January 4 Zodiac Sign, Love Compatibility

January 4 is the 4th day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar and it is the 35th day of winter. It is believed that January 4 is more likely to be on Monday, Wednesday or Friday than on other days in the week.

If you have a birthday on January 4 or you know someone who is born on this day, then you should read this article. If you read it, you will have the opportunity to find out all about this day and its symbolism. We all know that people born on January 4 have a Capricorn as a zodiac sign, but there are also many other interesting facts about this day. Capricorn is a zodiac sign for people born between 22th December and 19th Januar.

The sign that is opposite to Capricorn is Cancer, so they are placed across each other in astrology world. The planet that is ruling Capricorn zodac sign is Saturn, which is usually a symbol of sensitivity and sincerity. Also, it is important to say that the planet Saturn is known as the planet of Karma and it can bring many different meanings to your life. The element of people born on January 4 is the Earth. The tarot card of the people born on January 4 is the Emperor. This card is a symbol of power and authority.

If you are also born under January 4 zodiac sign, we will tell you something more about your own characteristics and personality. You will see what influence the planets can have on you and how they can affect your life.

We will tell you something about your love compatibility with other zodiac signs and also about your purpose and career. You will have the opportunity to read about lucky numbers, colors and symbols that are important for all Capricorns born on January 4. Of course, we will mention a couple of historical events that happened on this day and we will also tell you which celebrities have their birthdays on January 4. If you are interested to know more about your zodiac sign, then you should continue reading this text.

Characteristics and Personality

If you are born on January 4, then you must be a very realistic and practical person. Also, you love to be a leader of each situation in your life. People love you because you are trustworthy and reliable. You have a lot of energy but you may also be calm and enjoy in silence. Sometimes you may be too shy and you don’t speak very much. A trait that you don’t like in other people is stupidity.

You love to be in the environment of smart and succesful people. The astrology says that people born under January 4 zodiac sign are very hard working and disciplined. They follow the rules and they can be a little stubborn sometimes. It is also important to say that these people have a great creative energy and they are usually very imaginative. People who celebrate birthdays on 4th January are usually organized and they are always ready to protect their loved ones.

Even though people born on January 4 have a lot of positive traits, they have also some negative characteristics. For example, these people don’t love any kind of changes in their lives. They love to live in their familiar environment, without changing anything. When they have new opportunities around them, they usually don’t use it because they are afraid of the changes that could happen.

That’s why they usually miss some good opportunities in their lives. They love to have control over the situation and they become aggressive when they lose control over something. Also, they can be very difficut and serious sometimes.

Now when you know what are the most important characteristics of people born on January 4, we will tell you something more about the love life and love compatibility of this zodiac sign.

Love Compatibility

When we talk about love we have to say that people born on January 4 are usually very romantic. They are searching for a partner with whom they could spend all life. When they choose a partner, for them it is the most important that their partner is a reliable person.

Also, they love to have a partner who has a lot of energy. People born under January 4 zodiac sign love to be in long relationships, but when they are single, they will not get bored. They will use this time do develop themselves.

We have already said that people born under January 4 zodiac sign are usually very rational and they hide their emotions sometimes. They are patient and they are ready to wait for the right person to appear in their lives.

If you are in a relationship with someone who is born on January 4, you have to know that this person will be completely devoted to you. You don’t have to worry because you will have a trustworthy partner who will give you love and attention. When we talk about love compatibility, it is believed that people born on January 4 are most compatible with people born of 1st of any month, but also with people born on 8th, 10th, 19th or 28th.

Also, it is important to say that January 4 Capricorn has a great relationship with someone whose zodiac signs are Virgo, Taurus or maybe Cancer. Even though Capricorn and Cancer are two opposite zodiac signs, they can have a great realtionship. It is also believed that people born on January 4 are compatible with people whose zodiac sign is Scorpio. The astrology says that Capricorns born on January 4 should avoid people whose zodiac sign is Sagittarius. It is believed that their relationship will always be very bad.

It is interesting to say that these people pay too much attention to their health, both physical and mental. They are trying to eat healthy food and to be active in sport. Also, they know that their mental health is very important, so they are trying to avoid any stress situations. Now you will see something about the purpose and career of January 4 zodiac sign.


Purpose and Career

We have already mentioned that people born on January 4 are very hard-working, which means that they can easily adapt to any workplace. Also, it is important to say that these people have a lot of talents and abilities, so it is not easy for them to choose their career. They can be successful in many different fields. But, it is believed that people born on January 4 are usually active in advertising, business, education or entertainment. There are many lawyers, scientists, writers and teachers who are born on January 4. Also, there are many Capricorns born on January 4 whose jobs are related to television and film.

People born under January 4 zodiac sign have great communication skills and can be great motivators. They are able to inspire other people, which bring them a lot of success. The colleagues usually respect them very much.

Symbols, Lucky Numbers and Colors

It is known that people born on January 4 have their lucky symbols, days and numbers. First of all we will say that a lucky color of these people is usually brown. This color symbolizes something natural and reserved. If you are a Capricorn born on January 4, then you should decorate your house with objects in brown color. It is also interesting to mention that people whose lucky color is brown are usually very reliable and they are good friends, so people usually love them.

Brown also means that people born on January 4 always respect the rules and they love to feel safe. As we have already said, these people love to be in a comfort zone and to avoid any kind of changes. Of course, there are also some other colors that could bring luck in the life of someone born under January 4 zodiac sign.

There are also lucky days for people born on January 4 and these days are Saturday and Sunday. They are especially lucky if they fall on 4th or 5th of any month. The numbers that are considered to be happy for people born on January 4 are 4 and 5.

A birthstone that is representative for people born on January 4 is the garnet. This stone is a symbol of awareness and balance. If you are a Capricorn born on January 4, then you should wear this birthstone in your accessories. If you cannot find this birthstone, there is also another that could bring you luck. It is a sapphire and it is usually considered as a symbol of sincerity and stability. Another stone that could be perfect for all individuals born on January 4 is heliodor. This stone is a symbol of strength and power, so it can help you overcome difficult situations in life.

Of course, there is also a lucky flower for people born on January 4. Actually, it can be a carnation or a dandelion. Metals that are typical for people born under January 4 zodiac sign are silver and lead.

If you want to find a gift for someone born on January 4, then you should think of something practical. These people love to have something that they will use. Also, it is important to say that these people love expensive things, so they avoid cheap things and any kind of copies.

Historical Events on January 4

Now you will see some of historical events that happened on January 4.

1920 – It was formed the National Negro Baseball League

1942 – Premier Churchill was flying to Florida

1948 – Burma declared its independence from United Kingdom

1954 – It was the premiere of a popular soap opera “The Brighter Day“

1958 – Sputnik 1 burned up in the atmosphere

1958 – Edmund Hillary reached the South Pole

1982 – Golden Gate Bridge was closed because of the fierce storm

1987 – It was a train crash in Chase MD and it caused the death of 16 people

2008 – Natalie Imbruglia, Australian pop diva, divorced from Daniel Johns

2013 – A car bomb in Syria (Damascus), where 9 people were killed

Famous People Born on January 4

Now you will have the opportunity to see some of famous people who have their birthdays on January 4. There are many people born on this day, but we will mention only a couple of them. For example, T. S. Eliot, a popular American-English playwright and poet who won Nobel Prize, is born on January 4.

Famous people who were born on this day are also Hans Lammers, politician and jurist from Germany, Carlo Levi, Italian author and painter, Mae Questel, American actress, Brian Gibson, English screenwriter, Sandro Salvadore, Italian footballer and many others. We can also mention Julia Ormond who is born on January 4 1965. She is a famous English actress and she is also known for her humanitarian work.

In this article you had the opportunity to find out something more about Capricorn zodiac sign and people born on January 4. We have told you that these people are ruled by Saturn, which means that they are very practical and reliable. You have also seen their characteristics and personality, as well as their love compatibility and career.

We hope that now you can understand better the symbolism of January 4 and all traits typical for this zodiac sign. If you have your birthday on January 4, we hope that this article was useful for you.
