Dreams about rain often signify positive and happy feelings about life in general. This dream encourages you to move on with your life, no matter how things currently are.
A rain in a dream might also indicate the need to communicate something. If you dreamed about a strong pouring rain, maybe it is a sign of your conscious spiritual growth.
Rain is also a symbol of our emotions. These dreams reveal strong feelings and emotions. Raining hard in a dream might often be an indication of your depression. Sometimes a rain in a dream might indicate feeling rejected.
If you dreamed about rain with storms, such a dream might reveal your anger, sadness or grief. This dream might indicate releasing negative energy and emotions, but also cleansing.
Maybe you feel overwhelmed about something. It’s important to get in touch with your feelings and emotions, and try to confront them. Maybe you have a tension in your current relationship and your love life, or maybe you have problems at work.
If you heard a thunder accompanying the rain, it may be a sign of not paying attention to other people’s needs. Thunder might also be a sign of anger you are experiencing.
It might also bring your attention to something important in your life. If the thunder was accompanied by lighting as well, it might symbolize insight and enlightenment about something.
Lightning might also signify something you consider shocking. Sometimes it might indicate a happy, but a short term romance you are about to experience soon.
If you were inside an object watching the rain, such a dream might indicate not allowing yourself to feel your emotions fully. It might also indicate expecting some difficulties in the near future.
If you were outside, standing in the rain, such a dream indicates you allow yourself to feel and fully express your emotions.
Sometimes this dream is a sign of being overwhelmed by some stress in your life, unable to find relief.
Dreams About Rain – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about rain. Dreams about rain might indicate your tendency to isolate from people and shut yourself down. This dream might be a sign of depression and psychological problems you might be experiencing.
Dreaming about walking in the rain. If you dreamed about walking in the rain, such a dream might signify relying too much on external factors and other people to help you fulfill your goals, instead on your own efforts. Because of that, you might be encountering difficulties when you need to do something on your own.
Dreaming about dancing in the rain. If you dreamed about dancing in the rain, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating happiness and joy. It also indicates the possibility of helping someone you know advance in their career.
Dreaming about being with someone in the rain. If you dreamed about being with someone in the rain, such a dream maybe signifies some problems which that person is about to encounter soon. He or she might need your help or advice to overcome them.
Dreaming about a strong rain. If you dreamed about a strong rain falling, such a dream is a sign of good and fortunate things coming soon to your life, which will make you feel very happy.
Dreaming about a heavy rain storm. If you dreamed about finding yourself in the middle of a heavy rain storm, with thunders and strong wind, such a dream is an indication of some unfortunate and problematic events, which might cause you a lot of disappointment in the near future.
It might also indicate an upcoming period of frustration and dissatisfaction with how things are going on in your life.
Sometimes this dream might indicate big losses for someone who has a lot of money, and conversely, for a poor person, such a dream might indicate some additional income and success.
This dream might also indicate releasing repressed anger and rage.
It might also indicate emotional turmoil or some conflict you have been experiencing.
Dreaming about cold raindrops. If you felt cold raindrops on your skin in a dream, maybe even soaking your clothes, such a dream is a warning to pay attention to your health. This dream might indicate becoming ill in the near future.
This dream might also indicate some serious situation in your life which needs to be taken care of immediately.
Dreaming about dark colored raindrops. If you saw dark raindrops in a dream, such a dream might be warning you of some people trying to ruin your reputation by spreading lies behind your back.
Dreaming about heavy raindrops. If you dreamed about feeling heavy raindrops falling on your skin, or watching them fall on the ground, making loud noises, such a dream might indicate meeting someone from your past who will remind you about some bad memories, disturbing your peace.
Dreaming about not feeling the raindrops. If you dreamed about standing outside in the rain, but not feeling the raindrops, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating success in overcoming some serious illness.
Dreaming about a sudden and cold rain. If you were caught by a quick and cold rain in a dream, such a dream might indicate the need to rely more on yourself in achieving your goals, instead of just relying on your luck.
Dreaming about a warm rain. If you were standing on a warm rain in a dream, such a dream is a good sign, signifying better times coming.
Dreaming about a rain with wind. If you dreamed about a rain with strong wind, such a dream is a reminder not to worry about minor things. Maybe you have put a lot of pressure on yourself, trying to do as many things as possible in a short while, but such actions are putting you under a lot of stress without a reason.
You should take some time off to relax and try to arrange your schedule to be less stressful.
Dreaming about a weak rain. If you observed a weak rain falling in your dream, such a dream might indicate giving excuses for some actions which might have hurt someone, without you realizing that.
Dreaming about a rain falling on a sunny day. If you dreamed about a rain falling on a sunny day, such a dream is a sign of joy and happiness in the near future.
Dreaming about rain and sun at the same time. If you dreamed about the rain falling and the sun shining at the same time, such a dream is a very good sign. This dream might indicate great luck, especially in gambling. It is also a sign of pleasant events and period of happiness and calm.
Dreaming about a rain and cloudy sky. If you dreamed about the rain falling and the sky was cloudy, such a dream might be a bad sign indicating disagreements and conflicts you might provoke.
Dreaming about watching a rain with no clouds. If you saw rain without clouds in a dream, such a dream might be a sign of some good changes in your life soon, bringing you joy and happiness.
Dreaming about an unexpected rain. If you dreamed about the rain unexpectedly beginning to fall, such a dream might indicate being a part of some unusual event and acquiring some new friends as well.
Dreaming about a rain with a rainbow. If you saw a rainbow, appearing after a rain in your dream, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating luck and happiness. This dream indicates some good changes happening soon in your life.
Dreaming about the rain not getting you wet. If you dreamed about not getting wet while standing in the rain, such a dream is a good sign for the future. This dream maybe indicates avoiding some obstacles and conflicts threatening your career. It is a sign of success awaiting you.
Dreaming about becoming wet in the rain. If you dreamed about standing in the rain and getting all wet, such a dream is not a good sign. This dream might indicate becoming ill in the upcoming days.
It might also indicate losing something which you value a lot.
Dreaming about watching others getting wet in the rain. If you observed others walking in the rain and getting wet, such a dream is a good sign indicating your friends are reliable and you might trust them in all occasions.
Dreaming about hiding from the rain in a house. If you dreamed about hiding from the rain in some house, such a dream might indicate encountering some difficult situations in the near future, so you better be prepared.
Dreaming about a raincoat. If you wore a raincoat to protect yourself from the rain in a dream, such a dream might indicate your ability to protect yourself from some negativity. Maybe it is a sign of being able to deal with your emotions without being overwhelmed.
Sometimes this dream indicates a scandal you might be involved in.
If you wore a raincoat when it wasn’t raining, such a dream might indicate your character, as being overly prepared for every situation. Maybe it is a sign of being afraid of bad things happening in the near future or being pessimistic.