Dreams About Knives – Meaning and Interpretation

Knives are not as common symbols in dreams. If you dream about a knife or knives, maybe your dream indicates the need to cut something or someone out of your life.

That might be a relationship, or some habit which is harming you.

Dreams about knives usually indicate some things in your life you should get rid of. Dreams about knives are often a sign you need to take action to confront and solve some problems you have.

They might point out the need to confront your issues and feel the relief and freedom after dealing with them.

Sometimes this dream might symbolize people in your life with a sharp mind. It can also indicate someone’s aggression or your aggressiveness.

The amount of aggression someone has can be determined by the sharpness or bluntness of the knife in your dream.

These dreams can sometimes indicate the need to dissect something into pieces to deal with it easier.

Knives in a dream can also announce some difficult times coming into your life. Sometimes they can indicate your insecurity and need for protection.

Dreams about knives might sometimes signify separations and emotional conflicts.

Maybe you are suffering because of some loses or changes, or being emotionally hurt or threatened. Maybe your dream signifies your fear of loss or changes.

Blunt knives often indicate slow movement forward, and sharp are a sign of fast relief.

Women’s dreams about knives often indicate their fear of something unknown possibly happening in their lives.

Dreams About Knives – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about knives (for men). If you saw or used a knife in your dream, such dream might not be a good sign, indicating your aggressiveness and the need to control your temper.

Dreaming about a very sharp knife. If you saw a very sharp knife in your dream, such dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating someone close, like a family member, a friend, or even your romantic partner, might betray you in the near future. This person’s act might disappoint you a lot.

Dreaming about a blunt knife. If you dreamed about a blunt knife, such dream might indicate not being equipped or skilled enough to finish some task or a project. This dream might also indicate being inefficient in some part of your life.

Maybe it indicates being attacked by someone and not being prepared to reject the attack and defend yourself.


Dreaming about a knife with rust. If you saw a rusty knife in your dream, such dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating your unhappiness because of some issues bothering you at home or your work place.

Dreaming about pocket knife. If you saw a pocket knife in your dream, such dream might indicate repressing some negative feelings, such as anger.

This dream might also indicate being confident in your abilities to resolve whatever problem you might encounter. This dream sometimes indicates readiness.

Dreaming about a knife with blood on it. If you saw a bloody knife in a dream, such dream might indicate feeling guilty or regretful for hurting someone.

It might also indicate your fear of being forced to somehow pay for something you did.

Sometimes it might indicate overcoming a huge problem or some danger.

Dreaming about a penknife. If you saw a penknife in your dream, such dream might indicate your desire and intention to defend your decisions. Maybe it indicates having a difficulty to talk about your feelings to others.

Dreaming about a set of knives. If you dreamed about a set of knives, such dream might reveal your current emotional or psychological turmoil, a state which might last for a while.

Maybe you are afraid to cut off some relationship from your life.

Dreaming about looking at knives. If you observed knives in your dream, such dream is usually not a good sign, indicating anger or aggression.

Sometimes this dream might indicate your need to get rid of some hurtful memories so you can get on with your life.

Dreaming about holding a knife in your hand. If you were holding a knife in your hand in a dream, such dream might indicate your desire to attack someone or your need to defend against someone.

Dreaming about holding sharp knives in your hand. If you dreamed about holding a set of sharp knives in your dream, such dream might indicate being prepared to cut off a toxic love relationship from your life and move on.

Dreaming about someone with a knife in a hand. If you saw someone with a knife in his or her hand, such dream might signify someone in your life who controls you in some way. Maybe this person somehow obstructs you.

Dreaming about being chased by a man with a knife (for women). If you were chased by a man with a knife in a dream, such dream might reveal your fears of being abandoned by your partner, or fears of being single.

It might also indicate your efforts to please your partner.

Sometimes this dream might represent your attempts to avoid someone aggressive sexual approach towards you.

Dreaming about hurting yourself with a knife. If you dreamed about, harming yourself with a knife, such dream might warn you about your behavior or some habits or addictions you have, and the need to get rid of them.

Dreaming about being stabbed with a knife by someone you know. If you dreamed about being stabbed with a knife by someone you know, such dream usually warns you to pay attention to that person’s actions towards you.

Dreaming about being stabbed in the back with a knife by a friend. If you dreamed about being stabbed in the back with a knife, by some friend, such dream indicates you need to check who your true friends are. There are some enemies among them and you might already have suspicions about that.

Dreaming about being stabbed with a knife. If you dreamed about being stabbed with a knife, such dream might symbolize embarrassment and pain because you rejected something you don’t agree with.

Sometimes this dream might represent a person in your life you think is trying to take revenge on you for some reason.

Maybe this dream represents a powerful enemy you have.

Maybe you are currently experiencing the consequences of someone’s jealousy towards you.

Dreaming about killing someone with a knife. If you killed someone with a knife in your dream, such dream is actually a good sign, possibly indicating your romantic inclinations towards someone, maybe even towards the person from your dream.

This dream reveals your desire to be romantically and passionately involved with someone special.

Dreaming about your mother threatening you with a knife. If you dreamed about your mother threatening you with a knife, such dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating conflicts and discord in your relationships with family members or friends in particular.

This dream might also indicate cutting your bonds and ties with close people. Sometimes this dream indicates a real conflict with your mother and the need to resolve it as soon as possible.

Dreaming about being attacked by several knives. If you were attacked by several knives in a dream, such dream is not a good sign. This dream usually indicates you have a lot of enemies around you, and warns you to do something to protect yourself.
