Dreams About Tornadoes – Meaning and Interpretation

Tornadoes are destructive natural phenomena, occurring almost anywhere in the world, except Antarctica. They are especially common in one part of the United States, called the Tornado Alley, but there are other parts of the world where active tornado regions have been discovered.

Tornado approaching is a scary sight. It provokes feelings of disbelief, you can’t believe that it’s actually happening, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it, only wait to see what will happen.

Everything about a tornado is uncertain and unpredictable, from its appearance to the aftermath of its effects.

Tornadoes in dreams bring very powerful messages from our subconscious. They are usually a sign that foretell danger. They might also signify some destructive external or internal forces that will possibly turn our life upside down.

Tornado in a dream might also be symbols of anger, emotional shifts, increased stress, mood swings, endings, break – ups, changes, repressed feelings coming to the surface, destruction of old and start of something new.

Tornadoes leave disaster behind. They randomly take away lives and property. Everyone can fall victim to these unexpected forces of nature. Tornadoes in dreams might be suggesting some heavy emotional disturbance you’ve been going through for some time.

Maybe it’s been caused by outside factors, but it may also be a symbol of your self – destructing behavior and attitude.

Sometimes a tornado might signify quick and sudden unforeseen changes of your life path. The changes might be work related, or regarding a relationship, or maybe your personality.

Sometimes seeing one in a dream might signify extreme outbursts of temper and emotional drama. Maybe such a dream is a sign of being out of control and overwhelmed because of something or someone.

Tornadoes cannot be stopped and controlled, so when you dream about tornadoes, whatever you might be currently experiencing or will experience in the near future, you have to be aware that the circumstances cannot be changed and there’s nothing you can do but adapt and try to confront your emotions and the issues that have been disturbing you.

Tornadoes in dreams might symbolize sudden arguments and conflicts, which can even lead to temper and anger outbursts making you upset.

Maybe you are currently experiencing some difficulties in your relationship that makes you feel tense. This dream might also signify violent break ups.

Seeing a tornado in a dream might signify some actions which may ruin you or someone else, so this dream might be considered a warning to think twice before making any decisions.

These dreams don’t always have a bad meaning. Sometimes they just signify sudden, but good changes that come into our lives so that some space can be made for some new things and people.

Dreams About Tornadoes – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about being caught in a tornado. If you were caught in a tornado in your dream, such a dream might signify your inability to control your emotions. Maybe your emotions have gotten a hold on you and all of your actions.

Dreaming about surviving a tornado. If you have survived a tornado in your dream, such dream has probably a very good meaning. It might signify overcoming something very bad and starting all over. Maybe you’ve been able to overcome some painful emotions or memories, and you are now ready to move on with your life.


Dreams of surviving a tornado undamaged may be a sign that the difficulties you are currently in are only temporary and you will go out of them as a better and a happier person.

Dreaming about tornado getting closer. If you observed a tornado approaching you in a dream, such dream is not a good sign, and might be revealing your concern about a friend, currently experiencing a lot of problems in his life.

Dreaming about being witness to a tornado. If you’ve witnessed a tornado in a dream, such a dream might be a signifying the failure of your plans, which will be a great disappointment to you.

Dreaming about watching a tornado from some safe place. If you were dreaming about watching a tornado from some safe place, such a dream might signify beginning of your engagement on a difficult project which no one wants.

This dream might also be revealing your feelings about somebody challenging your security in some way.
Dreaming about successfully resisting a tornado.

If you were able to resist a tornado in your dream, such dream is a good sign and symbolizes your ability to express openly what you feel about some people who obstruct and annoy you, which is something they will respect.

This dream can also be a sign of financial gains in the near future.

Dreaming about trying to escape a tornado. If you tried to escape a tornado in your dream, such a dream might signify success in confronting people who are somehow standing in your way or they are undermining your attempts to achieve something.

Dreaming about trying to hide from a tornado. If you tried to hide from a tornado in your dream, such a dream might signify your ability to stay calm and even calm others around you in stressful and unexpected situations.

Dreaming about being lifted by a tornado. If a tornado lifted you off the ground in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of developing intense and passionate romantic feelings towards someone.

Dreaming about a tornado devastating your house. If a tornado destroyed your house in a dream, such a dream might be signifying your attempts to change your life for the better.

Maybe you have changed your job, or you are looking for a new one, or you are maybe planning to buy a new apartment, or doing some similar improvements.

Dreaming about a loud roaring tornado. If you witnessed a roaring tornado in your dream, that might be a bad sign. Maybe this dream foretells unfortunate events with grave consequences in the near future, which will make you desperate.

Dreaming about being killed by a tornado. If you were killed by a tornado in your dream, such dream is not a good sign. This dream might be signifying the decline of your health and a difficult recovery from that illness.

Dreaming about being afraid of a tornado. If you were afraid of a tornado in your dream, such a dream might be revealing that you’ve been occupied with something from your past.

This dream might also be a sign of your inability to calmly react in stressful situations, instead reacting with fear and panic.

Dreaming about talking to some people affected by a tornado. If you talked to people affected by the devastating effects of a tornado, such dream might be a message to start occupying yourself with other people’s problems, instead of focusing solely upon yourself.

Dreaming about tornado passing by you. If a tornado only passed by you in your dream, without doing you or your property any harm, such a dream is a good sign foretelling a possibility of meeting a person who will influence your life in an unexpected, but good way.

Dreaming about the consequences of a tornado. If in your dream you saw the devastation tornado has left behind, such dream might be signifying your ability to face any bad situation and deal with its consequences.

Dreaming about someone you know suffering damage from a tornado. If you dreamed about someone who was a victim of a tornado and suffered a lot of damage to his property, such a dream is not a good sign. You might be meeting some people soon who will turn out to be a cause of distress for you, although you might not see that at first.

Dreaming about someone you know being swallowed by a tornado. If someone you know was swallowed by a tornado in your dream, such a dream might be an indication that some people close to you, like your partner, a friend or a family member, hide their true feelings or emotions about something in fear of being misunderstood or reproached by you.

Dreaming a tornado on your neighbor’s house. If a tornado landed on your neighbor’s house in your dream, such dream is a good omen indicating nice things and positive changes coming into your life.

This dream might also be a sign of lots of travel in the near future, for business or pleasure reasons.

Dreaming about more than one tornado. If you saw several tornadoes in your dream, maybe even merging together, such a dream might be signifying some people from your surroundings which have frequent mood swings and outbursts of violence.

This dream can also be a sign of an explosive and tense relationship or situation. This dream might also signify some major changes in your life.

Dreaming about a tornado accompanied by a storm. If you dreamed about a heavy storm and a tornado, such dream is a bad sign and might be signifying sadness and sorrow in the near future.

This dream might also be foretelling a meeting with a very violent person in the near future.

Dreaming about someone warning you of a tornado approaching. If someone had warned you in your dream that a tornado is approaching, such a dream is not a good sign, and might be foretelling tough times coming, but you won’t be able to prepare for the consequences.

Maybe this dream is a sign of a break up in a relationship, or getting fired from a job, or something similar.

Dreaming about finding yourself in the center of a tornado or tornadoes. If you found yourself in the center of a tornado in your dream, such a dream might be revealing your feelings of being annoyed by some disorganized people from your surroundings.

Probably you won’t be able to fulfill your plans and will face a lot of obstacles along the way. This dream is a message to try to isolate from those destructive influences and try to make the most of the situation.

Dreaming about being chased by a tornado or running away from it. If you were chased by a tornado in your dream, such a dream might be a sign that someone is being aggressive towards you in your real life. Regardless of the motives of this person, it is advisable to try to avoid him or her as much as possible, and if not, try not to react to his or her provocations and keep calm.

Dreaming about a black or dark tornado. If you saw a black tornado in your dream, such dream is not a good sign and might be foretelling some unfortunate situations which will cause you a lot of stress.

Sometimes this dream is a sign of depressive thoughts in the near future.

If a black tornado swept away someone you know this can sometimes be an omen of death.

Dreaming about a red tornado. If you saw a red tornado in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of desire and passion in a relationship turning into violence and destruction. Maybe this dream is a sign of an unpredictable and also destructive relationship which might destroy you.

Dreaming about trying to chase a tornado. If you tried to chase a tornado in your dream, such a dream might signify that someone in your life is trying to control you.

Dreaming about seeing a tornado from a car. If you drove a car in your dream when you suddenly saw a tornado, such a dream might be an indication of you trying to avoid something in your life.
