Hair is significant for our good looks and confidence. In dreams, it symbolizes power and strength.
It can also be a sign of knowledge and our thoughts, as well as prosperity and abundance.
Dreams about hair also indicate virility, seduction, vanity, sensuality and health.
Dream about a short hair, might indicate being trustworthy and having integrity, while long hair symbolizes your physical and spiritual strength. Long hair may also be a sign of enjoying sexual pleasures.
Grey or white hair might be a symbol of wisdom and experience, which comes with aging.
Dreams About Hair – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about cutting your hair. If you dreamed about cutting your hair, such a dream might indicate some major changes occurring in your life.
This dream might also indicate loss of strength.
Maybe it indicates feeling as if someone is censoring you.
This dream might also indicate changing your way of thinking.
It might also indicate making changes regarding your goals and ambitions or getting rid of some harmful old habits.
Dreaming about getting your hair cut. If you dreamed about having your hair cut, such a dream might reveal your readiness to let go of some things in your life.
Dreaming about cutting someone’s hair. If you dreamed about cutting someone’s hair, such a dream might signify your fear of losing control in some situation in your life.
Dreaming about combing and styling your hair. If you dreamed about combing and styling your hair, such a dream might indicate judging and evaluating some new concept, an idea, or a way of thinking.
Maybe you are trying to organize better your thoughts.
Maybe this dream indicates taking, all facts into account, regarding some important matter.
Sometimes this dream represents being concerned about your appearance and self – image.
Dreaming about dying your hair. If you dreamed about dying your hair, such a dream might indicate your need for someone’s advice, regarding your future.
Dreaming about curling your hair. If you curled your hair in a dream, such a dream is a good sign, indicating you will soon overcome some obstacles you are facing.
If you curled someone’s hair in your dream, such dream might indicate, that person somehow helping you in the near future.
Dreaming about washing your hair. If you washed your hair in a dream, such a dream is a good sign, and signifies success of some new endeavor or a relationship.
Dreaming about hair falling out. If you dreamed about your hair falling out, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating some losses ahead.
This dream might also indicate the loss of your confidence.
It might also signify feeling defeated in some situation in your life.
Dreaming about hair growing. If you dreamed about your hair visibly growing, such a dream might indicate the need to make some choice or decision in the near future. This dream might also be a sign of your growing confidence.
If it was growing without control, this dream might indicate your exaggerated arrogance and pride.
Dreaming about losing hair. If you dreamed about losing your hair, such a dream might reveal your concerns about getting old and losing your attractiveness. Maybe you are occupied with the way you look and trying to stop aging.
Sometimes this dream represents lack of strength to achieve something.
It might also signify feeling vulnerable and weak.
Dreaming about having long hair. If you dreamed about having long hair, such a dream is a good sign, indicating you make well thought out decisions.
Maybe it indicates being organized and concentrated on resolving some situation.
If your hair was so long it bothered you, such a dream might indicate your thoughts are keeping you from moving forward. Maybe you tend to overthink, instead of taking action.
Dreaming about your hair trimmed very short. If you dreamed about having your hair, cut extremely short, and being dissatisfied with it, such a dream is not a good sign, and is probably a warning about your finances. You should pay attention, because you are probably spending more than you have.
This dream warns you about the need to change your financial management; otherwise, you might face some grave financial problems in the near future.
Dreaming about dirty hair. If you dreamed about having dirty hair, such a dream might indicate feeling unworthy or being judged for some reason.
Dreaming about black hair. If you saw someone with black hair, such a dream represents some mysterious person.
If you had black hair or you dyed your hair black, such a dream might indicate feeling closed and trying to hide your emotions and feelings.
Dreaming about tangled hair. If your hair was knotted or tangled in your dream, such a dream might indicate feeling confused or uncertain about something in your life.
It might also indicate not being able to think straight in some situation.
Dreaming about being covered in hair. If you dreamed about being covered in hair, such a dream might indicate the need to reassess your goals. Maybe you need to change some of them.
Sometimes this dream indicates being protected by someone.
Dreaming about going to the hairdresser. If you dreamed about going to the hairdresser, such a dream might indicate having a negative outlook on life. Maybe this dream warns you to change your attitude.
Dreaming about not being satisfied with your haircut. If you dreamed about not being satisfied with your haircut, such a dream might signify feelings of losing your self – esteem and power.
Dreaming about hair growing in strange places. If you dreamed about your hair growing in places where it usually doesn’t grow, such a dream might indicate feeling attacked by someone or feeling as if you have lost control over some situation in your life.
Dreaming about your hair being washed and cut. If you dreamed about a hairdresser washing and cutting your hair, such a dream might indicate getting ready for a special gathering, or a social event you are attending soon.
Dreaming about being a hairdresser. If you dreamed about being a hairdresser, such a dream might indicate imposing or forcing yourself onto others.
Sometimes this dream is a sign of your readiness to change your direction in life. Maybe it indicates making some major life changes or planning to make them.
Dreaming about being in a hair salon. If you dreamed about being in a hair salon, such a dream might represent your worry about other people’s opinion about you. Sometimes it might indicate some secrets you are keeping to yourself.
Dreaming about a drastic hairstyle change. If you dreamed about completely changing your hairstyle, such a dream might signify making a new approach to some issues in your life.
Dreaming about a lot of bugs in your hair. If you dreamed about having a lot of bugs in your hair, such a dream might indicate something bothering and confusing you.
Sometimes, this dream can signify making an issue out of nothing.
This dream might also reveal your concerns about your public image.
Dreaming about running your hand through someone’s hair. If you dreamed about running your hand through someone’s hair, such a dream might indicate your desire to connect to that person intellectually or spiritually.
It might also be a sign of sympathy and friendly love you feel towards this person.