January 14 Zodiac Sign, Love Compatibility

January 14 is the 14th day of the year. The zodiac sign typical for this day is Capricorn. If you are born on January 14, then you have some special characteristics that will be described in this text.

First of all we will tell you some general facts related to January 14.

Astrological sign of January 14 is the Goat, which means that you are a confident and strong person. The sign that is completely opposite to you is Cancer, but it doesn’t mean that your relationship with this zodiac sign has to be bad. The element that is connected to Capricorns born on January 14 is the Earth. This element is a symbol of discretion and gentleness. It is also believed that people born on January 14 will be especially lucky on Saturday.

Below in this text you will see many other interesting things related to Capricorns who celebrate their birthdays on January 14. If you are also born on this day, then you will enjoy this article. We are sure that it will be very interesting and useful for you. At first place you will have the opportunity to see some of the most important characteristics related to people born on January 14, as well as their own personality. Later you will see what is the life purpose of someone born on January 14 and what his career looks like.

Also, we will tell you something about love compatibility of these people. Of course, we will mention some of the most interesting historical events that took place on this day and you will find out which famous people are born on January 14. Interesting facts and information related to January 14 are expecting you in this article, so let’s start and see why this day is so special.

Characteristics and Personality

There are so many positive traits related to people born on January 14. These people are very pragmatic and they love to control every situation in their lives. That’s why it is usually said that these people are born leaders. It is also important to say that people born on January 14 are honorable and they take care of their families. For them a family has a very important role in their lives. They are calm in nature and they don’t like any kind of discussions and fights.

People born on January 14 are very disciplined and people admire them because of their amazing self-control. They are able to stay calm even when they have a lot of problems. They are focused on their goals and there is nothing that could make them give up. If they fail, they will try again and again until they make success. Their goals are clearly defined, so we can say that these people are dedicated only to serious things in their lives. Most of people born under January 14 zodiac sign have a high level of education and they are very respected from other people. They always love to learn new things in their lives and they never get bored. Their big positive trait is that they never break the rules.

However, there is a negative trait that is typical for all Capricorns. They are not ready to take any kind of risks in their lives, so it may happen that they miss some important opportunities.

Sometimes they can be narrow minded as well. Another negative trait typical for people born on January 14 is that they usually sacrifice themselves for other people and they usually look like victims, which happens without any obvious reason. Another negative trait of these people is that they can have a little arrogant attitude sometimes.

It is also important to mention that people born on January 14 have a very stressful lifestyle, so their health habits may not be very good. They don’t have proper nutrition, so they should take more care about it. Also, it s very important for these people to learn how they can relax and enjoy. It is necessary to make a break sometimes and to relax.

Now when you know what are the most important traits typical for Capricorns born on Januar 14, we will tell you something about their love compatibility and their love life in general.

Love Compatibility

First of all we will say that someone who is born on January 14 must be very romantic. Also, these people are reliable and sensible and they get on well with people who have these traits as well. If you would like to have a Capricorn born on January 14 as your emotional partner, then you have to be a trustworthy person and you have to focus yourself on your own self-development.

For people born on January 14 is very important to have partners who are strongly focused on their self-development, but who are also romantic and sensible.

It is believed that people born on January 14 get on very well with someone who is born on 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 20th or maybe on 28th. It is also believed that these people have the best relationships with someone born under Virgo or Taurus zodiac sign. These zodiac signs have similar visions of life and they can understand each other very good. It is also interesting to mention that people born on January 14 can have a good relationship with someone who is born under Cancer zodiac sign.

However, relationships between Sagittarius and someone born on January 14 are usually very bad and they cannot be successful. Now it is time to see something about the career that could be ideal for someone born on January 14. If you are born on this day, don’t miss the opportunity to find out what could you do in the future.

Purpose and Career

The greatest purpose in the life of someone born on January 14 is to discover balance and to find inspiration for everything they do. They know it is the only way to make success. They are always trying to find value in their actions.


People born on January 14 are usually very successful in their careers. They are hard-workers and they work hard in order to earn money for their families. It is interesting that these people love to work and they are always trying to stay motivated and passionate about everything they do. People born under January 14 zodiac sign are very intelligent and that’s why they are able to earn a lot of money.

When they are choosing their own career, they usually opt for something where they can use their own creativity. It is important to say that these people are very successful in art, drama and acting.

Also, many Capricorns born on January 14 are great politicians.

Symbols, Lucky Numbers and Colors

We have already mentioned that Saturday is a lucky day for Capricorns born on January 14, but Friday and Wednesday are also considered lucky for this zodiac sign. When it comes to numbers, it is believed that lucky numbers for someone born on January 14 are 5, 14, 31, 50, 59 and 77.

One of the colors that are very lucky for people born on Januar 14 is brown. This is a color that symbolizes something traditional and something stable. People whose lucky color is brown should be wearing this color more often. They can wear this color as a part of their clothes or their accessories. Dark green could also bring luck to someone who is born on January 14. It is important to mention gray color as well. There is a belief that gray is a lucky color for all people born on January 14. This color is calm and cool and it can blend with many other colors. It is believed that gray color will give you strength.

There is also a birthstone that is typical not only for Capricorns born on January 14, but also for all other people born under Capricorn zodiac sign. This is the Garnet and it can bring great energy and inspiration in the life of a Capricorn. Because of that people born on January 14 should be wearing this birthstone whenever they can. Appart from the Garnet, it is believed that yellow Sapphire is the cristal that could have a healing effect on someone born on January 14.

When it comes to flowers, it is believed that carnations and dandelions are flowers that are lucky for someone born on January 14. Metals that could bring them luck are silver and lead, so it is good to have some jewelry items made of these metals.

If you are looking for a birthday gift for someone who is born on January 14, then we will help you. The most important thing is to discover the hobby of that person. If that person is a singer, you can buy her a new microphone, but if this person is an artist, then a paintbrush would be ideal gift for her. We have also mentioned that people born on January 14 are very creative, so you should look for something that will be related to their creativity and their hobbies.

Historical Events on January 14

Many historical events happened on January 14 and now you will have the opportunity to see them.

1950 – It was the first flight of the MIG-17 prototype

1960 – It was the establishment of the reserve Bank of Australia

1966 – A popular singer David Bowie released his first single called “Can’t Help Thinking About Me“

1967 – A big earthquake happened in Sicily and it killed 231 people

2001 – A popular singer Jennifer Lopez scored the first UK Number 1 single with her famous song “Love Don’t Cost a Thing“

2010 – In Jemen was declared a war against al-Queda, a big terrorist group

2012 – In Iraq 53 people were killed and 130 people were injured in suicide bomber

These were only some of the events that happened on January 14, but there also many others. Now you will see which famous people were born on this day.

Famous People Born on January 14

There are so many famous people who are born on January 14, but we will mention only some of them. A popular soap opera actress Abi Phillips is born on January 14, 1994, as well as a popular model Angela Lindvall, who is born in 1979.

Opera singer Ben Heppner is born on January 14, 1956, pop singer Austin Williams is born on the same day but in 1992, song writer Annie Lin is born on January 14, 1980. Other famous people who are born on January 14 are movie actor Carl Weathers (1948), rock singer Caleb Followill (1982), tv actor Brandon Johnson (1968), YouTube star Chelsea Diamondz (1993), soccer player Chris Albright (1979), football player Brandon Meriweather (1984) and many others. You can see that there are so many different careers typical for people born on January 14.

As you have seen in this article, people born on January 14 are strongly-willed and disciplined, so they are strongly focused on their own goals in life. They are also very emotional and dedicated to their families. One of the best traits of people born on January 14 is that they are hard-working and motivated to go forward, although there are many difficulties in front of them. These people are reliable and confident, so you are a lucky person if your best friend or your emotional partner is born on January 14.

However, we have already said that people born on January 14 should take a risk sometimes and look around because there may be some good opportunities in front of them.

We have already said that Capricorns born on January 14 are successful in their professional lives. They are born to be leaders and to achieve great victories. If you are a Capricorn born on January 14, then you have to believe in yourself and your own qualities. Sometimes you may be too stubborn, which may not be good for you. Even though you want to be the leader of each situation and have control over everything, sometimes it is also good to hear other opinions and to try to make a compromise.
