Dreams about storms are usually a bad omen, indicating sadness and depression, or conflict. The meaning of this dream depends also on the overall feeling you had during the dream; were you sad or frightened, or were you happy, regardless of the awful weather.
It’s also important where you were when you encountered the storm; were you inside or outside, did you observe it from a distance, or you were in its epicenter, etc.
The intensity of the storm is also important. If it was only a mild storm, it might indicate some minor issues or bad mood passing quickly. If you dreamed about a raging storm, it might indicate your repressed rage, or your anger being released.
It might also indicate conflicts and turmoil in your life in the near future.
If there was a lightning as well, such a dream might signify something shocking or some sudden insight or enlightenment about something. A thunder, accompanying a storm, might bring your attention to something important.
Dreams about storms might indicate some turbulent situations in your life. Maybe you are experiencing rage and anger outbursts, and severe turmoil. Maybe you are very upset about something, or someone close to you, is. Sometimes this dream signifies a chaotic situation you are in.
It might be a result of your expectations of failure happening in your life.
Storms may also signify progress, or rapid changes, or heading towards success without looking back. They can also signify turbulent feelings, such as, rage and anger. Storms can also forewarn some danger and difficulties ahead.
This dream might signify some important relationship entering your life soon. It can also indicate some challenges ahead. Maybe it indicates some important event which will affect you, but your family as well. It is likely the event will be fortunate in nature.
This dream is usually a warning and might signify some situation you might find yourself in, which might put you and someone close to you in danger, or which might ruin you.
Sometimes this dream signifies your mental state. You might be experiencing feelings of depression and despair.
Dreams About Storms – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about expecting a storm. If you dreamed you were expecting a storm to begin, such a dream might signify your feelings about some potential argument or a conflict. Maybe you need to say something unpleasant to someone, and you are expecting a nasty reaction from that person, and maybe even an argument with her. This dream might signify your anticipation of trouble.
Dreaming about a storm approaching. If you dreamed about a storm approaching from a distance, this dream might not be a good sign. It might signify some issues with your health.
It the storm stopped before it reached you, it is a sign your illness might be a short – term one, without lasting effects.
Dreaming about seeing a storm. If you dreamed about seeing a storm, such a dream might signify some losses, struggle, shocks and similar unexpected and disastrous circumstances.
This dream might also indicate repressed fears and repressed emotions, like anger or rage.
Sometimes this dream indicates the development of your spirituality.
It might also be a sign of fast changes happening in your life soon.
Dreaming about being caught in a storm. If you dreamed about finding yourself in a storm, such a dream might signify some obstacles and difficulties related to your work or business.
This dream might also indicate missing a good opportunity, due to some unexpected unfortunate circumstances.
Dreaming about someone being caught in a storm. If you dreamed about seeing someone being caught in a storm, such a dream might signify the pain and suffering that person is going through, as well as the possibility of you being the person who can help her go through.
Dreaming about taking cover from a storm. If you dreamed about taking cover from a storm, such a dream might indicate being patient during an unpleasant or chaotic situation.
Maybe this dream signifies waiting for someone’s anger and rage to calm.
This dream might also signify some problems and difficulties in your life, passing quickly.
It might also signify your ability to overcome whatever obstacle coming your way.
Dreaming about being trapped by a storm. If you dreamed about being trapped by a storm, somewhere on land or on the sea, such a dream might signify some minor concerns you can easily overcome.
Dreaming about surviving a storm. If you dreamed about surviving a storm, such a dream is a good sign, indicating some advancement in the near future.
Dreaming about a moving storm. If you observed a storm moving quickly, such a dream is a good sign, indicating you are determinately heading towards achieving some goal.
Dreaming about being caught in the center of a storm. If you dreamed about being caught in the center of a storm, such a dream indicates you are taking control over your life.
Sometimes this dream indicates letting someone control you.
This dream might also signify something in your life you are not satisfied with. Maybe you are not satisfied with your current love life, but there’s no indication of changes soon.
This dream might also be a warning of a serious health issue you might be affected by, and not being aware of that, so it’s advisable to have a medical checkup after you’ve had such a dream.
Dreaming about seeing a storm from a distance. If you observed a storm from a distance in a dream, such a dream signifies something being a danger to some part of your life, like your job or your romantic relationship.
This dream might also signify having some serious issues with your coworkers or friends, which might cause you severe consequences.
It might also indicate some fortunate opportunity for your advancement.
Dreaming about people dying in a storm. If you dreamed about people dying in a storm rage, such a dream might not be a good sign. This dream might indicate someone close to you might be seriously ill, with the condition slowly worsening to the point of that person passing away.
Dreaming about your house being destroyed by a storm. If you dreamed about your house being damaged or completely destroyed by a storm, such a dream might signify currently encountering a lot of problems and unfortunate events. Maybe you are left to deal with this situation all alone, because all of your friends have their own problems to deal with.
This dream might also indicate frustration, dissatisfaction or boredom.
For rich people, it may foretell big losses, but for poor people, it might indicate some unexpected income.
Dreaming about an aftermath of a storm. If you dreamed about observing the aftermath of a storm which you survived, such a dream is a good sign. This dream might signify improvement of your life in the future, with no obstacles standing in your way to success.
Dreaming about a flock of birds caught in a storm. If you dreamed about seeing a flock of birds caught in a storm, such a dream might signify making some irrational decisions in the near future.
Maybe you are experiencing a lot of negative changes, and you are expecting more troubles ahead.
Maybe this dream indicates being anxious and scared about the future.