Snow is a symbol of cold and coldness. It is also a symbol of purity and attractiveness.
Snow is made of frozen water. Water symbolizes emotions, so this dream can be related to your feelings, indicating you might be repressing them. It might also signify the need to express your emotions more.
These dreams can also be related to cleanness and clarity. They can indicate fresh starts and new beginnings. Such dreams might indicate something in your life which is about to take shape.
Dreams about snow sometimes indicate changes in your love life. These dreams might also signify resolving problems.
Snow can represent some cold and distant personality in your life. Sometimes snow in a dream might signify getting old.
Dreams about snow sports may signify your desire for relaxation.
Dreams About Snow – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about snow in general. If you dreamed about being surrounded by snow or seeing snow, such a dream signify not paying much attention to the struggles of the people around you. Maybe you will have a dilemma whether to help someone or not, with the risk of being considered insensitive.
Dreaming about dirty snow. If you saw dirty snow in a dream, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating emotional confusion, anxiety, stress, fear of failure or rejection.
Dirty snow can also be a sign of your humble nature, always ready to make the first move towards reconciliation.
Dreaming about white and clean snow. If you dreamed about watching a pure white snow, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate grave health problems. Maybe it indicates getting seriously ill.
A dream about clean snow might also signify your strength, passivity, stagnation, or waiting for something.
Dreaming about walking on snow. If you walked on snow in your dream, such a dream might signify some good things coming into your life soon. This dream might signify a new fabulous job, going on a dream journey, new and exciting business venture, etc. It is a sign of various pleasurable opportunities, which will make you happy.
Dreaming about struggling while walking through the snow. If you dreamed about walking with difficulties through snow, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating distress in the near future.
Dreaming about being caught in a snowstorm. If you were caught in a snowstorm in your dream, such a dream might indicate being depressed and emotionally distressed. Maybe you cannot accept some things or situations in your life, which cannot be changed.
It’s important to confront those issues, otherwise you might get stuck in the past, and that is wrong, because you won’t be able to progress in life and accomplish anything.
Dreaming about being lost in the snow. If dreamed about being lost in a heavy snow in the middle of nowhere, such a dream might indicate a period of professional and personal difficulties, caused by your irrational decisions and miscalculations in the past.
Dreaming about snowflakes. If you saw snowflakes in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating unhappiness and sorrow ahead.
Dreaming about observing beautiful fluffy snow falling. If you dreamed about looking at the snow falling on the ground, such a dream is not a good sign, and might signify sadness and separation in the near future. You might be left out in the cold by your spouse or partner, because you don’t have any means to support your family.
Maybe you lost your job or some other thing happened which ruined your financial stability.
Dreaming about snow slowly falling. If you observed snow slowly falling in your dream, such a dream might not be a good sign, indicating sadness coming into your life, for some reason. Maybe you will be disappointed by a relationship, or a failed project you’ve been working on. Maybe you will even end up depressed and isolated because of that.
Dreaming about snow falling in big flakes. If you observed snow falling in big flakes in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign and indicates bad luck, depression, discontentment or regret.
Dreaming about a snow covered landscape. If you observed a beautiful snow covered landscape in your dream, such a dream might signify the end of a period of misfortune and bad luck in your life. Maybe this dream signifies the start of improvement and prosperity.
Dreaming about snow on the mountaintops. If you dreamed about snow on mountaintops, such a dream might symbolize your great ambition. Maybe you have some big goals, you are hoping to achieve, but unfortunately, this dream is usually a sign of disappointment and failure of your goals.
Dreaming about throwing snowballs at someone. If you dreamed about throwing snowballs at someone, such a dream might warn you about being cautious in regards to financial matters with your family members. Maybe someone will try to deceive you or trick you, to get a bigger piece of the cake. You should be careful, in order to avoid such scenario.
Dreaming about falling into the snow. If you dreamed about falling into the snow, such a dream might signify temporary difficulties in your career, or with some project you are currently working on.
Maybe you will be forced to pay some more attention to your budget, and limit spending.
Dreaming about being afraid of freezing. If you dreamed about being afraid of freezing to death in some snowy landscape, such a dream might signify your feelings about some close relationship, possibly ending soon.
Maybe you fear life, or you fear failure in your love life or finances.
Maybe you have a cold approach to others, or tend to isolate. You probably don’t show your feelings much.
Dreaming about shoveling snow. If you were shoveling snow and clearing it away from the pavements and road in your dream, such a dream might signify being involved in some time and energy consuming project, which might leave you exhausted and drained.
Sometimes this dream might signify some boring legal problems with some people.
Dreaming about eating snow. If you ate snow in a dream, such a dream might signify being open to new things and ideas. Maybe you believe we are all connected and related somehow.
Dreaming about snow melting. If you saw snow melting in your dream, such a dream might signify becoming more emotional.
It might also indicate not paying attention to something, which is slowly getting out of control.
This dream might signify temporary difficulties and danger.
Dreams about melting snow might also signify irrational fears.
Dreaming about snow melting in your hands. If you dreamed about snow melting in your hands, such a dream might signify the need to prepare yourself before embarking on some new project, to ensure its success. This dream signifies being ready, responsible, mature and stable.
Dreaming about a wall of snow. If you saw a wall of snow in your dream, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating your financial stability. It is a sign of advancement in regards to wealth and property ownership. Your career is probably blossoming as well. This dream is a sign of continuous success in the upcoming period. You will enjoy your good life and financial independence.