The events that have happened in the past can affect your future, and all people are focused only on what will come to them in the future, we rarely stand and think about the history. True, it’s sometimes better to fix the future before it happens, especially if you know what it will bring you. We all have different desires and goals, which change while we are growing up and change our priorities, but according to astrology, similar Zodiac signs have the same expectations of life. And in many cases, this turns out to be true, of course, details are different, but the outcome was the same, and we could not help but say that there is something in the Zodiac.
In today’s Astro -numerological story, we are looking into the lives of the people who are born on July 31, who belong to the Leo Zodiac sign. Read all about them, along with the historical information that is related to this date.
Personality and Character
These are Leos who are born on the last day of the July, and they are the people who are very spiritual and are not as superficial as many others Leo Zodiac people are -they are a concern for the people in general.
They are touched with the philosophical and moral issues of human nature, but there is a certain darkness to them, that does not enable them from living successfully in their lives. They are attracted to the unusual or abnormal aspects of human nature and behavior and are interested in all questions of humanity; you can talk to them about any topic or problem, nothing is a confusing or inadequate discussion or research.
These people are, even in everyday life, those who are pride, and when they are punished for their words or actions, they will in some way enjoy in their captivity, and punishments – they see this as an act of courage, rather than something bad.
In a way, this date brings attractiveness to these people even if they can be contradictory in a way when looked on them from the outside.
These are the people who love to be at the centre of attention but ask from others to recognize their values, but there is a very high aspiration for freedom, independence in the emotional – marital relations, so most of the members of this date live in a private community and like to live by their own rules. Although in their characters, there is strong self-awareness, it can be worse for expressing itself regarding the environment, although their character can bring them unexpected popularity. As all Leos, they are attracted to the public, and they like to express dramatic behavior and cannot remain unnoticed.
Although humanity and generosity carry this combination, often the majority of members face early family concerns, as well as having the urge to be early self-made persons.
More importantly, these people are often described as those who are incredibly creative adorned with a small dose of spiritual mysticism – they live their lives differently.
Love Compatibility
People of the July 31 are Leos, and the restlessness and wandering soul determine them – they are considered to be the great travelers of love, who are never in peace, and are always searching for the right answer.
When indeed in love, they become stable and ready to commit; and even if they are pleasant and compassionate with their lovers, they never stop being free.
Some would say that those who are born on July 31 are the people who have ideal aspirations since they always look for the best in others, but in many cases, they are disappointed if they do not find what they are looking for.
With their partners they are sincere, and the never tolerate hypocrisy, no matter how their lovers are close to them.
Unlike the majority of Leos, these people are not that kind of people who are prone to flirt, but they do love a lot of attention. The main advice in love or these humans is to be careful in choosing a partner, according to their nature, because it is much dependent on it.
Some say that these people who are born on July 31 have a very burning emotional nature and can have sudden and significant changes in family dynamics and love life. The result is that they invest a lot of energy in their family, but idealises their children at times.
Purpose and Career
The majority of the people who are born on July 31 are prone to putting their jobs before everything, and subsequently, these people have frequent problems with family and friends who feel abandoned in that way even rejected.
And even more, those who are born on July 31 feel exposed to controversy and criticism that comes from their family members and friends who cannot understand what is that what they are doing and why they have to invest so much of their time to a particular obligation. It is therefore not a rare case that people born this day choose to live alone s they can work in peace.
Those who belong to this day are very responsible and serious in the business they do, no matter how big or small it can be – and they hate when people, their coworkers dare to press and accelerate them in their agenda.
In spite of the instability of everyday life, those who are born on July 31 do not recognise failure, and when it is experienced, they need some time to find faith in their abilities once again.
These Leos are exalted in all works and endeavors and in their views of the world so that they do not become tired of entering into details, but instead give it to others.
What also sets these people apart from others is their extreme care in the problems of humankind in general in relationships with family, or children, or people who are in need, so they can find their occupation in some jobs that are related to this topic.
Symbols, Colors, Lucky numbers
One Astro-numerological story about a specific date will not be complete if there is no mention about the symbolic of that date, Number 4 and the Uranus rules persons born on July 31, besides the primary influence that belongs to the Sun that is the ruler of the all Leo Zodiac sign.
People who are born this day are considered to be very hard to understand, and number 4 gives a picture of someone who is very powerful and strong, but these people are much more, they are also very vulnerable, and can be hurt easily and they can suffer a lot from the emotional injuries and rejection. Symbolic of the number 4 is human, and it is the number that points to the human nature that is vulnerable by itself, so are those who are born on July 31.
From the planetary aspect, these people are under the influence Sun – the Sun’s impact on them enhances Uranus and this combination point to the explosiveness and tendency of change, and these qualities.
Sun -Uranus point to the need of these people to be individuals, independent and non-conformist personalities, which inevitably brings these people into conflict with everything based on traditional principles. They indeed do not belong to those who respect social norms and specific rules. This combination does not allow them to accommodate the requirements set by society, so they are not able to function like other people in their surroundings.
Their color is dark yellow, and their number is 13.
Historical Events on July 31
It is not a bad idea to remember that it is a good thing to study the causes and consequences of the events that happened a long time ago, giving extraordinary importance to checking the truthfulness of the data, considering the circumstances from several aspects and creating his critical attitude. Today we are looking into the date July 31, and we gathered all the vital events that happened on that day.
1201 – John Komnenos Asen briefly took the Byzantine throne from Alexios III Angelos, but was soon caught and executed.
1423 – The British and Burgundian troops defeated the French in the Battle of Craven.
1498 – The Spanish sailor, Christopher Columbus, discovered the island he called Trinidad on his third trip to the New World.
1658 – The great mogul Aurangzeb declared his rule in India.
1789 – Russian and Austrian troops, under the command of Count Alexander Suvorov and the Duke of Coburg, defeated the Turkish army in Romania.
1849 – The Hungarian poet and revolutionary Sandor Petofi, one of the leaders of the National Movement in 1848, was killed in the battle near Szegeszów.
1914 – French politician and historian Jeanne Jorge, one of the founders of the French Socialist Party, was killed.
1917 – The British artillery fire began with the Battle of Pashendale.
1919 – In Germany, the Weimar Constitution, which abolished the emperor rule and the established republic, was adopted.
1941 – German Marshal Herman Gering gave a written directive to Chief of Police Reinhard Heidrich to conscript a plan for the extermination of European Jews.
1944 – Antoine de Saint-Exupery died as a pilot of an allied aircraft in World War II.
1954 – The Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio first won the top of Godwin Austin, known as K2, the world’s second highest mountain peak, 8611 meters tall.
1959 – A separatist organisation ETA was founded.
1964 – The American space shuttle without the human crew, “Ranger 7,” broadcast the first images of the dark side of the Moon.
1969 – Pope Paul VI arrived in Uganda, as the first Pope’s visit to Africa.
1971 – American astronauts David Scott and James Irwin, members of the Apollo 15 mission, spent more than six hours in a lunar vehicle on the second day of their stay in the Moon.
1993 – Israel’s attack on southern Lebanon, killed 140 people.
2001 – Former Portuguese President Francisco Costa Gomes died.
2003 – Austrian Felix Baumgartner flew with a parachute, falling at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour.
Famous people born on July 31
People are those who make times, and the main characters in the majority of historical events, so we have gathered a few most important players of their time who are born on July 31.
1527 – Maximilian II, a German-Roman emperor, Hungarian-Croatian and Czech king.
1800 -Friedrich Weller, a German chemist.
1883 – Erich Heckel, a German painter and graphic artist.
1912 – Milton Friedman, an American economist.
1914 – Louis de Funes, a French comedian.
1919 – Primo Levi, an Italian writer.
1923 – Stephanie Kwolek, an American chemist.
1930 – Oleg Popov, a Russian clown and circus artist.
1956 – Michael Biehn, an American actor.
1962 – Wesley Snipes, an American film actor.
1965 – J.K Rowling, an English Writer, is best known as the author of a series of books on Harry Potter.
1973 -Abdulaziz Mohammed Al-Khathran, a Saudi Arabian footballer.
1982 – Anabel Medina Garrigues, a Spanish tennis player.
1989 – Victoria Azarenka, a Belarusian tennis player.
Let us speak a few more words about people who are born on July 31 – we did not say that these individuals have an incredible desire to share what they have learned with others or to share their knowledge with others. They are unselfish in this way.
Some representatives of this day are, to be honest, introvert personalities born this day often record their events in their minds, and they are those who like to think about the past and to remind themselves about all negative things that happened to them.
Some others, more developed personalities that are born on this day want to contribute to the world through direct interactions. In both cases, people born on this day, as all Leos are showing their undeniable talent, and even if there is just one skill, one ability, they will show it in a significant fashion.