Vomiting is an unpleasant experience, which usually happens because of some sort of sickness. Sometimes we vomit because we’ve eaten some rotten food and the body reacts with vomiting in order to purge itself.
In a dream, vomiting can also signify getting rid of something poisoning us. Sometimes, this dream can represent getting rid of some situation in life which is poisoning us, like a toxic relationship.
Dreams about vomiting are usually a sign of dissatisfaction. Sometimes these dreams indicate some exaggerations in real life. Maybe you’ve been overindulging in some areas of your life lately.
Vomiting can also symbolize worrying and sometimes it can represent some embarrassing events.
A dream about vomiting can signify the need to let go of something. Maybe you need to let go of control over something or release some old memories that have been blocking you.
The meaning of the dream about vomiting sometimes differs depending on the color of vomit.
For example, black or orange color reveals feelings of vulnerability. Green vomit might be signifying lack of control. Red may be signifying violence. Yellow colored vomit might be indicating involvement in somebody’s life problems. Blue might be a sign of guilty feelings or innocence.
Dreams about vomiting might also be representing your rejection of certain feelings, ideas and beliefs. This dream might be signifying your change of view about some negative situations in your life, such as toxic relationships. It might also signify changes of negative patterns of thinking.
Sometimes a dream about vomiting might reveal your desire for changes in your life. Maybe you’ve had enough of an unsatisfying relationship or a situation in your life and you just want out.
Maybe you don’t feel good in some situations anymore or you need to change your behavior or lifestyle in a certain way.
Dreams About Vomiting – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about vomiting. If you were vomiting in a dream, such a dream might be a sign of purging yourself from some negative energy. Maybe you’ve removed yourself from a toxic relationship recently and you are going through a tough period.
If you vomited because you drank or ate too much in your dream, that might be a sign of overindulgence in some areas of your life. This dream might also signify abundance.
Sometimes this dream might indicate your health is deteriorating as a result of stress you have undergone lately or some unhealthy habits you have. Maybe this dream is reminding you to start taking care of yourself.
This dream might also signify arguments and conflicts.
Dreaming about not being able to stop vomiting. If you dreamed about not being able to stop vomiting, such a dream might be revealing your unstoppable desire to achieve more in life.
This dream might also be a sign of some changes or transition in your life.
If you were feeling thirsty after vomiting, that might be a sign of finishing all your duties in time.
Dreaming about trying to prevent vomiting. If you tried to prevent yourself from vomiting in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of your attempts to hold on to some negative patterns, feelings and beliefs which no longer serve you.
Maybe this dream reveals your fears about rejecting something in public and being embarrassed in front of others for doing that.
Maybe you only enjoy talking about a rejection, which you actually don’t want.
Dreaming about someone vomiting. If you saw someone vomiting in your dream, that might be a sign of someone insulting or accusing you in real life. Maybe a colleague or someone you consider a close friend will try to set you up, but their intentions will be revealed in time to prevent the consequences.
Dreaming about someone you don’t know vomiting. If some unknown person vomited in your dream, such a dream might be a forewarning of an unpleasant meeting with someone you don’t like. Maybe this person will do something to annoy you.
This dream might also reveal your desire to get rid of some big problem you have in life.
Dreaming about someone important vomiting. If someone who’s important to you vomited in your dream, such a dream might be foretelling disappointments and unpleasant news in the near future. Maybe you’ll hear something bad about someone close to you. Vomiting is a symbolic reaction to such news.
Dreaming about seeing vomit. If you saw vomit in your dream, such a dream might be revealing your sexual preferences, which actually disgust you.
Dreaming about cleaning vomit. If you cleaned vomit in a dream, such a dream might reveal your caring nature. This dream is a reminder not to allow others to take advantage of you, using your kindness.
This dream usually has a positive meaning and indicates good things in the near future. You might even gain wealth as a result of your hard work. If you clean the vomit completely in your dream, that might signify some talents you have and aren’t aware of.
If you cleaned your own vomit, such a dream might be a sign you’ll accomplish everything you want when the timing is right.
If you cleaned someone’s vomit, that might signify gains through your own efforts.
Dreaming about a child vomiting. If you had such a dream, it might reveal your desire to get away from some difficult situation. Maybe you need to get away from a job that has been exhausting you or a bad relationship.
Dreaming about a baby vomiting. If you dreamed about your baby vomiting, such a dream might indicate some new beginnings in your life. Sometimes, this dream might be an indication of feeling burdened with something.
Dreaming about your child vomiting. If you saw your child vomit in your dream, such a dream might signify some new beginnings or something new in your life, usually work related.
Dreaming about vomiting blood. This dream is a very disturbing experience. Maybe it is a serious warning of your health deteriorating. It might be foretelling illness and a long recovery.
Sometimes this dream might reveal your feelings of vulnerability.
This dream might also reveal you being worried about something.
Dreaming about vomiting white vomit. If you vomited white vomit in a dream, such a dream might be a sign of peace and joy in the near future.
Dreaming about several people vomiting. If more than one person vomited in your dream that might signify some bad things happening in the near future. You should be careful not to be betrayed by some people you trust.
This dream might be revealing someone is trying to prevent you from achieving something.
Dreaming about taking remedy for vomiting. If you or someone else took a remedy to stop vomiting in your dream, that dream is a good sign foretelling the end of difficulties and problems. Some new opportunities await you.
Dreaming about being disgusted and vomiting. If you were disgusted and vomited because of that in your dream, such a dream might be foretelling some tough times coming. You might be overwhelmed with some responsibilities you won’t be able to fulfill without someone’s help.
Dreaming about a group of people vomiting. If you saw many people vomiting at the same time in your dream, such a dream might reveal your desire to get rid of some negative feelings you’ve been harboring for a long time.
Dreaming about seeing vomit everywhere. If you saw vomit all around you in your dream, such a dream might signify your rejection of other people’s beliefs, feelings and ideas. Maybe you will need to change your ideas and beliefs about your life.
Dreaming about someone being drunk and vomiting. If you saw someone being drunk and vomiting in your dream, such a dream might indicate you will be accused of something in the near future. Maybe you are surrounded by fake friends, so be careful about that.