Dreams about swimming are frequent dreams.
They might indicate your abilities to make your life wonderful.
Water in dreams is a symbol of subconscious feelings and emotions.
Maybe your dream about swimming is a sign of trying to manage some emotions and feelings, which are not comfortable for you.
If you enjoyed swimming in a dream, such a dream is a sign of feeling loved or secure in your life. Maybe you are trying to overcome some problems the most effective way.
Seeing yourself swimming in a dream also denotes some good times coming ahead.
Dreams About Swimming – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about swimming. If you dreamed about swimming towards some destination, such a dream might be a good sign. It might indicate a financial reward for the success of some of your projects.
Dreaming about swimming against the current. If you dreamed about swimming against the current, such a dream is a bad sign. This dream might indicate difficulties in achieving some important goal.
You will probably encounter many obstacles on the way, but fortunately you will be able to successfully accomplish what you desire. Sometimes this dream might indicate being worried about the future.
Maybe you need some cleansing and relaxing time, so you could deal with your problems better.
Dreaming about swimming with the current. If you dreamed about swimming along with the current, such a dream symbolizes your emotional personality. You probably express your emotions freely.
This dream might indicate a period when you will allow yourself to be led by your feelings and emotions.
Dreaming about swimming without effort. If you dreamed about swimming without effort, such a dream might be a sign of your success in the upcoming days. You will probably finish some long awaited project, or activity.
Dreaming about swimming in cold water. If you dreamed about swimming in cold water, such a dream might indicate some important event which might happen in your life, and help you avoid some possibly dangerous situation.
Dreaming about swimming in the river. If you dreamed about swimming in a river, such a dream might be a sign of being madly in love with someone. Maybe you feel so overwhelmed by your emotions, you forget about your basic responsibilities.
You should come to grips with yourself and start living normally again. You have some other priorities in life besides your love life.
Dreaming about swimming in a murky river. If you dreamed about swimming in a murky river, such a dream might be a sign of warning to protect yourself in order to prevent some illness in the near future.
Dreaming about swimming in murky water. If you dreamed about swimming in murky water, such a dream is a negative sign and might foretell receiving some bad news soon, maybe even while on some trip.
Dreaming about swimming with animals. If you dreamed about swimming with some animals, like whales or dolphins, such a dream might indicate some changes in your life.
It might also signify a lot of energy you currently possess.
Sometimes it is a sign to start paying more attention to other people’s needs, not just your own.
Dreaming about swimming backwards. If you were swimming backwards in a dream, such a dream might indicate some illusions you have. Maybe you are deceiving yourself about being closer to achieving some goal, than you actually are.
Dreaming about swimming under water. If you were swimming under water in a dream, such a dream might indicate problems in dealing with some emotional issues. Sometimes it might indicate your desire to begin a new relationship or some project.
This dream might also indicate some uncertainty. Maybe you have some doubts and hesitations about deciding something very important.
Dreaming about struggling to swim. If you struggled, swimming in a dream, such a dream might indicate going through some difficulties soon, regarding some task or project you recently finished. You might really get disappointed about something.
Dreaming about swimming with someone. If you dreamed about swimming with someone, such a dream is a very good sign. This dream might indicate you have very trustworthy friends.
Dreaming about swimming and drowning. If you dreamed you were swimming and suddenly started to drown, such a dream might indicate some difficulties which you cannot overcome. Because of that, you won’t be able to finish some task you are currently engaged in.
Dreaming about not being able to reach the shore swimming. If you dreamed about swimming, but not being able to reach the shore, such a dream might be a sign of delays. Maybe you will encounter some temporary obstacles, which might postpone the achievement of some goals.
Nevertheless, you will successfully finish everything you planned, after the delay is over.
Dreaming about swimming and reaching the shore. If you dreamed about swimming and reaching the shore, such a dream is a sign of successfully completing all projects and goals you have been working on for some time.
Dreaming about swimming without clothes. If you dreamed about swimming naked, such a dream might indicate your high self – confidence. You probably have full trust in yourself and your abilities to find a solution to every situation or a problem you come across.
You probably feel in charge of your life and feel you have full control over the good things happening to you.
For women, such a dream might not always be a good sign and might signify committing adultery, which might cost them a lot.
Dreaming about swimming with clothes on. If you dreamed about swimming fully dressed, such a dream might be a sign of your need, to rely on other people and their protection. Maybe you currently need such support, because you are undergoing some difficult period.
Dreaming about watching other people swim. If you were watching others swimming in a dream, such a dream might indicate being overwhelmed with work. You probably don’t have time for a break, but that is currently the only way to meet your strict deadlines.
Dreaming about swimming away from someone. If you dreamed about swimming away from someone, such a dream might signify your desire to escape some unpleasant situation in your life.
Dreaming about swimming towards someone. If you dreamed about swimming towards someone, such a dream is a sign of your desire to achieve some goals. Sometimes this dream reveals your sexual attraction towards someone.
Dreaming about swimming in the sea. If you dreamed about swimming in the sea, such a dream might be sign of successfully achieving some long term goals. Sometimes this dream indicates an improvement of your financial situation.
If the sea was raging, and the waves were big while you were swimming, such a dream might signify your current life situation, which is full of drama and difficulties.
If the sea was calm, such a dream might indicate worsening your relationship with some family members, due to some minor misunderstanding, so you should try to prevent that from happening.
Dreaming about swimming and floating in water. If you dreamed about swimming and floating in the water, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating some bad situation might improve soon.
Dreaming about swimming in a swimming pool. Swimming pools in dreams are a symbol of renewal of your inner thoughts. They signify the need to reconnect with your subconscious.
Swimming in a swimming pool in your dream, might indicate the need to relax from the everyday pressures. You need to find time to recuperate.
If you dreamed about swimming in a peaceful swimming pool, such a dream might indicate a calm period of your life ahead.
Dreaming in a dirty swimming pool, might be a sign of burdensome situations or problems in the near future.
If the conditions in the swimming pool were poor, such a dream might forewarn some difficult problems in the near future.
If there was rubbish in the swimming pool where you were swimming, such a dream might indicate being annoyed by a friend soon.