Itchy Feet – Meaning and Superstition

Although the superstition for the majority of people is a waste of time and they want to be cleared form of superstition, we are often connected to some shape or form of superstition in our lives. It is not like it is not in our subconscious and that we never think about them.

Often times, people must knock in the tree or return three steps backwards, if the black cat passes the path to “prevent” the accident -these are the most common superstitions in the world, and there is no one in the world that has not heard for such “practices”.

Experts say that the root of the superstition we can find the meaning of faith, but this is the faith that was has invented as the justification for himself and his system of beliefs, of what is wrong and right, and the bottom line is to explain what is going on in his life, which is complicated.

We are talking about the life of the people that is hard and filled with many negativities and pain, so in that process, people need to invent some system that will explain the terrible events that occur in their lives, like a death of a child, sickness or war.

Many factors influence how much and whether someone will be superstitious from the environment, mentality, and upbringing – in some countries people are much more superstitious then in other countries and some classes in society are much more prone to being gullible.

Of course, we cannot say that this the rule, but there is undoubtedly something in the upbringing of a person – my granny used to say, or my mom told me, etc., so children learn to believe in this system.

This superstitious system is waste, and there are numerous ways of its expression – from the weather to the animals and plants, to the body parts of a human. For example, if the rainbow appears in the sky in the same moment while it rains, one witch is born, or when a nose tickles you, you are going to get into a fight with someone.

There are so many beliefs about what it means when a part of your body trembles or itches you, and many of the everyday occurrences of people have been linked to the future and the events that will follow.

In today’s case, we are talking about our feet and their meaning and symbolism that is connected to the superstition – when a foot itches you, what does it mean? Does it carry some symbolism and essential message that your body is sending to you, or is it just a myth?

If there is something, what does it mean, and is there any difference in which feet itches you?

Read in the article below.

What does it mean when your right foot itches?

The feet are part of the body that serves for walking and is synonymous with some “road”, progress, movement towards or from a goal, and symbolize the need for someone to adjust constantly, to change, and to move on, to managed to achieve achievement and progress, and stop “standing in place” and to feel useless or inferior to others.

All of us experience itching, and it can be really irritating at times, and in this sense, when our feet itch us, is the worst-case scenario, because when we have our footwear on, we can’t scratch and we can feel even some form of pain.

But does this feeling and physical reaction means something more in-depth than we think – maybe this is the way that body sends out the signal that we should or should not do something.

And, according to some superstitions, you are right – when a right foot itches you, it means that very soon you will get the opportunity to go on a long journey that will bring positive/negative change, but it will be something that will alter your life forever.

What does it mean when your left foot itches?

Do you know that you can learn a lot about the character of a person according to his or her feet, and many say that feet are those parts of our bodies that reveal the future about us?


The legend says that the Egyptian god of the sun Ra chose his mistresses in the shape of their feet. And the famous Cleopatra also used the powers of the foot to seduce and to rule in some ways, and if we look at the history books, she has done it successfully.

Female feet are also considered erotic areas, which are related to the fact that glands located in them release the same pheromones as the full glands and other erogenous zones, such as armpits and behind the ear.

That’s why many claims that love starts right from the feet, and or many people feet are the most sexual part of someone’s body, and it is the subject of desire for many fetishists.

You must have been experiencing itching of the feet, and you have always wondered if that occurrence has something more than just a physical reaction, and you were right.

Some say that when your left foot itches you, it is the signal that you are ready to receive an enormous wealth that is beyond anything you have ever had.

An alternative version of this event signifies that you will receive some guests very soon, and this is something that will come unexpectedly when you least think of the guests.


There is one interesting story about feet and its symbolism regarding our lives. It is said that people who have big foot are the ones that are disappointed continuously with their achievement in life, they always want even more and better.

They are very impatient and always looking for new trials, inspiration, forever feeding on new goals and successes. The general characteristic of these individuals is that they are dominant in the mental plane, more exceptional psychic abilities and sense of aesthetics.

On the contrary, those people who have a small foot are characterized by questionable, dissatisfied character. They are most often in conflict with their surroundings, on a social and job plan, and even on a love plan. It is difficult for them to compromise, but ultimately, they receive communication. Usually, these are people with high physical strength and the ability to deal with problems.

Why are we making such a comparison? Because, if there is some truth in this, then it is easy to understand that there is something symbolical when one of your feet itches. It must be a signal of some kind, and you only have to learn what does it specifically means for you and your life in general.

As part of the human body, feet are a relatively universal symbol in the life of human beings.

So, in the case when your left foot itches you, it is the symbol that in your life there is some way to choose which method you select, and you can either make a mistake or act right, but you are aware that you are responsible for all your own or success and failure, and you are thinking mature and rational, and you do not allow others to influence you, and that someone else points you to mistakes, or show you the “way you need to go”.

If the itching stops by its own, it symbolizes the fact that you are a person who is savvy and stable and confident in yourself and your actions and decisions, and that in all fields you make progress and success.

In the case when your right foot itches you, then the symbolism is somewhat different – we spoke of its meaning, but the symbolism carries something much more profound, and it will certainly make you wonder what your goals in life are.

In this case, itching of a right foot has a clear symbolism that you want to produce some significant and extraordinary accomplishments, and that you are a bit cunning and you have the need for everyone to think and speak only positive and enjoyable, and to glorify, praise and value you and respect you as someone who is all about “excellent” and absolutely unattainable.

And now the story about the vast wealth that is about to come does not seem so impossible? It can be the next great thing that will follow your hard work and dedication.

Good or bad sign?

It can be both, because a change in our lives can be both good and bad – depending on how we use what we have learned from the body signal, in this case, itching of the feet.

Such events may even carry a connotation that you are very and ruthless and rattled, and that you need to settle down and think more rationally and purposefully, and that you need to be much more careful and more alert when you are embarking on some new tasks or in new acquaintances and partnerships. This may be the journey that you will go on soon, and it has nothing to do with travel in a literal sense.

Also, another symbolism, as you were able to see for yourself, depict you as a person who prefers the right way for his achievements, and that you are a completely open and honest person who thinks or is doing quite well, and that you do not have to fear for your future, because with work or great effort, you will succeed in achieving everything you have imagined and wanting to perform.

We must add in the end that its feet are in some ways, a symbolical factor of movement in our lives, and in this sense, they are connected to the journey, and the journey is always connected to a change.

And, in the end, the change is the thing that can bring us something good or something bad, and even this does not have to be a “death sentence”, there is always a chance to learn something.

And even in those times, we are certain that a stroke of good luck will come to you when you least expect, and make things even better.


Do you really and honestly believe in the power of the red thread, garlic, black eyes in a person, powerful black cats that are crossing your path, and so on? I guess every one of us has his own superstitions, which proved to be a rule in his life – and as you were able to see, there is no person in the world who can say that it is completely without superstition.

Ok, maybe signs are over for you like a four-leaf clover or a thirteenth of Friday, but you certainly have something special to you, something you believe in, although not rational – all of us in this difficult times, truly need something to feel special and magical even. It is much easier going through life in this way than not having anything to lean on in the times of great need.

The most common belief is the one that says that if the right foot itches you, you will gain some material gain that will change your life forever; and that when your left foot itches you, you will start a journey that will also change your life.

So, if we combine these two symbolical meanings, we come to the conclusion that itching of the feet means that your body is preparing you to go on a long journey, not just in a physical sense, but in mental.

Sometimes your body knows things that are about to happen, long before our mind does, and itching of the feet can be a part of that process.

So, the next you feel some itch, try to remember these lines, and to direct your behavior in the best direction possible, so that the change that is coming your way could be used (even if it is not “positive”) to learn and progress.
