The dream symbol infidelity is not necessarily interpreted as negative. In general, being cheated on in a dream points to the opposite, to something completely reversed.
Dreaming of infidelity, loyalty and devotion are probably not going to be waiting for you in reality.
In addition, not all dreams have a deeper meaning that needs to be decrypted. Quite often it is events of the day or the recent past that are represented in sleep and dream. In most cases you shouldn’t worry – in most cases this is not the case. But dreaming of cheating on your partner is often an indication that change is needed.
If certain dreams or dream content regularly occur, it is time to get to the bottom of it all. After all, recurrent dreams are messages from our subconscious – and they want to be heard.
The dreams about being cheated on, does not mean what we see in the dream.
What does strangers mean in this dream interpretation?
First of all, when analyzing a dream about, it is important to know what role you played in your dream. Were you there when your partner cheated on you? However, it is important in both cases:
Do not take the feelings that the dream of an affair arouses in you into your real relationship. Talk to your partner calmly and objectively about your fears and worries, but do not judge him, get angry or in despair when it comes to your partner.
Reversed meaning – Cheating on your husband
For many people, a dream of cheating on their husband is a shock. Because they fear that the dream is not just a fantasy, but a deep, longing desire. In the interpretation of the dream cheating is a sign that you no longer love your partner?
Do not worry – in most cases this is not the case. But dreaming of cheating on your partner is often an indication that change is needed. It may or may not necessarily have something to do with the relationship, but it can also be related to work or everyday life.
If you often dream of cheating, think about what area of life you are looking for something new, where you may feel restricted and need more freedom.
Cheating, affair, infidelity, adultery, fraud – there are many names for the one thing we are probably all afraid of. Being cheated on by our partner is one of the worst fears one can have in a committed relationship. This is clearly reflected in our dreams.
The dream scenarios that deal with cheating can take many forms. For example, you can be the one who deceives your partner with a friend or a stranger or who plays the role of the dupe. Dreams of this kind belong to the group of common dreams.
Interpretation of dreams about cheating
In order to be able to interpret dreams of cheating correctly, it must first be determined who in the dream is the cheater and who is the deceived one. If you betray your partner in a dream, this can mean that you are not satisfied with your current situation. This does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the relationship situation.
In the case of people who are being cheated on in a dream or who cheat on their partner, there is usually a deep-seated desire for change and freedom. The yearning for something new can then be expressed in a dream that one cheats one’s partner with another, which then stands symbolically for the “new”.
The dream scenarios that deal with cheating can take many forms. For example, you can be the one who deceives your partner with a friend or a stranger or who plays the role of the dupe. Dreams of this kind belong to the group of common dreams.
The interpretation is different in dreams, in which one is betrayed by one’s own partner. If one dreams of being betrayed by one’s partner, it can be due to the real fear of loss of the one or the dreaming. Such dreams often express the feeling that they are not enough for their partner, which is associated with the fear of losing the lover to another person.
Another reason can be repressed jealousy.
Statistics: In the dream usually the partner is foreign
Who is the other person in your dreams?
- I with a stranger
- I with someone I know
- Partner with a stranger
- Partner with someone you know
- Someone from my environment
Since there are many statistics about what people often dream about, but hardly any statistics that deal with individual dream issues, we conduct some surveys here ourselves.
Dreams of cheating refer to 97 percent of people’s own relationship.
Meaning of the dream about cheating in other cultures
In the Arab world dreams in which one cheats on another or becomes the victim of such betrayal are interpreted much more negatively than in the European interpretation of dreams.
Consequently, dreams in which the dreamer himself commits adultery symbolize the proverbial play with fire. Maybe the dreamer is about to lose his belongings. In the traditional Arabic interpretation of dreams, the dream of one’s own cheating also receives a sinister and threatening assignment.
If, in the dream, you are the person who is a cheater, you obviously want a change. It is now in our hands to analyze what bothers you about the current situation and what you really want to change. If the partner in the dream has an affair, you should address it in any case on the associated fear of loss and clarify with him together how to get rid of this feeling again.
In no case should one not transfer the emotions that one experiences during the dream towards one’s partner into the real world, as this can have fatal consequences for the relationship.
The following questions should be asked for the dissolution of dreams that deal with cheating:
- How do I feel in my current partnership?
- Am I satisfied?
- What bothers me?
- How has the partnership changed over time?
- Which wishes or sexual needs are no longer satisfied?
- Do you have anxiety?
- Are I jealous? If so, because of who or what?
Psychological/social distorsion is not only reprehensible in our times, but has been seen as immoral or even illegal in past cultures. The latter refers above all to adultery, which is still punishable in some countries even today. In the dream, cheating can take place in many contexts and involve a wide range of people, from being afflicted by one’s best friend to having one affair with a stranger.
The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung has set up a doctrine whose rule is that if the person is known in the dream, one must first consider the personal relationship between himself and this person. For example best friend, a colleague or sibling of the partner, this can mean that you want to shake up your own partner by hurting and alert.
On the other hand, this can also mean that just this person understands one in the current situation better than one’s own life partner. If one dreams of an affair with the partner of the best friend or sibling, this symbolizes the envy of the qualities of this partner.
If the person with whom you enter into an affair in a dream is unknown, that figure in dream interpretation is generally considered to be part of one’s personality. This person then lives out all those qualities that one does not live out or have not discovered in oneself. Jung describes these as rejected and / or unknown qualities in themselves.
In the case of people who are being cheated on in a dream or who cheat on their partner, there is usually a deep-seated desire for change and freedom. The yearning for something new can then be expressed in a dream that one cheats one’s partner with another, which then stands symbolically for the “new”.