Dreams about possessions are usually related with material wealth, and dreams about your possessions have different meaning than the ones about other people’s possessions.
Dreams about possessions might indicate different things. They might signify your interests, pleasures, relations with other people, your inner needs, urges, hopes and attitudes.
These dreams often signify opportunities and potential in real life. If you had a dream about some possessions, you should be on the lookout for new possibilities for expansion.
These dreams can often be dreamed during a process of acquiring some possession.
Dreams About Possession – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about your own possessions. If you dreamed about your own possessions, such a dream indicates you should not expect any changes in your life soon, but at least there won’t be any negative outcomes in the near future.
This dream can also be a good sign, regarding your finances. It indicates that a business venture started in the upcoming period, might be a great success in the future, bringing you a lot of money.
Dreaming about being surrounded by your possessions. If you dreamed about being surrounded by your own possessions, such a dream signifies wealth and good income.
Dreaming about having unlimited possessions. If you dreamed about having unlimited possessions, such a dream is a good sign, indicating a growth in different areas of your life, especially business and personal relationships.
Dreaming about being an owner of luxurious possessions. If you dreamed about having some luxurious possessions, such a dream is a good sign, indicating the success of your business endeavors, as well as profitable partnerships.
Dreaming about purchasing some possession. If you purchased some possession in your dream, such a dream is a good sign, indicating a growth potential. This dream might also signify general well – being.
Dreaming about receiving some possessions as a gift or inheriting some possessions. If you received possessions as a gift, or inherited some possessions in your dream, such a dream might indicate receiving some present in reality, but with lesser value than you have expected.
Dreaming about someone’s possessions. If you dreamed about someone’s possessions, such a dream might represent something you have learned or accepted from this person.
Dreaming about losing some possessions. If you dreamed about losing some possessions, such a dream might signify being sad about losing some abilities or some pleasures in life.
Dreaming about losing the rights to some possessions. If you dreamed about losing the rights to some possessions, like a car or a house, for some reason, such a dream is not a good sign. This dream might indicate encountering a lot of problems in regards to something you are currently working on.
It is possible that some project, you are currently engaged in, turns out to be a complete failure, which might disappoint and shock you.
Dreaming about someone stealing your possessions. If you dreamed about someone stealing your possessions, such a dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating losses in your household or disappointments in the near future.
This dream might also indicate being afraid of your enemies and people jealous of your success, because they might do anything to ruin you. This dream warns you to pay attention to your surroundings and people who dislike you.
Dreaming about your ex stealing your possessions. If you dreamed about your ex stealing some possessions from you, such a dream might reveal still having some unresolved issues with your ex, which need to be addressed. Maybe you feel as if your past has come back to haunt you.
It might also signify being concerned about your safety and well – being as well and not only about your possessions.
Dreaming about your possessions being stolen at a concert. If you dreamed about your possessions being stolen at a concert, such a dream might indicate the possibility of your happy and joyful everyday life, being interrupted by some unforeseen events and difficulties, which might take some time to resolve.
Dreaming about struggling to get some possessions back. If you dreamed about trying to get some possessions back, after they had been stolen, such a dream might indicate your attempts to preserve your identity and beliefs, regardless of the rest of the society and its pressures.
Dreaming about your possessions being on fire. If you dreamed about your possessions being on fire, such a dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating something bad might happen to you in the near future. This dream warns you to think well before making some important decisions.
It is also a reminder not to undertake any hasty actions, because you might easily get yourself in trouble.
Dreaming about your business or residential possessions being on fire. If you dreamed about your residence or business building being on fire, such a dream is actually a good sign. This dream might be a sign of success of your current projects and goals, which might turn out to be very profitable as well.
Dreaming about saving your possessions from a fire. If you dreamed about trying to save your possessions from a fire, such a dream might indicate some urgent matters you are dealing with, and the need to set your priorities, in order to finish everything in time.
Dreaming about discovering a treasure in your family possessions. If you dreamed about finding something of great value, going through some family possessions, such a dream might signify underestimating your family and its resources and abilities.
Your family members might help you a lot in accomplishing your goals, and you should rely on that fact.
Dreaming about a boat transporting some possessions. If you saw a boat transporting possessions, such a dream is a very good sign, indicating receiving help and support when you need them.
This dream often indicates the fulfillment of your goals.
Dreaming about a horse carrying valuable possessions. If you dreamed about seeing a horse carrying valuable possessions on its back, such a dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating degradation at work or even being replaced with someone more efficient and skilled than you are.
This dream might indicate your work efficiency and skills aren’t good enough, for the position you are currently holding.