First of all it is important to say that the astrological symbol typical for Capricorns born on January 12 is the Goat. The sign that is completely opposite to Capricorn is Cancer. It is also important to mention that the ruling planet of people born on January 12 is Saturn, but Jupiter has also a great influence on this people. January 12 zodiac sign is connected with the Earth, which is an element that symbolizes confidence.
If you are born on January 12, then you must be very ambitious and persistent in life. You have your own goals and you never give up from them easily. People admire you because of your great energy and active nature. These are only some of good characteristics that are typical for people born on January 12. If you want to know something more about this zodiac sign and people born on that specific day, then you should read this article.
We hope you will find all information that you need. If you are born on January 12 or if someone of your family or friends is born on that day, then you will certainly like this article. After reading it, you will be able to understand the nature of people who celebrate their birthday on January 12.
As we have just said, you will see the most important characteristics and personality of someone born on January 12. After that you will have the opportunity to read about love compatibility and professional life of people born under January 12 zodiac sign.
Also, we will tell you which are the most important symbols, colors and lucky numbers that are typical for Capricorns born on January 12. At the end of this article you will get to know some of the most important historical events that happened on January 12, but also which famous people are born on this day.
Characteristics and Personality
One of the most important characteristics of people born on January 12 is their prudence and their ability to lead other people. They are also very caring and they love to be rewarded for their success. People born under January 12 zodiac sign are very responsible in each situation and they don’t like to chnage their plans or to postpone something. Another positive characteristic of January 12 zodiac sign is that these people are always trying to avoid discussions and fights. They prefer finding a good solution for any problem that they have. They are very peaceful and very disciplined.
There is one characteristic of these people that could be a little negative. People born on January 12 don’t like any kind of risks. These people also don’t like changes and they are usually afraid of something new that is coming to their lives. They prefer feeling safe in any situation. This characteristic is usually considered as a negative. It may be better for these people to take a risk sometimes because it could bring them a lot of prosperity and success.
We will also mention another negative trait typical for people born on January 12. These people have usually negative thoughts and they are afraid of something that is going to come. They should start thinking positively and stop worrying about things that are not important. They are also big daydreamers and they can preoccupy themselves with it. Now we can turn back to the positive traits of people whose date of birth is January 12.
People born on January 12 are very friendly and they make new friends easily. It is believed that these people are more friendly and sociable than all other zodiac signs. They are also very generous, which can bring them in troubles sometimes. Also, it is important to say that realism and logic have a great influence in their lives. There is no doubt that people whose birthday is on January 12 are very clever as well.
If you are born on January 12, then you must be very dedicated to your family. People who are born on this day are ready to nurture other people and to care for their loved ones. For them their family is on the first place.
Now when you know which are the most important characteristics of people born on January 12, we will also tell you how their love life looks like. If you are a Capricorn born on January 12, then you would certainly like to find out something more about your love compatibility with other zodiac signs.
Love Compatibility
First of all it is important to say that people born under January 12 zodiac sign are usually very romantic and dependable. They are trying to find partners who have the same characteristics as they have.
Also, they are usually attracted to people who are trustworthy and intelligent and who give them support. Another interesting characteristic typical for Capricorns born on January 12 is that they can fall in love easily, but they can also fall out of love for very short time.
People born under January 12 zodiac sign are known for their creativity, so they are able to prepare great surprises for their loved ones. When it comes to love compatibility, we have to say that people born on January 12 are most compatible with someone who is born on the 6th, 9th, 18th or maybe 24th. Also, they get on very well with people who are born under Virgo or Taurus zodiac sign. They have similar opinions and visions of life. If you are a Capricorn born on January 12, it is important to know that your worst compatibility is with Sagittarius, so you should avoid this zodiac sign.
After reading about love compatibility of people born under January 12 zodiac sign, it is time to hear something about their career and their purpose in life.
Purpose and Career
People who are born on January 12 are always guided by their hearts and they are very dedicated to their families. One of the most important purposes of people born on January 12 is to create family life and to feel safe and protected.
When it comes to the professional life of someone born on January 12, it is important to say that these people are usually very successful as social workers. They are able to be a great support for people who have any kind of problems and they advice them what they should do. Careers that are most suitable for these people are detectives, lawyers, workers at SOS hotline service, etc. They are also very successful in sports coaching, as well as in politics.
People born on January 12 are very ambitious and persistent, so they usually achieve great heights in careers. They are hard working and very dedicated to their jobs. They earn a lot of money, but they usually overspend it. For Capricorns born on January 12 is very important to plan all their finances in advance.
Now you will have the opportunity to read something about favorite numbers, days, colors, stones and other symbols that could bring luck in the life of a capricorn born on January 12.
Symbols, Lucky Numbers and Colors
If you are born on January 12, then you have to know that Saturday is your lucky day. Another day when you could have good luck is Thursday, so don’t miss any opportunity that happens on these days. The numbers that may be happy for you are 2, 3, 4, 6, 11 and 18. The color that is typical for people born on January 12 is brown. It is believed that this color can bring a great luck in the life of someone whose birthday is on January 12. That’s why these people should wear brown clothes and brown accessories whenever they can. There is a belief that people whose lucky color is brown have a high level of intelligence and stability. They are able to adapt to any situation and they have control over their own lives. Another color that could be lucky for Capricorns born on January 12 is dark green.
It is also interesting to mention that there is a birthstone that could bring luck in the life of a Capricorn born on January 12 and it is the Garnet. This stone is a symbol of reliable and faithful persons and it is usually used in bracelets. This amazing stone can be found in black, red or green color and it is usually found in India, Sri Lanka and also in Africa. If you don’t have an opportunity to find this birthstone, there is also another stone that could bring you good luck. It is believed that Sapphire has also great powers for the people born on January 12 and it is usually considered to be a symbol of reliability and sincerity. There is also a crystal that could be healing for someone born under January 12 zodiac sign. This cristal is called Vesuvianite and it can help you follow desires of your heart.
There is a flower that could be lucky for people born on January 12. This flower is Carnation and it usually symbolizes passion and romantic feelings. If you want to find a gift for someone who has a birthday on January 12, then we recommend you to buy carnations. This beautiful flower can also be used to decorate home. We will also mention Dandelion that is considered to be a lucky flower for all Capricorns born on January 12 as well.
You may have not known but people born on January 12 have also their lucky metal. It is silver and it is usually considered to be a symbol of mystery. There are different beliefs related to this metal. If someone who is born on January 12 wears this metal, it means that this person will be very lively and full of humor.
If you continue reading this text, you will see which historical events took place on January 12, but also which famous people are born on this day.
Historical Events on January 12
1948 – In this year was opened the first supermarket in the United Kingdom
1953 – In Moscow jewish physicians were arrested because of their terrorist activities
1979 – There was the 6th American Music Awards, where Barry Manilow and Linda Ronstadt were the winners
1981 – the soap opera Dynasty had its premiere on ABC-TV
1995 – In earthquake in Japan 5092 people died
1997 – Space Shuttle STS 81 was launched into the space
1998 – Human cloning was forbidden by Nineteen European Nations
2009 – In Zurich Cristiano Ronaldo was awarded as 2008 FIFA world player of the year
2010 – In earthquake in Haiti more than 160 000 people were killed
2014 – A popular crime drama True Detective debuted on HBO
Famous People Born on January 12
There are many famous people who are born on January 12, so we will mention only a couple of them. We can start from the past and mention a Belgian creator of the modern car. His name was Étienne Lenoir and he was born on January 12, 1822.
Another famous person born on this day is a popular Japanese writer of modern literature. His name is Haruki Murakami and he is born on January 12, 1949.
A popular English singer and actress Melanie C is born on January 12, 1974. He was a member of popular group Spice Girls, but later she started with her solo career. She is also known for her problems with eating disorders and depression.
We will also mention a popular American actress and singer Naya Rivera, who is born on January 12, 1987. English pop singer Ella Henderson is born on the same day in 1996. She is known as the finalist on the ninth season of The X Factor competion in the UK. There are also many Youtube stars born on January 12, such as Jake Mitchell, Quentin McConathy, Chance Parfitt, Lydia Johnson and many others. A young movie actor Nathan Gamble is also born on January 12, 1998. At the end of this text we will mention a popular tv actress Rachael Harris, who celebrates her birthday on January 12. She was born in 1968 and she is best known for the television series New Girl.