Sharks are supreme predators, with little or no enemies. In dreams, sharks usually don’t have a good meaning.
They can signify threats, unstable emotions, power, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, the need to control some situation, or feeling vulnerable.
They can also indicate deception or symbolize your enemies.
A shark in your dream can also indicate some changes happening soon in your environment.
These dreams can also be a warning against some danger you might be facing soon.
A shark in your dream can also be a reminder to actively pursue your goals and interests. It can indicate the need to seize the opportunities given to you.
Sharks in a dream most commonly symbolize:
Fear and vulnerability
Dreams about sharks are often dreamed in periods of difficulties and life situations where you fear some consequences or a failure.
Maybe you desire to break free from something which is burdening you, or you have a desire for independence, but you are afraid to realize your desires.
A dream about a shark might also reveal feeling unprotected in situations which are beyond your control.
Sometimes it indicates your inability to face some fears in your life and encourages you to be strong.
This dream might also indicate feeling extremely vulnerable or expecting the worst in some situation.
Maybe you feel as if there’s nothing you can do to change some situation.
It might also indicate your expectation and nervousness about an inevitable event.
Maybe a shark in your dream represents a domineering person in your life which frightens you.
Sometimes this dream indicates you feel insecure or feel as if you don’t fit in some situation, or a group of people.
Aggression and strong negative emotions
Sharks in a dream can also symbolize strong negative emotions.
They might also be a sign of aggression or being bothered by something or someone.
Sometimes sharks in our dreams represent deep seated emotions we are not aware of. These repressed emotional states are usually negative in nature, such as anger, depression, resentment, etc. Maybe these feelings are related to some person in your life who emotionally drains you.
Your dream about a shark or sharks usually is provoked by the current state of your feelings and emotions. Maybe you are feeling angry or hostile because of something or someone. Maybe you’ve recently had a fight with someone and you still cannot calm down.
This dream might be a warning to start controlling your temper and emotional reactions, because you might bring yourself in trouble.
In some cases, you can dream about sharks if you are feeling anger or having independence related issues in your current romantic relationship.
Maybe you feel as if you cannot be relaxed in the relationship or that your partner is somehow inhibiting, or suffocating you.
This dream is a very important message for you if you have such issues, and encourages you to work on them with your partner, so you can improve your relationship.
Deception and ruthlessness
Sharks often symbolize greedy and unscrupulous people, and that can be the symbolism of the shark or sharks from your dream as well.
Maybe you are expecting someone to trick or deceive you in some way and that’s why you dream about sharks, which represent the person or people, you fear might harm you in such way.
Sharks in your dream might actually warn you about someone.
They can indicate someone in your surroundings you cannot trust, or someone who might betray you.
They can also represent someone who is only pretending to be good, or pretending to be your friend. If there were many sharks in your dream, the dream might indicate feeling as if you cannot trust anyone around you.
Sharks can also indicate some people or situations you consider ruthless and merciless.
This dream might also indicate your need to have something at any cost.
Dreams about a shark attacking you can often indicate someone trying to attack you or trying to take something away from you in real life.
Dreams About Sharks – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about seeing a shark. If you saw a shark in your dream, such dream might signify some real threats and danger currently present in your life. This dream encourages you to face your fears and deal with those situations which disable your normal functioning.
Maybe this dream indicates you have some powerful enemies in your life.
It might also be a sign of some obstacles you are facing and have fears about overcoming them.
Maybe you feel as if you don’t have control over your life.
Maybe you are burdened by some thoughts and fears.
Seeing a shark in your dream might also indicate feelings of anger and hostility. Maybe you are going through an emotionally difficult period and you are posing a threat to yourself and others at this moment.
This dream can sometimes indicate the progression and improvement of your current romantic relationship.
Dreaming about sharks swimming in clear water. If you dreamed about observing sharks swimming in clear water, such dream is usually not a good sign, indicating you are probably not aware of the things happening around you.
You might be surrounded by danger or you might be doing something which might inevitably ruin you. This dream indicates the end of a calm period of your life.
Dreaming about a shark in an aquarium. If you saw a shark in an aquarium in your dream, such dream might indicate some major life changes in the near future. For single people this dream might indicate meeting someone who might turn out to be their next romantic partner.
Dreaming about a sea full of sharks. If you dreamed about observing or finding yourself in a sea full of sharks, such dream usually indicates being in a situation where you shouldn’t trust anyone.
Dreaming about a giant shark. If you saw a giant shark in your dream, such dream is not a good sign, usually indicating a dangerous situation you might find yourself in, in the upcoming days. Something might happen and change your life forever.
Dreaming about a shark fin. If you dreamed about seeing a shark fin above the water surface, such dream might indicate naively trusting all your friends. This dream warns you to re-evaluate your current friendships and discover your true friends.
Dreaming about being chased by a shark. If you were chased by a shark in your dream, such dream might reveal your attempts to escape your emotions and emotional traumas from the past.
This dream can also indicate endangering yourself by disturbing someone. Sometimes this dream is a warning of encountering some troubles in the near future, which might frustrate you a lot and lower your self – esteem.
Dreaming about a shark chasing you under water. If you dreamed about being under water and chased by a shark, such dream usually represents having some irrational fears in real life.
Dreaming about a shark close to you. If you dreamed about seeing a shark not far from you, such dream is usually a warning about possible encounters with people who dislike you and might try to manipulate you in some way.
This dream might also indicate your partner is trying to somehow take advantage of you or is being too possessive or manipulative in trying to impose power and influence over you.
Dreaming about sharks swimming around you. If you dreamed about being surrounded by sharks, such dream indicates soon encountering some difficulties in life, most likely related to your work.
This dream can also be a sign of problems in achieving your goals.
Being surrounded by sharks in a dream might also indicate a period of illness and issues related to your health.
Dreaming about baby sharks. If you dreamed about seeing baby sharks, such dream can indicate someone’s immature approach or behavior in some situation, or someone’s bad reaction to something.
Maybe it indicates your desire to approach to someone.
Sometimes it indicates encountering some problems in the near future.
Dreaming about a shark biting you. If you dreamed about a shark biting you, such dream is usually not a good sign, possibly indicating someone might hurt you in the near future.
Such dream might also indicate being confused about your goals in life. If that is the case, then this dream suggests you reassess your goals and start moving forward with achieving them.
Dreaming about a shark eating you. If you dreamed about a shark trying to eat you, such dream might indicate being unstable and emotional.
Maybe this dream is a sign of the ending of something in your life.
Sometimes this dream indicates a change, possibly a job change.
Dreaming about being attacked by a shark on the beach. If you dreamed about being attacked by a shark while on the beach, such dream might indicate something unexpected, but unpleasant, coming your way. That might be a new job which won’t be as good as it seemed, or some incident, which might cause you stress.
If the shark caused you serious injuries, the dream might indicate being severely affected by that event.
Dreaming about a shark attacking you. If a shark attacked you in your dream, maybe your dream indicates encountering some obstacles on the way to achieve something important in life.
Sometimes this dream is a sign of bad luck and difficulties.
This dream can also indicate your self – confidence being lowered.
Dreaming about catching a shark. If you dreamed about catching a shark, such dream is usually a good sign, indicating good news.
Maybe it indicates you will finally solve some difficult problem you have in life.
Dreaming about being a shark. If you dreamed about being a shark and attacking people, such dream is a warning. This dream might indicate taking advantage of others or someone taking advantage of you.
It might also represent your unstoppable drive to achieve something or succeed. Maybe you are ruthless in some area of your life.
Dreaming about killing a shark. If you dreamed about killing a shark, such dream usually indicates the ending of a difficult period in your life.
Dreaming about a dead shark. If you dreamed about a dead shark, such dream might indicate losing interest about something.
It might also be a sign of the ending of a difficult situation. It might indicate being vulnerable.
This dream can also indicate some good things ahead and even reconciling with some people in the near future.
Dreaming about swimming away from a shark. If you dreamed about swimming away from a shark, such dream might indicate you are in danger and you need to do all you can to escape some danger you are currently facing.
Dreaming about managing to escape a shark attack. If you dreamed about successfully escaping a shark attack, such dream might indicate avoiding some danger, or a difficult situation.
Sometimes it indicates avoiding hurting someone.