Dreams About Running – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreams about running may have many different meanings, and the details of the dream are very important, such as, were you running alone or with someone, running towards something or someone, from something or someone, etc.

Running towards something or someone in a dream, usually has a good meaning and might indicate having a winning attitude, going after your goals and confronting every obstacle in your way. You are on the right path and not afraid to do all it takes to fulfill your goals.

If you were running towards something negative or dangerous, such a dream doesn’t have a good meaning. This dream might signify some codependent behavior and situations in your life. Maybe you feel as if something is pulling you towards certain situations, things and people, you know you shouldn’t be having anything to do with, but you just cannot help yourself, you keep going back there.

Sometimes, this dream indicates a toxic relationship and a person you keep going back to, although you know that it’s bad for you.

Maybe this dream is a result of someone recently breaking up a relationship with you or leaving you.

Running away from someone or something in a dream might indicate avoiding something or someone, making you feel uncomfortable.

Maybe it indicates feeling guilty about something.

If you were running from some sort of danger, maybe your dream signifies not confronting some of your fears.

If you successfully managed to run away from someone, maybe your dream indicates successfully changing something which is bothering you.

Dreams About Running – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about running alone. If you dreamed about running by yourself, such a dream might signify your motivation to achieve some important goal. It is also a sign of success, and abundance in all aspects of life. You will probably end up high ranked on the social scale. This dream might signify your inclination towards good things in life. It is a sign of respect and even popularity in your surroundings. It can also be a sign of being on the right track and an encouragement to continue to follow it.

Dreaming about running with someone. If you dreamed about running with someone beside you, such a dream is a good sign. This dream might signify you take care of the people close to you, such as your family members and friends, and try to spend quality time with them as much as possible.

This dream might also be a sign of some pleasant moments spent in the company of some people you recently met.

Dreaming about running fast. If you dreamed you were running the fastest you can, such a dream is a good sign, indicating happiness and joy you will unexpectedly encounter soon.

Dreaming about running long distance. If you dreamed about running long distance, that can be considered a good sign. This dream might indicate your longevity and good health. It might also indicate overcoming some obstacles, which have been bothering you for some time.

Dreaming about not being able to move while you are trying to run. Dreaming about not being able to move while you are really trying to run, might signify lack of confidence or self – esteem. Maybe you feel helpless or run down by someone or something. Maybe you want to do something, but don’t have the strength and endurance to finish it.

It might also indicate negative emotions and feelings about some situation in your life, or some goal you have.


Such a dream is probably a message to you to persevere and never leave your goals out of your sight. Believe in yourself and your abilities to achieve everything you put your mind into.

Dreaming about running until completely exhausted. If you dreamed you were running to the point of complete exhaustion, such a dream is probably a bad sign. This dream might indicate excessive overspending, which might lead you to a financial disaster. Maybe you have been spending carelessly lately. If you don’t pay attention to your budget soon, your behavior might lead you to serious problems, maybe even bankruptcy. Consider this dream as a warning so you don’t end up not being able to pay your bills.

Dreaming about not being able to stop running. If you dreamed about not being able to stop running or even slow down, such a dream is maybe warning you of some challenges ahead. This dream might indicate some of your current endeavors or projects will require a lot more effort and more hard work than previously planned, for their successful completion.

Dreaming about running endlessly. If you dreamed you were running endlessly without stopping, such a dream might not be a good sign, and might indicate having some health issues.

This dream might also indicate some difficulties in solving problems you are currently facing. Maybe you won’t be able to successfully finish some project or a goal you are currently working on, due to some health issues you might be experiencing. These obstacles might also temporarily stop you from performing your everyday duties and obligations.

Running after someone and catching him or her. If you were running after someone in your dream and ended up catching him or her, such a dream is a good sign. This dream might be indicating a successful completion of some important goal in the near future and being happy and joyful about that.

Sometimes this dream is a sign of acquiring something you wanted for a long time.

Dreaming about running fast downstairs. If you dreamed you were running fast down the stairs, such a dream might represent your character. Maybe it indicates you are a choosy and reserved person in regards to finding a romantic partner and dating. It may also be a sign of problems in communication. Maybe you find it hard to communicate with potential romantic partners. The message of this dream is to try to be more relaxed about personal relationships and communicate more openly.

Dreaming about running fast upstairs. If you dreamed you were running fast up the stairs, such a dream might be warning you for not paying attention to details on your way to achieving your goals. This dream reminds you to be more conscious and attentive.

You should also be grateful to anyone who has helped you along the way to success.

This dream might also be a sign of success and popularity in your social circles.

Dreaming about running into someone. If you ran into someone in your dream, and maybe even fell on the ground, such a dream might indicate great financial losses in the near future.

Sometimes this dream indicates your reputation being jeopardized by your improper behavior.

Dreaming about running towards some people. If you dreamed about running towards some people, such a dream is usually a good sign. This dream might indicate celebrations you are going to be invited to.

It might also be a sign of an overall improvement of your life and life conditions.

Dreaming about running away. If you dreamed about running away from someone or something, such a dream is usually a bad omen.

The meaning of this dream depends on the thing or person you were running away from.

If you were running away from someone or something, which represented a threat to you in a dream, such a dream might indicate your desire to distance yourself from someone who is bothering you in real life.

If you were running away from someone or something which you didn’t consider threatening, such a dream might be a sign of your shyness and isolation.

Dreaming about someone running away from you. If you dreamed about someone running away from you, such a dream might indicate a period of instability and confusion you are currently undergoing, which might ruin your stability and peace of mind.

Dreaming about running away from some danger. If you dreamed about running away to escape some danger or a threat, such a dream is usually not a good sign. This dream might indicate losses in the near future.

It might also indicate your realization about needing to change your outlook towards life and maybe changing something in your current life path.

Dreaming about someone running away from danger. If you saw someone you know running away from some danger in your dream, such a dream is usually not a good sign. This dream might be representing your sadness for the unexpected loss of a good friend or a close relative.

Dreaming about a lot of people running in front of you. If you saw a crowd of people running in front of you, such a dream might indicate receiving some financial help in the near future, which in turn might cause you some problems and issues you’ll be forced to confront.

Dreaming about watching a running competition. If you dreamed about observing a running competition, and not actually running yourself, such a dream might foretell visits from friends or relatives soon.

Dreaming about running in a running competition. If you dreamed about actively participating in a running competition, such a dream is a good sign. This dream might indicate going on a trip soon, for business or pleasure.
