The sting of a bee in most cases is only unpleasant, and home treatment is all that is needed to ease the pain of the sting.
But if you are allergic to the sting of a bee that can have a more serious body reaction then emergency treatment is required.
Bee – stings and causes
The bees are usually calm and do not stumble unless they are caused. A bee is characterized by a stab in the beehive that remains in the wound. Through this beast, the bee injects the poison into the insects and kills them.
A slightly more aggressive species of bees moved from South America. Their poison is not much different from the poison of the classic bees of our region, but they attack in swarms and cause 4 times more deaths than bites of snake snakes.
The wasp has only a few hooks, and after the sting they do not remain in the earliest, so the wasp can cause multiple stings. The poisonous wasp contains phospholipases, hyaluronidase, and protein antigen 5 which belongs to the category of the strongest allergens.
Whatever the sting of a bee or wasp can be quite dangerous. Bee poison or orifice contains proteins that affect the cells of the skin and the immune system, causing redness, pain and swelling around the area of the sting.
Sometimes stinging bees or wasp can cause more serious reactions to the immune system, and urgent medical assistance is necessary.
Symptoms of a bee or wasp sting
The sting of a bee or wasp may produce different reactions ranging from temporary pain and discomfort to severe allergic reactions. Also, it is not necessarily true that your body reacts equally every time after the sting of the bee. There is a range of mild reactions, over moderate to severe allergic.
The local reaction to the sting of the bees or wasp involves an irritation, passing pain and itching with irritation around the site of the sting. The island and erythema are usually the strongest after 48 hours and can take a week and can affect the entire extremity.
Some of the symptoms are: Mild reaction – strong, severe pain at the site of the sting, redness in the area of the stump, mild swelling which in most people disappears within a few hours, a small white spot where the bee has pierced the skin.
Moderate reaction – extreme redness at the site of the sting, swelling at the site of the sting that is gradually spreading in the coming days.
Severe allergic reaction – requires urgent treatment because it can cause anaphylaxis that you can recognize if these signs occur: skin reactions such as rash and itching, pale skin, swelling of the throat and tongue, nausea, rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness or unconsciousness
In case of multiple stinging of the bee or axial accumulation, the poison can cause toxic reactions and you will feel pretty bad, and this condition can be accompanied by cramps, temperature, dizziness, nausea, and unconsciousness.
Multiple stings can be an emergency case in children, the elderly, and those with heart and breathing problems.
Treating a bee or axilla
For common stings of a bee or a wasp that does not cause an allergic reaction, home treatment is sufficient. Multiple stings or an allergic reaction, on the other hand, may be an emergency that requires urgent treatment.
When stinging the bee, it releases a mask in the skin. It is better to remove the gutter by gentle scratching or scraping rather than pulling the tweezers. Tingling with tweezers can lead to an additional poison in the body.
Wash the area with water and mild soap. Then apply cold coats or ice that will help relieve pain and reduce swelling. You can also put a dice on the place of the sting.
In moderate reactions, the procedure is the same, but a lotion is recommended to alleviate redness, itching and swelling of the area where the stings were formed. For treatment, creams that are a combination of antihistamines, analgesics and corticosteroids are used. Individuals who are allergic to stinging bees or axes should always carry accessories with antihistamine tablets and a prepared adrenaline syringe that stops anaphylactic reactions.
Bee – Importance and Symbolism
The bee (presumably onomatopoeic and taboo word, which should prevent the animal from being expelled by naming its correct name) is one of the gregarious hymenopterans. They are flower visitors with collecting apparatus of hair and bristle combs for pollen and nectar; they run brood care in sheltered nests with brood cells.
The honey is produced from flower-juice (nectar) in the honey-stomach of the working-bees, the wax, with which they build up the brood-cells, in leaflets form glands of the ventral side (the wax-mirrors). In addition, the bees collect pollen (pollen), which is processed into food pulp for the larvae. Larvae are raised to queens by feeding with royal jelly; The old queen flies with a part of the people (swarm) and founds a new people. Through dance-like flight movements, they indicate the source of food to their conspecifics in the hive.
Information: The bee was already valued and protected in early cultures – not only because of its honey. Despite their sting they are z. B. sung in children’s songs (“buzz, summ, buzz, bee flying around”). The buzzing and prancing bees are a part of spring and early summer, and their absence during flowering has an impact on the fertility of plants.
Interpretation: By the apparent dying in the winter the bee symbolizes death and resurrection, by proximity to the divine immortality: Zeus was nourished by bees as an infant, her honey is an offering. Bees are under the protection of Artemis, Demeter and Persephone, and are considered to be heavenly messengers who bring to man celestial gifts such as prophecy or guidance, but also carry messages to the spirit world.
The tradition of the ancient idea that the bees do not give birth to their brood, but collect from the flowers, let the Christians see the bee as a symbol of virginity (bee basket on images of Mary). The bee is also found as an emblem of government and heraldic animal (Napoleon).
Therefore, being sting by a bee can only be seen as a symbol of good luck, since this creature was seen as holy in many cultures. Unless, of course, you are allergic to bees in which case this can’t be good luck at all. in this case, run to the doctor as fast as you can.