also we could find out all about their mutual relations. Since we are interested in how all this affects a person, then we consider it in the interpretation of that picture in as many ways as possible.
This aspect pushes us to the belief that the time and date of our birth are incredibly crucial since all natal charts include these pieces of information. And it is one of the motives, why we deal with this issue.
In this article, we will speak of the characteristics of the people who celebrate their birthdays on the March 16 – and we will discuss how this aspect affects their personality, character, love life, business, and the symbolic that lies beneath the surface, and that can reveal so much about them. Maybe this symbolics is most hard to understand, but it can also explain a lot about one human being.
Personality and Character
People born on March 16 are very capable of modifying their opinions in the beliefs and thus reaching the desired goal – this is an impressive trait, but they need to be extremely careful never to betray their (integral and essential) ideas and principles.
These people work best when they move on a path that is somewhere between their own and the attitudes of their associates – but this should be regarded widely since this could be applied on any part of their lives. And, we could say that individuals who celebrate their birthdays on March 16 are always ready for compromise and adaptation to differences, which at the very beginning creates an excellent opportunity for success. But on this path, however, it is necessary for these people to maintain their system of values because in the later period of life there can be a great sense of guilt – in a sense that they did not listen or follow their original feelings and ideas, so they regret now.
Sometimes it happens that they completely change their attitudes, and to become lost in that process of chasing the success because they change their previous positions completely, and they don’t know where is the starting point of their road.
High evaluation of the persistence of these people is very pronounced, but they are inherently volatile people – as all Pisces, they can change their moods and opinions drastically, and can turn from sweet to destructive, in a matter of seconds.
Internally these people are not considered to be reasonable people, but original and changeable they are undoubted. They are continually looking for a cause in their lives that will inspire them, and make them invest themselves entirely. And then, when they find their way, they achieve incredible part, they do not feel well in a controlled environment and generally resort to conventions. They will best be seen in an environment where they can realise their imagination and intuitive nature – when they do not understand completely by their environment they become lost and problematic people.
But people of the March 16 are versatile and receptive; they can easily find new ideas and circumstances even in the simplest things that surround them. Creative talent is shown through music, literature, drama and art. Their natural and spiritual qualities can lead them to religion.
Love Compatibility
For all those who celebrate their birthdays on March 16, one rule applies when it comes to love – they can sacrifice themselves for the deep love they desperately want to have in their lives. Sensual by nature, they have an innate empathy for the feelings of their partner, and the perfect scenario is when they find the partner who will give them the same treatment in love. But in life, a real life, nothing is excellent, and they need to accept this fact.
They are digested in disputes, trying to radiate themselves with positive energy around them, and they are receptive people – if they give love, they expect for it to return in their lives; but if the situation is different, they can become destructive and reclusive.
They understand the pain of others and sympathise with others suffer alone, this is love for the people of the March 16 – they want to (as many of those who belong to the Pisces sign) to help the humanity, and to share the love and good energy between all people. And if they can find a room for their happiness in love (romantically), the better, they will not oppose to that idea.
They quickly become addicted to everything, and so in love in which they see the purpose of existence. Advice for them could be that they should find some balance, and to never let themselves to neglect someone or something in their lives, for the sake of love.
Purpose and Career
We have already said that the people who belong to this date of birth are those who can change their projects, occupation, etc. all the time, and they can improve/ change their career many times during their lives. Sometimes this change in careers is good; sometimes it can lead them in the wrong way. Often it happens that because of their nature they give up on a project, and they are looking for the culprit in one of their subordinate authorities. However, the problem is realistically found in their unstable nature so that these people should deal with a job that is both inspiring and practical.
These individuals can also experience a problem with the financial side of their lives – the problem with money is one of the basic when it comes to people born on March 16th. Finding a living space as well as building a family is one of the significant life challenges for these people since they change their purpose so often. Only when they are sure to master the practical things of everyday life these people can relax and enjoy themselves. As all Pisces, they are the most successful when they find a job they really enjoy.
Symbols, Colors, Lucky numbers
Persons born on March 16 are under the ruling of the “happy” number 7 and the planet Neptune, and when we look at these people, since they are under the government of the sign Pisces, are under the double influence of the planet Neptune. This symbolically gives them a significant amount of creative energy, but they can lose touch with reality which they often do in their lives.
They can be lonely and have tendencies towards mystical and occult, as in fact all Pisces.
They explore the truth about nature and existence because they are not ready to accept traditional views and explanations. Neptune has a significant influence on people born on March 16, since it is also the ruler of the Pisces sign, bringing fantasies, religious feelings, and dreaming that the practical side of life in these people is ignored.
Their numbers are 10 and 7, and symbolically their colors are pale white, purple and red.
Historical events on March 16
Now is the time for you to take an in-depth look at the Historical events that happened on the March 16th, and some of these events go in the period before the Christ.
597 B.C – The Babylonians captured Jerusalem, and instead of Jehoiachin, they installed Zedekiah for the king.
1244 – After a successful siege of Montsegur, an army of French royalists burnt about 210 cats.
1521 – Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan arrived in the Philippines, where he died in the mid-April conflict with the natives.
1660 – Long Parliament was dissolved, initially convened by Charles I.
1792 – Swedish king Gustav III was fatally wounded in the Royal Dutch Opera in Stockholm.
1815 – William I, the first constitutional monarch in the Netherlands, declared himself King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
1827 – In New York, the first American newspaper for the black community “Freedom’s Journal” was published.
1851 – Spain concludes a concordat with the Vatican, according to which Roman Catholicism became the only religion in Spain.
1900 – Sir Arthur Evans excavated the ruins of Knossos, the main centre of the Minoan civilisation and the most significant archaeological site in Crete from the time of the Bronze Age.
1934 – An Italian-Hungarian-Austrian protocol was signed in Rome, which formed the Danube Block.
1935 – Adolf Hitler issued a decree granting 500,000 armed soldiers to the German army. This completely rejected the Treaty of Versailles, which was concluded after the World War II.
1968 – During the Vietnam War, US soldiers massacred at least 347 civilians in the village of Mi Lai.
1978 – More than 250,000 tons of oil leaked near France after the devastation of the Amoco Cadiz ship.
1988 – Iraqi authorities killed about 5,000 Kurdish civilians in the northern city of Halabja with chemical weapons.
1993 – 69 people were killed in a bomb blast in the Indian city of Calcutta.
1999 – All 20 members of the European Commission, resigned due to fraud, corruption and mismanagement charges.
Famous people born on March 16
Reformers, astronomers, writers, directors – all things connected to an exhibition of creativity and intellect. And maybe all of you, who are born on the March 16, can find some inspiration in these remarkable people.
1497 – Philipp Melanchthon, a German reformer, theologian and philosopher.
1750 – Carolina Herschel, a British astronomer.
1787 – German Simon Ohm, a German physicist, and the author of electrical resistance laws.
1839 – Rene Francois Armand, a French writer, the first winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
1859 – Alexander Popov, a Russian physicist and electrical engineer.
1878 – Reza Pahlavi, the Persian chess.
1910 – Aladár Gerevich, a Hungarian swordsman, and 7-time Olympic winner.
1926 – Jerry Lewis, real name Joseph Levitch, an American comedian, actor and director.
1927 – Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov, a Soviet cosmonaut.
1935 – Teresa Berganza, a Spanish singer.
1941 – Bernardo Bertolucci, an Italian film director and screenwriter.
1952 – Alice Hoffman, an American writer.
1953 – Isabelle Huppert, a French actress.
1953 – Richard Stallman, an American scientist.
1965 – Belen Rueda, a Spanish actress.
In a few short sentences, we will try to describe the volatile nature of these people who are born on March 16 – since it is tough to understand them entirely (this is the case in all Pisces). People born on March 16 are hard to understand completely, and they always have some “layers” of their personalities that are hidden, deliberately, or not. They represent two very distinct natures, the struggle of the spiritual soul within the physical body. In a way, they are a sublimation of all twelve characters and quickly adapt to their surroundings. They are not always those who initiate actions, motivated by circumstances and events but are undoubtedly generous, with a pervasive sense of empathy.
People of the March 16 are famous because of their sympathetic way of thinking and the openness of their hearts; these individuals could act as a mirror, where other people can look. Because of their double nature, they represent reality and unrealism, consciously and unconsciously, forward and backwards. They have an unusual sense of perception; they know exactly what a person needs, and that is precisely what they are doing. They tend to focus on other people’s problems, rather than on their own.