Dreams About Singing – Meaning and Interpretation

Singing in dreams is common, and might be a way your subconscious uses to express your emotions. The lyrics of the song might contain an important message for you, so it’s important to try to remember them.

It’s also important to note whether the song was sad or happy, and how it made you feel.

Hearing or singing a pleasant and soothing music or a song, is a sign of happiness and peace. Such a dream might signify the healing process which is undergoing inside you.

Singing might also be a way to express yourself, or can symbolize your creativity.

Dreams about singing might signify your pleasant and sociable nature and the joy people experience when they are in your company. Maybe this dream indicates you make others happy.

Singing in dreams is often a sign of frustrations and disappointments. Maybe it indicates being overwhelmed with emotions. Sometimes it might foretell illness or sadness in the upcoming days.

Singing is also a way of expressing your feelings, usually feelings of happiness and joy.

Dreams About Singing – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming about singing. If you were singing in a dream, such a dream is a good sign and might signify being happy and satisfied with your life.

Maybe it is a sign of being optimistic about your future.

Such a dream might also represent expressing your internal desires.

Dreaming about singing alone. If you dreamed you were singing alone, such a dream might signify going on a trip alone. It might also indicate your contentment with your life and your happiness.

Dreaming about singing as a part of a group. If you dreamed you were singing in a group, such a dream is a good sign and might indicate meeting with some old friends soon, and enjoying their company.

Dreaming about someone you know singing. If you heard someone you know, singing in a dream, such a dream might signify allowing someone to speak on your behalf.

This dream might signify feeling nostalgic.

It might indicate meeting with some friends from childhood, or receiving a message from someone close, now living far away from you.

Sometimes this dream might signify some person in your life, who annoys you very much with the constant complaining about everything.


Dreaming about others singing. If you dreamed about listening some people you know singing, such a dream might signify your freedom and independence.

This dream might also signify some problems in dealing with others.

This dream might also signify finding the support you need.

Dreaming about some unknown people singing. If you dreamed about some unknown people singing, such a dream is usually not a good sign and might signify some obstacles your friends or family members might encounter soon.

This dream is a sign you are aware of their needs and want to help them overcome such situations. This dream signifies your caring and generous nature.

Dreaming about dissonant singing. If you heard someone’s dissonant singing in a dream, such a dream is not a good sign and might signify being maliciously gossiped about, which might cause a lot of damage to your reputation. You should consider doing something to try to stop these attacks on you.

Such a dream might also be a sign of problems and unhappiness in your current love relationship.

Dreaming about singing in front of an audience or on stage. If you dreamed about performing and singing on stage, or in front of an audience, such a dream might indicate your need to be heard by someone in real life.

Maybe it signifies the need to confront your emotions.

It might indicate being impatient and allowing your emotions to make your decisions for you.

Sometimes this dream might signify the development of a new romantic relationship.

Dreaming about singing in a choir. If you sang in a choir in your dream, such a dream might signify enjoying communicating with a group of people who are like you. This dream might also signify your unbreakable bond with your family and friends, you can always rely upon.

Dreaming about singing in a church. If you dreamed about singing in a church or hearing church music, such a dream is usually a good sign, and might represent your attempts to gain wealth and increase your finances through hard work.

This dream might also indicate receiving an inheritance.

Such a dream might also be an expression of your spirituality or your gratitude and unconditional love.

Dreaming about singing in a forest. If you dreamed about singing in a forest, such a dream is a good sign, indicating some joyful circumstances ahead. This dream signifies joy and happiness.

Dreaming about singing at someone’s funeral. If you dreamed about singing at a funeral, such a dream signifies some important event happening soon in your life.

Dreaming about singing at someone’s wedding. If you dreamed about singing at someone’s wedding, such a dream is not a good sign. This dream might signify some health issues in the near future.

If the song you were singing was joyful and happy, these issues will be of minor nature, but if it was a sad and sorrowful one, this dream might signify more serious ailments requiring a longer period to recuperate.

Dreaming about singing some religious songs. If you dreamed about singing some religious songs, such a dream might signify some important changes in your life, as well as in your awareness.

It might also indicate fulfillment of your wishes.

This dream signifies peace and tranquility in your life in the period ahead of you.

Dreaming about hearing some lovely singing. If you heard a lovely voice singing in your dream, such a dream is a good sign, indicating some nice experiences ahead. Maybe you will hear some good news from some friend.

This dream might also indicate having a pleasant conversation with someone.

Dreaming about singing but being bored. If you dreamed you were singing, but were bored at the same time, such a dream might indicate being judged or criticized by some people which might frustrate and disappoint you.

Dreaming about children singing. If you heard children singing in a dream, such a dream is a good sign and might signify joy and happiness in your family.

Dreaming about old people singing. If you dreamed about old people singing, such a dream is usually not a good sign and might signify sadness in the upcoming days.

Dreaming about singing outside. If you dreamed about singing outside, such a dream might not be a good sign, indicating receiving some bad news in the upcoming days.

Dreaming about singing making you feel sad. If you dreamed about hearing someone singing a song which made you feel sad, such a dream might indicate sadness in real life too. Maybe you will encounter problems in some project you are involved with at work and that will cause you a lot of stress and disappointment.
