Having a dream about the police, may signify authority, rules or control. It might remind you to control your desires or your reckless behavior.
Such dreams might represent your conscience and sense of morality, with a message to stay on the right path.
Dreams about police may also represent your feelings about something being forced on you, or on someone.
Maybe you feel you need more order in your life, or follow the rules. Maybe you feel in trouble for not respecting the rules.
These dreams sometimes signify making difficult choices or changes, which are in your best interest. Sometimes they signify confronting rule breakers, or liars.
They might also signify feeling secure. Maybe you dreamed about the police, because you need to fix some messy situation in your life.
Maybe you need to intervene in someone’s wrongdoings, or you need to calm down some situation.
This dream might also indicate being afraid of change. Maybe you feel someone in your life is too controlling or authoritative. Maybe you are forcing some changes to others, regardless of the fact if they want them or not.
It might also signify abusing power and authority.
Maybe you feel as if you don’t have much choice in some situation. Maybe you are aware of behaving badly, but refusing to change. Maybe you are avoiding punishment for something bad you did. Maybe you fear someone will avoid justice for something bad done to you.
Dreams about police officers symbolize order, discipline, enforcement of behavior, or some intervention.
Dreams About Police – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about seeing the police. If you saw the police in your dream, such a dream might signify power, rules, authority or control, in regards to some aspect of your life.
Maybe this dream indicates the need to end your careless behavior, so you don’t end up in jail.
Sometimes this dream indicates not fulfilling your duties and commitments.
Dreaming about seeing or talking to a policeman. If you saw or had a conversation with a policeman in your dream, such a dream might signify harboring some unreasonable fears and aversions towards society rules and norms.
hey maybe date back to your childhood upbringing. This dream is a message to try to confront and get rid of them.
If you talked to a police officer about some important issues, maybe this dream indicates having conflicts and issues with some rivals in the near future.
For women this dream might indicate encountering a person important for their future love life.
Dreaming about calling the police. If you dreamed about calling the police to report a crime, such a dream might not be a good sign. This dream might indicate your subconscious realizing you are currently in a potentially dangerous situation, whether emotionally or physically, and you need help from your family members or friends, or you possibly need a medical checkup.
This dream might also signify invoking your inner guidance to help you in some situation. Maybe you realized someone in your life is in danger and needs help.
This dream might also indicate the possibility of doing something wrong in the near future, which might offend someone. This dream reminds you to pay attention to your behavior.
Dreaming about someone calling the police. If you dreamed about seeing someone calling the police, such a dream might not be a good sign. This dream might signify the possibility of intentionally or unintentionally insulting or humiliating someone in public.
If you don’t do anything to repay or apologize to this person, that might cause the end of your relationship.
Dreaming about not being able to reach the police. If you weren’t able to reach the police in your dream, maybe it indicates not listening to your inner guidance or not recognizing its messages.
Maybe it indicates not having support from your family or friends.
This dream might also signify the need to take charge over your life.
Dreaming about being chased by a police car. If you dreamed about being chased by a police car, such a dream might indicate feeling guilty about something, or your fear of being caught for something wrong you did.
Maybe this dream signifies not willing, or not being able to accept the consequences for some of your actions.
Maybe it indicates you don’t accept other people’s rules or limitations.
Dreaming about being chased by a police officer. If you were chased by a police officer in your dream, maybe such a dream is a reminder to be more humble, tactful and tolerant in your behavior towards others. If you don’t change your behavior, you might end up in a lot of trouble.
Dreaming about running away from the police. If you dreamed about running away from the police, such a dream might signify resisting change of your habits or your way of thinking. Maybe this dream signifies being afraid to make a change.
This dream might also indicate refusing to face the consequences of your acts. Maybe it indicates rejecting or disobeying some rules.
Dreaming about police cars. If you dreamed about police cars, such a dream might signify your ability of making decisions and being disciplined in life.
Dreaming about being a police officer. If you dreamed you were a police officer, such a dream might indicate your conscience and morality.
If you have recurring dreams about being a police officer, maybe that indicates having feelings of guilt about something you did in the past.
Dreaming about being arrested by the police. If you dreamed about being arrested by the police, such a dream usually signifies being overwhelmed by guilt about something wrong you are doing. Maybe you are attempting to stop doing something, you know is wrong.
This dream can also be a good sign, indicating some profitable offer in the near future.
Maybe you even feel emotionally or sexually reserved, because of some guilt you are harboring.
Such a dream might also signify forced changes of some aspects of your personality.
Dreaming about being released by the police. If you dreamed about being released by the police such a dream might represent being emotionally unstable and immature. Probably you won’t be able to accomplish anything significant in your life, if you don’t change something in your attitude.
Dreaming about the police stopping your car. If you dreamed about the police stopping your car, such a dream might signify encountering some minor problems in the near future. This can be some misunderstandings and small disagreements, which might lead to bigger issues, if they are not properly addressed.
Dreaming about the police checking your papers. If you dreamed about a police officer demanding to check up your documents, such a dream might indicate making an important decision about your life, which might change it forever. You might be making a decision about your work, business or your current projects.
Dreaming about the police going inside your house. If you dreamed about the police entering your house, such a dream is a symbol of psychical strength. This dream might signify some family member or a friend will recover soon from a serious illness.
Dreaming about not getting a police assistance. If you dreamed about asking assistance and help from the police, but not getting any, such a dream is not a good sign. This dream might signify finding yourself in a similar situation.
You might ask some friends or family members to help you about something important, and be rejected by them, to your surprise. You might end up severely disappointed by their reaction.
Dreaming about a police squad. If you dreamed about encountering a police squad, such a dream might forewarn some difficulties ahead, affecting your business and work.
You might receive some bad news or witness some negative unfolding of a situation, related to your current project, which might make you very disappointed. Your mood might affect your work performance and even your personal relationships.
This dream warns you to deal with those issues as soon as possible.