Dreams About Jewelry – Meaning and Interpretation

The meaning of dreams about jewelry can vary and is usually related to your personal attitude towards jewelry.

The type of jewelry you dreamed of, such as rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. and the gemstones used in the jewelry, can give an additional insight to the meaning of your dream.

Jewelry in your dreams can foretell your prosperous future and success, as well as being able to afford all you want.

Dreams of jewelry symbolize your self-worth and image, as well as your personal value. They might also be a sign of your status and wealth and they can symbolize something or someone you consider precious and valuable.

They also symbolize your psychological and spiritual wealth.

Jewelry in a dream often symbolizes being aware of your desires and goals in life and the things important to you.

Dreams of jewelry might also represent some talents you possess.

If you are a woman and you dreamed of receiving jewelry as a gift, such dream has a good meaning, possibly indicating some fortunate events in the near future, and even marrying someone you love.

If you dreamed you lost a piece of jewelry, such dream is usually a bad sign, possibly indicating being a victim of someone’s fraud in the near future.

Dreams About Jewelry – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about wearing jewelry. If you dreamed of wearing jewelry, such dream is a very good sign, indicating career advancement. That might increase your status and change people’s opinion about you.

Dreaming about someone wearing jewelry. If you saw someone wearing jewelry in your dream, such dream is a good sign and might indicate you or someone else becoming famous in the future.

Dreaming about inherited jewelry. If you dreamed you had some inherited jewelry, such dream is usually not a good sign. This dream might reveal not being satisfied with your current financial situation.

Dreaming about giving someone jewelry as a present. If you dreamed of giving jewelry to someone as a present, such dream might not be a good sign. This dream usually indicates being seriously threatened by something or someone.

Dreaming about receiving jewelry as a present. If you dreamed of receiving jewelry from someone as a present, such dream might be reminding you to acknowledge and appreciate more the qualities you possess. The jewelry given to you might symbolize the person who gave them to you in your dream.

Dreaming about clothes decorated with jewelry. If you dreamed your clothes were covered with jewelry, such dream is a good sign, possibly indicating wealth in the future.

This dream might indicate the increase of your income, or receiving an inheritance from someone, etc.


It might also announce the rise in status, as a result, of these new circumstances.

Dreaming about buying or finding jewelry. If you dreamed of buying or finding jewelry, such dream is a good sign, possibly indicating a satisfying romantic relationship or doing something which will increase your incomes.

It is a sign of good luck, which might significantly change your life for the better.

If you bought jewelry in your dream, such dream might also indicate finally achieving or getting something you desired for a long time.

Dreaming about buying fake jewelry. If you bought fake jewelry in your dream, such dream is a bad sign, possibly indicating you might be disappointed by some experience or with some purchase.

Dreaming about seeing a lot of jewelry. If you dreamed of seeing a lot of jewelry, such dream might not be a good sign, possibly indicating being jealous and lazy. Maybe you desire a life of pure joy and luxury, without doing anything.

Dreaming about wearing gold jewelry. If you wore gold jewelry in a dream, such dream is not a good sign.

This dream might warn you of a possibility of getting robbed or being taken advantage of in the near future.

It might also indicate being violently or maliciously offended by someone. That might be done by someone jealous of you, waiting for a chance to attack or harm you in some way.

Dreaming about trying out some diamond jewelry. If you dreamed you were trying out some diamond jewelry, such dream might not be a good sign, possibly indicating the decline of your health in the near future.

Dreaming about diamond jewelry. If you dreamed of wearing, or seeing someone wearing diamond jewelry, such dream is a bad sign, possibly indicating being insulted by someone in the near future.

It might also indicate parting ways with a very good friend because of a misunderstanding.

This dream can also indicate losing something you are very attached to.

Dreaming about broken jewelry. If you saw broken jewelry in your dream, such dream is not a good sign and might indicate being disappointed, for failing to achieve your goals.

Sometimes this dream indicates a partial success of your current endeavors.

It might also indicate being left on your own to pursue your current goals.

Dreaming about losing jewelry. If you dreamed of losing jewelry, such dream is not a good sign, but a possible warning about your current business. It might indicate the failure of your current business endeavors and loss. You should pay attention to your spending because you might encounter financial troubles.

This dream can sometimes indicate being in contact with people who might want to take advantage of you.

If you had such a dream, you should pay attention to people who only pretend to be your friends and have only their own interest in mind.

Dreaming about buying or wearing new expensive jewelry. If you dreamed you were buying or wearing a piece of expensive luxury jewelry, such dream is a good sign for your future. It might indicate living a luxurious lifestyle, thanks to your constant effort and devotion.

Maybe this has been your lifelong desire, and now it’s about to become a reality.

Dreaming about someone stealing your jewelry. If you dreamed someone stole a piece of your jewelry, like, a necklace or a ring, etc. such dream might symbolize someone of dishonest and deceiving nature in your close circle of friends.

Maybe someone is trying to take away something important in your life, like your partner, reputation, your job, etc.

This person might even try to turn your family and friends against you in order to achieve his or her devious plans.

Dreaming about a jewelry box. If you dreamed you saw a jewelry box, such dream might signify hiding something inside you. Maybe you are protecting yourself from someone, who might possibly hurt you or steal something important and precious, like your heart, or a secret you have.

This dream can also symbolize something valuable inside yourself, you refuse to acknowledge or accept. That can be a talent or a positive characteristic you have.
