Tigers are fearsome animals. In dreams, they might have both good and bad meanings. They can symbolize unpredictable events and changes, as well as uncertain circumstances in your life.
They indicate raw power and emotions. They are also a symbol of sexuality. Tigers are also a sign of vitality and good health.
Tigers also indicate unpredictable and aggressive behavior and uncontrollable urges. This dream might reveal having some vices and bad habits you cannot control nor get rid of.
A tiger is a symbol of persistence as well. It warns you now it’s not the time for changes, and about the need to have patience in order to achieve your goals.
It also reminds you to carefully plan your next move in some situation. It is also a call to take action and stop procrastinating.
A dream about a tiger can also signify danger around you. Maybe it indicates being anxious about something.
Maybe you are waiting for something to happen and fear that event, creating possible outcomes in your head.
These dreams can sometimes indicate something you fear and doing all you can, to avoid it. They might also indicate having some naive fears.
It might indicate worrying about things which might never happen. This dream might be a warning to relax a bit and let go of your fears.
Sometimes it might indicate your fears of something bad possibly happening to you, because of something you did in the past.
In some cases a dream about a tiger might indicate using other people’s fears and misconceptions for your own good. A tiger might also indicate having authority over others and others fearing to confront you.
Sometimes these dreams might indicate some misconception you have about someone or something. Maybe you are avoiding something or running away from something, because you have some wrong beliefs about it.
Sometimes they might indicate being scared of rumors. Maybe you assume something is a threat, although you don’t know that for sure. Maybe you don’t even want to consider confronting a certain problem or an issue, because you fear it’s too dangerous.
Dreams about tigers might remind you to be more responsible and take on more responsibilities.
If the tiger didn’t bother you in the dream, such dream usually indicates currently being at the right place in your life.
Dreams About Tigers – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about you being a tiger. If you dreamed about being a tiger, such dream might indicate conflicts and disputes with your bosses at work. Maybe they are too demanding in regards to you, and even asking you to work beyond your limits to finish some tasks.
Dreaming about seeing a tiger from a distance. If you saw a tiger from a distance in your dream, such dream is usually a good sign. This dream might indicate having more than enough energy for your daily endeavors.
Dreaming about having a close encounter with a tiger. If you dreamed about encountering a live tiger, such dream is usually not a good sign, possibly indicating some negativity entering your life soon.
Maybe some influential people will try to stand in the way of your success.
This dream should be considered as a warning.
Dreaming about looking at a tiger. If you dreamed about looking at a tiger, such dream might indicate negotiating or making a compromise with your superiors about something.
Dreaming about a tiger looking at you. If you dreamed about a tiger standing still and looking at you, such dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating danger or threat appearing out of nowhere.
Dreaming about a tiger roaring. If you heard a tiger roaring in your dream, such dream might indicate the obligations and responsibilities you need to fulfill in order to achieve some success and move forward.
Dreaming about being attacked by a tiger. If you were attacked by a tiger in your dream, such dream is usually a bad sign. This dream might signify some negativity coming into your life, through some events and circumstances which might disappoint you and even make you desperate.
If you managed to free yourself from the tiger, such dream is a sign of overcoming those challenges successfully.
This dream might also indicate encountering a lot of problems in life.
It often indicates having some powerful rivals or enemies.
Dreaming about being chased by a tiger. If you dreamed about being chased by a tiger, such dream might indicate refusing to acknowledge some aspect of your personality.
Dreaming about a tiger walking towards you. If you dreamed about a tiger slowly approaching you, such dream is usually a warning.
This dream might indicate the need to prepare yourself for possible attacks from your enemies or rivals, who might try to prevent you from achieving the success of your goals.
Dreaming about a tiger running away. If you dreamed about a tiger running away after seeing you, such dream is a good sign, indicating a possibility of defeating your enemies.
Dreaming about a tiger in a cage. If you dreamed about a tiger in a cage, such dream is usually a good sign, indicating success in achieving your goals and defeating your rivals at the same time.
Dreaming about a friendly tiger. If you dreamed about a tiger which acted friendly towards you or others, such dream might indicate some situation which puts an end to your fears.
Sometimes this dream might indicate your power over other people.
Dreaming about a tiger acting unpredictably. If you dreamed about a tiger which behaved unpredictably, such dream might indicate not being able to control some areas of your life.
It might also indicate having emotional or financial problems.
Dreaming about an agitated tiger. If you dreamed about confronting an extremely agitated tiger, such dream might indicate some unexpected conflicts in the near future. Maybe you will be assaulted by someone who usually doesn’t behave in such manner.
Dreaming about an aggressive tiger. If you dreamed about an aggressive tiger, such dream is usually a warning. This dream might indicate conflicts with your superiors or being reproached or punished by your superiors for some reason.
Dreaming about a tiger resting. If you observed a tiger resting, such dream is usually a good sign, indicating a peaceful period approaching in your life.
It might indicate stability and calmness, both at your work and home.
This dream also indicates being able to deal with your current problems.
If the tiger woke up in your dream, that is not a good sign, possibly indicating conflicts and quarrels or some new obstacles and challenges emerging in your life.
Dreaming about fighting with a tiger. If you dreamed about fighting with a tiger, such dream can both have a good and a bad meaning.
If you were the one victorious in the battle, such dream is a good sign and indicates success.
If, on the other hand, you lost the battle with the tiger, such dream might be a sign of failure in the near future.
Dreaming about hunting a tiger. If you dreamed about hunting a tiger, such dream is a good sign, possibly indicating a tempting job offer you might receive in the upcoming days.
This dream can also indicate struggling with some current problems at work or in your private life.
If you successfully caught a tiger, you will have success in dealing with your problems.
If you didn’t manage to catch the tiger, your dream probably indicates your success will be postponed for some reason.
Dreaming about shooting a tiger. If you dreamed about shooting a tiger, such dream is a very good sign, indicating you will achieve some of your desires.
Dreaming about killing a tiger. If you killed a tiger in your dream, such dream is usually a good sign.
This dream might indicate gaining control over some aspect of yourself, you previously couldn’t control.
This dream might also indicate feeling powerful. You are probably very confident in your abilities to achieve whatever you imagine. Someone might be jealous of you, because of your success and confidence.
In some cases this dream indicates the increase of your wealth, due to some unexpected fortunate set of events, happening in the near future.
Dreaming about a dead tiger. If you dreamed about a dead tiger, such dream can be a bad sign. This dream might indicate the accumulation of some hidden danger, possibly affecting you when you least expect it.
Dreaming about a tiger trying to enter your house. If you saw a tiger trying to enter your house, such dream is usually a good sign.
This dream might indicate some good events at your work. You might get a promotion or you might begin some new ventures, which will prove to be very beneficial.
Dreaming about a tiger skin. If you saw tiger skin in your dream, such dream can be a sign of pleasures you might indulge yourself in, in the upcoming days.
Dreaming about stroking tiger’s fur. If you dreamed about stroking tiger’s fur, such dream might represent your nature. You probably do all you can to please others, especially your superiors.
Dreaming about a tiger catching its prey. If you dreamed about observing a tiger catching its prey, such dream is usually a good sign.
This dream might indicate being respected by your superiors for your diligent work and efforts.
It might even indicate receiving a promotion for your commitment and devotion.
Dreaming about a white tiger. If you saw a white tiger in your dream, such dream is a very good omen.
This dream might indicate having a powerful protector in life.
Maybe it represents a good friend of yours, who is always ready to help you.
In some cases, this dream might indicate making an important decision, after conquering your inner doubts.
Dreaming about a red tiger. If you saw a red tiger in your dream, such dream is usually a bad sign.
This dream might warn you of some danger or a threatening situation you might soon encounter.
Consider this dream a warning, and be careful in the upcoming days.
Dreaming about a tigress protecting her baby tigers. If you dreamed about a tiger mom, protecting her babies, such dream usually indicates your protectiveness towards your family, especially your children. You probably do all you can, to make sure they and taken care of and safe.
Maybe this dream reminds you to let go a bit, and stop trying to control everyone around you, regardless of the best intentions you have in mind when doing so.