Keys are used to unlock and lock something. Dreams about keys might indicate opening yourself to some new opportunities, new ideas, knowledge, etc.
They might also indicate unlocking repressed memories from your unconscious.
These dreams might also symbolize secrets, control, freedom or some responsibilities. Sometimes they might indicate finding solutions for some problems you have.
They might also represent repressing something or denying something. Maybe there is something, you are lying about, or you are hiding from others. That might be your thoughts, emotions, some secrets or memories, etc.
These dreams might also represent some important document or information.
Dreams About Keys – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about keys in general. If you dreamed about keys, without any additional details, such a dream might signify the need to bring some project you are working on, to fruition, to make space for doing some new things in life.
Dreaming about a single key on a key ring. If you saw one key on a key ring in your dream, such a dream might signify focusing all your efforts on one idea or project, which don’t have a chance to be successful. The key might represent your needless attempts to hold on to something which is not going to happen.
This dream maybe indicates your fear of taking some risks in life.
Dreaming about two keys. If you saw two keys in your dream, such a dream might signify some situation turning out completely different than expected.
Dreaming about many keys on a key ring. If you saw many keys on a key ring in your dream, such a dream might signify your authority or status, or it might indicate your power.
Maybe this dream signifies easily adapting to various situations.
Dreaming about a bunch of keys on a key ring might also indicate going on a trip somewhere and meeting new people. This travel might even change some of your views.
Dreaming about giving someone a key. If you dreamed about giving someone a key, such a dream might signify opening your heart to someone and sharing some private information about yourself.
Maybe this dream indicates giving up your control over some situation in your life, or giving up on some responsibilities.
This dream might also indicate an upcoming marriage commitment, or some new phase in your life in general.
Dreaming about someone giving you keys. If you dreamed about someone giving you keys, and especially if that was a person you are strongly connected to, such a dream might be a sign of receiving help and support in some challenging situation.
Maybe the person who gave you the key will be the one to help you, or maybe this dream indicates help from someone unexpected.
This dream might also be an indication of expansion in your family and the possibility of becoming a parent in the near future.
Dreaming about losing a key. If you lost a key in your dream, such a dream is usually a bad sign.
This dream might indicate forgetting some important details or information.
It might also indicate being overly frustrated. Maybe you feel lost because of something, or you feel you are losing control over some aspect of your life.
Sometimes it might indicate missed opportunities.
You might also fear losing control over your actions or losing your social status.
This dream might also be an indication of some unexpected changes or unpleasant events and frustrations in the near future.
This dream might also signify finding yourself in some embarrassing situation soon, and being laughed at by the people from your surroundings.
Sometimes this dream is a sign of someone trying to control you and restrict you in some way.
Dreaming about finding a key. If you found a key in your dream, such a dream might signify finding a solution to some problem you have.
Maybe it indicates discovering something about your personality or someone’s personality.
You might have this dream, if you have recently lost your keys and your subconscious is showing you where they are, through your dream.
This dream might also indicate accomplishing some great things in the near future. Maybe you will experience a boost in your career, through the help of some people who will present you some new and exciting opportunities.
Dreaming about breaking a key. If you dreamed about breaking a key, such a dream might signify some malfunction, occurring in your life soon. You should check all your appliances and machines, to try to prevent this from happening.
This dream might also be a sign of ending of a relationship, because of someone’s jealousy or cheating.
Dreaming about broken keys. If you saw broken keys in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign, possibly indicating the loss of status.
Dreaming about opening a door with a key. If you dreamed about opening some door with a key, such a dream might signify your new interest in some subject you discovered recently and you want to really occupy yourself with it.
If you had problems finding the right key to unlock the door, such a dream might be a sign of some difficulties you are currently experiencing, or not being able to solve some problems you have.
This dream is a good sign if you are starting a new business, and it signifies success in your new endeavors.
Dreaming about not being able to find your house keys. If you dreamed about not being able to find the keys to your house, such a dream might signify being preoccupied with some seriously difficult personal affairs. Maybe you are trying to solve some problems bothering you for some time and forgetting about the small everyday details, because of that.
Your mental state might provoke minor inconveniences like misplacing a key, or something similar.
Dreaming about observing a key. If you dreamed about observing a key from a close distance, such a dream might signify some good things in the near future. It might be a sign of some fortunate business decisions, which might increase your reputation as well as your income.
This dream is a sign of success and progress in your career.
It might also indicate improvement of your life conditions and increase of your finances and income.
Dreaming about hearing keys rattling. If you heard keys rattling in your dream, such a dream is a good sign indicating having the right attitude towards life. It might be a sign of being on the right path. This dream might also signify some decisive actions.
Dreaming about turning a key in a keyhole. If you dreamed about turning a key in a keyhole, such a dream might signify encountering some unpleasant circumstances soon, probably at work.
Dreaming about a gold key. If you dreamed about a key made of gold, such a dream might signify getting access to everything you want, through your influence and wealth.
This dream might also signify your interest in learning and sharing your knowledge with others. You probably enjoy using your knowledge for the benefit of those around you.
This dream might also indicate being involved in volunteer activities in the near future.
Dreaming about rusty keys. If you saw rusty keys in your dream, such a dream might signify some neglected talents or skills.