Dreams about sleeping might be a sign of your physical, mental or emotional exhaustion, and the need for more sleep.
These dreams might indicate not being aware of the things going on around you, or not willing to be aware of some situation.
Sleeping in a dream often represents ignorant behavior and avoiding action. Maybe you are choosing to ignore something.
Sometimes this dream might signify the need to be shaken up a bit. Maybe your life has become stagnant, and boring. Maybe you have become dull yourself.
Dreams about sleeping might also signify the need for peace, or experiencing peace of mind. Maybe your dream indicates something new will happen soon in your life.
It might also indicate the renewal of something. Maybe it is a sign you need to restore something from the beginning.
Dreaming about feeling sleepy might indicate missing an opportunity, because you are not taking a quick enough action.
Dreams About Sleeping – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about you sleeping. If you dreamed about observing yourself while sleeping, such dream might reveal you don’t pay attention to a situation you are facing.
It might also indicate ignoring some situation or the circumstances around you. Maybe it indicates pushing your head in the sand, and ignoring the things happening around you.
This dream might also signify feeling calm and peaceful.
Dreaming about sleeping with someone. If you dreamed about sleeping with someone, such dream might signify you ignore or avoid confronting a situation or an issue related to this person, or symbolized by that person.
If the person was someone you don’t know, such dream might indicate refusing to acknowledge some negative aspect of yourself or something hidden about you.
Dreaming about observing someone sleeping. If you dreamed about watching someone sleeping, your dream might signify not being aware or not being informed about the things happening around you.
Sometimes this dream indicates you subconscious, warning you about not being aware of some situation.
Dreaming about your parents sleeping. If you observed your parents sleeping in your dream, such dream usually indicates choosing to ignore some situation, which would normally be bothering you.
Dreaming about your boyfriend or girlfriend sleeping. If you dreamed about your boyfriend or girlfriend sleeping, such dream might indicate denying or refusing to acknowledge some problem or problems you have in your relationship with your boyfriend or your girlfriend.
Maybe it indicates being afraid to confront your boyfriend or girlfriend with these issues, and dealing with them.
Dreaming about a cat sleeping. If you dreamed about observing a cat peacefully sleeping, such dream is a good sign, representing the peace and serenity present in your life. You are probably experiencing a blissful period in your life, without worries and many responsibilities. You finally have some time off to dedicate it solely to yourself.
Dreaming about sleeping outside. If you dreamed about sleeping on a bed, but outside of your house, such dream is actually a good sign, indicating some new opportunities coming your way.
You might receive a job offer in the near future, or a chance to somehow expand your business.
This dream might also indicate developing a committed romantic relationship.
Dreaming about sleeping in a boat. If you dreamed about sleeping in a boat, your dream usually isn’t a good sign. This dream might signify a period of difficulties and hardships coming your way.
Sometimes it indicates losing something you didn’t appreciate enough, or you were taking for granted.
It might also indicate realizing your life isn’t as good as you hoped or believed it would be, and that might disappoint and depress you.
Dreaming about sleeping on a balcony. If you dreamed about sleeping on a balcony, such dream is a good sign, representing the peace and calm which is currently present in your life. You are probably enjoying your life.
Dreaming about sleeping in someone’s bed. If you dreamed about sleeping in someone’s bed, such dream is a warning about possibly participating in some deceiving and shady actions in order to make quick money. This dream warns you to sustain yourself from taking part in such activities, because they won’t be worth the gain when you lose the trust and respect of those around you, feeling sorry for what you did.
Dreaming about sleeping in an open grave. If you dreamed about sleeping in a grave, which was open, such dream is not a good sign, especially in regards to your relationships with other people.
Maybe this dream indicates a conflict with a friend or acquaintance, which might grow into a serious problem if you don’t address the issues you have with this person in time. Sometimes your issues might lead to the ending of your relationship with this person.
This dream might also indicate problems arising at your work place, regarding some client you have.
This dream is often a warning to pay attention to your behavior and avoid confronting others.
Dreaming about sleeping in a coffin. If you dreamed about sleeping in a coffin, such dream is actually a good sign, indicating good times coming into your life. Sometimes it indicates spending pleasurable moments in someone’s company in the near future.
This dream can also have a negative meaning for people who are ill, in which case it might indicate encountering difficulties and obstacles, while trying to overcome their illness.
Dreaming about sleeping with your wife. If you dreamed about sleeping in bed with your wife, but without sexual activities, such a dream is usually a good sign.
This dream might represent the happiness and joy you are currently experiencing in your life.
It might also indicate the deepening of the relationship with your wife and spending more time with her in the near future.
Dreaming about a sleeping bag. If you dreamed about a sleeping bag, such dream is a good sign, usually representing protection and warmth.
It might also be a sign of your desire to explore your subconscious.
Sometimes this dream indicates your desire to depend on something or someone.
Dreaming about a sleeping pill. If you dreamed about seeing or taking a sleeping pill, such dream might indicate your choice to ignore or deny some situation.
Maybe you are refusing to see the reality which surrounds you, and you aren’t actively participating in your life and the decisions which need to be made. Sometimes this dream indicates your determination to make a fresh start in regards to something.
Dreaming about sleeping with a stranger. If you dreamed about sleeping with some unknown person, such dream might indicate avoiding something in your real life.
Maybe you behave carelessly towards some things and situations which are happening in your life.
Maybe you refuse to accept your negativity or weakness about something.
It might also indicate ignoring some negative aspect of your personality.
Dreaming about feeling sleepy and needing sleep. If you dreamed you were feeling sleepy and desperately wanted to go to sleep, such dream might reveal your careless behavior and missing good opportunities because of that.
This dream warns you to pay more attention to the things happening around you and be more proactive.
In some cases, this dream signifies lacking experience and knowledge about some issues.