January 11 Zodiac Sign, Love Compatibility

We all know that January 11 is the 11th day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. People who are born on January 11 have Capricorn as their zodiac sign. There are many traits that are typical for all people born under Capricorn zodiac sign, but there are also some traits that are specific for people born on January 11.

In this article we will talk about these traits and about people who are born on this day.

The planet that is ruling January 11 zodiac sign is Saturn. Thanks to the influence of this planet, people born on January 11 are usually very focused on everything they do.

First of all we will tell you something about the personality and characteristics of people born on January 11 and then you will find out something about their love compatibility. Also, we will tell you something about the purpose and career of people who are born on January 11. If you continue reading this article, you will also have the opportunity to see what are symbols, colors and numbers that are typical for people born under January 11 zodiac sign.

If you are born on January 11 or if you know someone who is born on this day, this article will certainly help you understand better the personality of that person. We hope you will enjoy and you will find out all you wanted to know about someone born on January 11.

Characteristics and Personality

First of all we have to say that people born on January 11 are very methodical and also very patient. Astrological symbol of people born on this day is the Goat, which means that these people are very responsible in everything they do. If you are born on January 11, you are always efficient and people respect that. You have always great results in everything you do and you are usually a perfectionist. It is important to mention that people born on January 11 are usually very creative. They have great ideas and they are usually very successful in their jobs.

Another important characteristic of people born on January 11 is that they are very sociable and they have usually a lot of friends. It is also important to say that these people are full of life and positive energy.

Another positive trait of people born under January 11 zodiac sign is their social justice and their need to help other people. People usually love them and they have a lot of good friends.

On the other side, we have to admit that people born on January 11 have also their negative traits. They can be sometimes very depressed and they are trying to find out what is their place in this life. Sometimes they may be searching for the answers during the whole life and they never manage to find the truth. For people born on January 11 most important is to find their own peace.

Even though it is good to be focused on your own goals, it can be also regarded as negative sometimes. It means that people born on January 11 are sometimes focused on the wrong things, so it may happen that they don’t have success. For people born on January 11 is important to discover what is most important for them and to set the right goals. If you are born on January 11 and if you are focused on the right things, then you can be sure that you will have a great success in your life.

Now it is time to see something about love life and love compatibility of people born on January 11. If you are curious to know how your love life looks like and what you can expect in the future, then you should read carefully the following text.

Love Compatibility

When it comes to love, we have to say that people born on January 11 fall in love very easily. They are usually very emotional and they have long relationships. One of the best traits of people born on January 11 is their loyalty. When these people are in a relationship, they are always loyal to their partners. If you are born on January 11, you are not a very romantic person, but your partner can be sure that you will be loyal. In return you can expect that your partner will be loyal as well.

However, they don’t think that they should have only one partner during their lives. When people born on January 11 are searching for a partner, they usually expect to meet someone who is strong and decisive. They don’t like weak persons who easily change their opinions.

It is believed that people born on January 11 are usually compatible with someone who is born on the 2nd, 5th, 11th, 18th, 23rd and 29th. When we talk about the love compatibility between zodiac signs, then it is clear that Capricorn is usually compatible with Virgo and Taurus. We have also to mention that Cancer is the sign that is opposite to Capricorn, but these two signs can be compatible in love. If you are Capricorn and if you are born on January 11, then it would be best to avoid someone who is born under Sagittarius zodiac sign.

When it comes to family and kids, it is usually said that people born on January 11 are great parents. Now when you know how the love life of people born on January 11 looks like, you will see something about their purpose and career in life.

Purpose and Career

Now it is time to say something about the purpose and career of people born on January 11. It is important to say that these people are always searching for the right direction in their lives. They are trying to find out the meanings of all things around them. It is interesting that people born on January 11 will usually deny the help of someone. They want to achieve their goals alone, without anyone’s help. It is important to say that people born on January 11 have a lot of success in their professional lives. They are focused on what they do and they never make mistakes.


They are completely dedicated to their work and people appreciate that. A great characteristic of someone born on January 11 is that this person will never give up from her goals, even though the situation may be too difficult.

It is also important to say that people born on January 11 are usually great leaders and they stick to their goals always. They are high motivated and they will also motivate people around them. Another trait of people born on January 11 that is very important for their success in life is their good organization.

When it comes to their careers, these people are usually very successful as divorce lawyers. They usually have success in helping different sides to overcome the war.

As we have already mentioned above, people who are born on January 11 are known for their creativity and innovation. That’s why they are usually very successful in everything they do. They can make great success in many different fields and later you will have the opportunity to see which careers could be best for people born on January 11.

Now it is time to see what are lucky numbers, colors and symbols of people born on January 11.

Symbols, Lucky Numbers and Colors

We have already mentioned that there are lucky numbers and other symbols that are typical for people born on January 11. It is considered that some of the luckiest numbers for people born under January 11 zodiac sign are number 4, 15, 22, 28 and also number 47. If you are seeing any of these numbers very often, then your  guardian angels may be trying to tell you something very important.

A color that is believed to be lucky for someone who is born on January 11 is green. Green is a symbol of life and it is believed that it will bring luck into the life of a Capricorn born on January 11. If you are born on this day, then we recommend you to wear this color as a part of your clothes. You can also choose to have something in your home that will be in a green color. Of course, try to have more flowers and other plants in your home. It is believed that it will bring you a good luck in everything you do.

Another color that could be lucky for people born on January 11 is brown color. This color is usually a symbol of stability and something traditional. If you are born under January 11 zodiac sign, then you should try to wear brown clothes or to have objects in your house that are in a brown color.

When it comes to a crystal that could be suitable for people born on January 11, we have to mention the golden Healer Quartz because this cristal will allow that golden light of the universe come into someone’s life and make balance in someone’s body. If you are born on January 11, then we recommend you to wear this healing crystal with you whenever you can. We can also say that the Garnet is also considered as a birthstone for Capricorns born on January 11.

A metal that is typical for people born on January 11 is silver. This metal is considered to be the symbol of elegance and something mysterious. If you are born on January 11, it would be nice to wear silver as a part of your jewelry. People born on January 11 have also their lucky flower and it is usually a carnation. This plant is a symbol of romantic feelings and fascination. Now you will see some of the most interesting events that happened on January 11.

Historical Events on January 11

If you are interested in history, then you would certainly like to know what happened on January 11. We will tell you a couple of interesting dates and facts that are related to January 11. First of all we have to say that the lottery was recorded for the first time in England and it was precisely on January 11, 1569.

On the same day, but in the year 1571, the Austrian nobility got the religion freedom. On January 11, 1922 insulin was used for the first time in treating people from diabetes. On the same day in 1972 East Pakistan got a new name and today it is still known as Bangladesh.

Famous People Born on January 11

We have already mentioned that there are many famous people who are born on January 11. If you are also born on this day, these people are your birthday twins and now you will have the opportunity to find out more about them.

On January 11, 1971 a famous American singer Mary J.Blige is born. When it comes to her career, we can also say that she is a producer, actress and also a songwriter. Sometimes people call her the Queen of hip hop. We will also mention a popular American actress Amanda Peet, who is born on January 11, 1972.

Other famous people born on January 11 are British footballer Jamie Vardy, 1987, British director Jason Connery, South Korean actress Son Ye-jin, Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi, 1975, British footballer Emile Heskey, 1978, American actor Marc Blucas, 1972, American professional dancer Lindsay Arnold, 1994, Australian singer Cody Simpson, 1997 and many others. As you can see, all these famous people are successful in different careers, so you can think well which career could be best for you.

As you have seen in this article, people who are born on January 11 are usually very creative and full of life. We have also said that people born on January 11 have more positive than negative traits. We hope you have understood better what January 11 zodiac sign represents and what are the most important characteristics of this zodiac sign.
