Rings in dreams are symbols of union, completeness, infinity and commitment.
This dream might represent a commitment to a relationship. It may also symbolize some other commitments, such as commitment to a certain goal or desire.
Maybe they represent your commitment and loyalty towards your goals, beliefs and desires.
Dreams about a ring might also signify promises.
Such dreams often represent a desire for a committed relationship with someone. Maybe you desire someone to be in a committed relationship with you.
Dreams About Rings – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about a ring in general. If you dreamed about a ring without many other details, such a dream might symbolize some problems in your life, which seem to have no ending and cannot be solved.
This dream might also signify signs of affection and promises of devotion you might receive soon from someone who loves you and cares about you very much.
Dreaming about truing a ring on. If you were trying a ring in your dream, such a dream might signify a promise of commitment to someone. It might also indicate the start of a new romantic relationship.
Dreaming about trying someone’s ring on. If you were trying on someone’s ring in your dream, such a dream might indicate some dishonest or immoral activities in the near future.
Dreaming about not being able to find a ring that fits you. If you didn’t manage to find a ring for yourself in a dream, such a dream is maybe representing your relationship status. You are probably single and not romantically interested in anyone at the moment and this ring indicates that such a status will last a while.
Dreaming about receiving a ring as a gift. If you received a ring as a gift from someone in your dream, such a dream is a good sign, possibly indicating settling all problems and misunderstandings in your current relationship. This dream is a sign of your relationship going into a new phase of peace and emotional bliss.
Dreaming about putting a ring on someone’s finger. If you had a dream about putting a ring on someone’s finger, this dream is a very good sign and represents your personality. This dream describes you as a very faithful and loyal person. You are trustworthy and keep promises, and would never betray or cheat anyone.
Dreaming about seeing rings on other people’s fingers. If you were watching rings worn by others in your dream, such a dream maybe signifies your uneasiness about some person which has recently become your friend. You might not feel satisfied and happy with this relationship, and maybe you don’t trust that person. Maybe this dream signifies this person will even gossip about you.
Dreaming about a ring slipping off your finger. If a ring slipped off your finger in a dream, such a dream might be a warning of problems you might encounter soon for not keeping your promises. This dream is a message to start paying attention to your behavior and keep your promises, or you might find yourself in a situation where no one will respect you anymore.
Dreaming about someone you don’t know, putting a wedding ring on your finger. If you had a dream about an unknown person putting a ring on your finger, such a dream might be a sign of an unexpected help from someone in solving some problems or issues you’ve been having lately. You won’t be able to believe how well things turned out in the end.
Dreaming about admiring a ring on your finger. If you dreamed about adoring a ring you are wearing on your finger, such a dream is a very good sign and symbolizes satisfaction with your children or some young members of your family.
This dream might also represent you as a kind and generous person, ready to help others and always happy for their success.
Dreaming about losing a ring. If you lost a ring in a dream, such a dream might be a sign of your fears and lack of security about a certain relationship.
This dream may also be a sign of losing interest about the person who gave the ring to you. Maybe it indicates some unexpected circumstances which will make you lose interest in someone or something.
It might also represent your feelings about some broken promise or unrealized commitment.
Dreaming about washing a ring. If you washed a ring in your dream, such a dream might indicate your feelings about the need to renew a bond or a commitment to someone. Maybe this dream indicates your reluctance to settle differences and make up with your partner.
Dreaming about losing a wedding ring. If you lost a wedding ring in your dream, such a dream is not a good sing and might be warning you about some unpleasant and dangerous things happening soon in your life. Maybe some situations you’ll encounter in the near future will test the strength of your relationship with somebody.
Dreaming about a chipped or damaged ring. If you saw or wore a chipped or damaged ring in your dream, such a dream is probably a bad sign, indicating a breakup of a romantic relationship in the near future.
A damaged ring might also indicate a lot of effort in maintaining commitments. Sometimes it might indicate lies and betrayal, which makes it difficult for you to keep a commitment or a promise.
Maybe it is a sign of not being able to trust someone you are committed to, because of some betrayal or lies you’ve experienced from that person.
Dreaming about a broken ring. If you saw a broken ring in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate conflicts and disagreements with your romantic partner or spouse in your current relationship or marriage.
Dreaming about a wedding or an engagement ring. An engagement ring in a dream might symbolize a promise made to you, or made by you to someone, but has not yet been fulfilled.
A wedding ring might symbolize your spouse and commitment to your marriage.
If the ring wasn’t on your finger, such a dream might symbolize the end of the relationship with the person who gave you the ring. Maybe this dream represents you questioning that relationship.
Dreaming about a fake ring. If you dreamed about a fake ring, such a dream might signify someone or something cheap or fake.
Dreaming about a gold ring. If you saw a gold ring in your dream, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating a solid commitment or a promise.
This dream might also reveal your desire for security, permanence and loyalty.