Dreams about ghosts usually symbolize unresolved past issues, which are still affecting us. Those issues might be some unfulfilled love stories, painful memories, people we cannot forget, people we cannot forgive, feelings of love, hate, anger, jealousy or embarrassment.
Dreams about ghosts are often dreamed when someone close violently dies or is murdered, because people feel haunted by such tragic events.
Dreams about ghosts of loved ones might be reflections of feelings of abandonment. They might also signify not being able to let go of a person, and not being able to accept the fact that the person is dead. If you dreamed such a dream, maybe you feel as if your loved one isn’t satisfied with some of your current actions, or the way you live your life. Maybe you are burdened by feelings of guilt for something you did or said to the deceased person and now it’s haunting you as a ghost in your dreams.
Dreams about ghosts might also indicate some unpleasant events, especially at work. These dreams might reveal your dissatisfaction with your career and your desire to do something else for a living.
Dreams About Ghosts – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about seeing a ghost. If you dreamed about seeing a ghost, such a dream might be a sign of emotional distress you have been undergoing lately. Maybe the things bothering you are not big issues, but might have some mystic attributes attached to them.
Sometimes this dream is a sign of something being out of your reach. Maybe it is a sign of your isolation from society.
Sometimes this dream might indicate the need to change something in the way you think or behave.
Dreaming about being a ghost. If you dreamed about being a ghost, such a dream might signify something from your past you fear. Maybe that is some guilt you have been carrying, or a painful memory, or repressed thoughts.
Sometimes this dream signifies your fears of dying.
Maybe it is a sign of desperately trying to get away from some situation in your life. This dream can sometimes indicate your feelings of regret and sadness for not being able to do what you really wanted. Maybe you were forced to sacrifice some of your hopes and desires for some reason, and you were never able to overcome those feelings of loss.
Sometimes this dream signifies your feelings of being ignored.
Dreaming about becoming a ghost. If you dreamed about becoming a ghost, such a dream might signify some of your inner fears or feelings of guilt. This dream is indicating that there is something in your past still bothering you and calls for your attention.
Dreaming about touching a ghost which disappears. If you dreamed about touching a ghost which afterwards disappears, such a dream might indicate starting to recognize some repressed thoughts and feelings, although you are not ready to confront them.
Dreaming about a ghost of a dead person. If you dreamed about a ghost of your dead friend or a relative, such a dream might indicate your feelings of regret or guilt regarding your connection with that person while she or he was still alive.
Dreaming about seeing a ghost of a living person. If you saw a ghost of a person who is your live friend or a relative, such a dream is not a good sign, and might indicate some malicious acts this person might undertake towards you, so you should beware.
Dreaming about being haunted by a ghost. If you were haunted by a ghost in a dream, such a dream might indicate refusing to confront and deal with issues from your past, regardless of the fact that they are affecting your life.
Dreaming about evil ghosts, trying to kill you. If you dreamed about ghosts trying to kill you, such a dream might signify your readiness to confront your past and your repressed emotions. This dream is an indication of your readiness to move on with your life, leaving your past behind.
Dreaming about a ghost choking you. If a ghost was choking you in a dream, such a dream might indicate some situation from the past is preventing you to express yourself.
Dreaming about being frightened by a ghost. If a ghost frightened you in a dream, such a dream might not be a good sign and indicate receiving some bad news soon. Sometimes such a dream might indicate receiving news about someone’s death and invitation to a funeral.
Dreaming about not being afraid by a ghost. If you saw a ghost in your dream, and you weren’t frightened by the sight of it, such a dream might indicate receiving some good news soon. Maybe you will hear some pleasant announcement, which will bring you happiness and joy.
Dreaming about seeing a ghost from a distance. If you saw a ghost from a distance in a dream, such a dream is usually not a good sign. This dream might indicate being a victim of deception by people close to you.
Sometimes this dream announces some unexplainable situations and events happening to you in the near future.
Dreaming about a white ghost. If you saw a white ghost in a dream, such a dream might indicate happiness in the near future. This dream signifies joyful events coming your way soon.
Dreaming about a black ghost. If you saw a black ghost in a dream, such a dream might indicate bad luck coming your way in the near future. This dream might be a sign of loss, sickness and great hardships.
Dreaming about a ghost talking to you. If you dreamed you were talking to a ghost in a dream, such a dream is usually not a good sign and might indicate deceit by some people close to you. You should beware of false information received from people who are not your loyal and trusted friends, given to you only with a purpose to misguide you.
Dreaming about a ghost trying to communicate with you. If you saw a ghost making some gestures and trying to communicate with you, such a dream is a bad sign. This dream signifies difficulties and hardship you will most likely encounter in the near future.
Sometimes, such a dream is an indication of a conflict with some of your rivals or people who are trying to set you up, or ruin you.
Dreaming about several ghosts. If you saw more than one ghost in a dream, such a dream might indicate reminiscing the past. Maybe you have been emotionally attached to some past situations, preventing you from moving on with your life.
Dreaming about a ghost chasing you or running away from a ghost. If you dreamed about a ghost chasing you, or trying to escape from a ghost, such a dream might signify your sadness for the passing away of a special person in your life.
Sometimes this dream signifies being nostalgic about things from the past or feeling sad for something that cannot be brought back.
Dreaming about a ghost of someone you know. If you dreamed about a ghost of a known person, your relative or a friend, such a dream maybe signifies unresolved issues with that person which are bothering you and stopping you from moving forward with your life.
Dreaming about trying to destroy a ghost. If you tried to get rid of a ghost in a dream, such a dream might be indicating a period of conflicts and disagreements with some members of your family. The issues you will be quarrelling about are dating back in the past, and you won’t be able to resolve them easily.
Dreaming about an angry ghost. If you saw an angry and frightening looking ghost in a dream, such a dream might indicate some changes are about to occur in your life. These changes might be related to your home or workplace.
Sometimes such a dream forewarns some inevitable situations in your life.
Dreaming about a see – through ghost. If you saw such a ghost in your dream, your dream might signify some deep feelings or some situations with deep impact on your life, and you not being aware of them.
Dreaming about a ghost moving things. If you dreamed about a ghost moving things around your house, such a dream might signify some mistakes you’ve made in your life, which are having long – term consequences on your life.
Dreaming about becoming friends with a ghost. If you dreamed about being a friend with a ghost, such a dream is a sign of good luck in the upcoming days. This dream is an indication of success in all your projects and endeavors. It is a sign of satisfaction of being able to successfully accomplish everything you have planned.
Dreaming about the ghost of your father. If you dreamed about your father’s ghost, such a dream might reveal your feelings of regret or guilt about some bad decision you made. This dream might also be a result of guilt or regret for not making some decision, or for not making it in the right moment. Maybe you feel embarrassed for doing the wrong thing.
Dreaming about a non – moving ghost. If you saw a ghost which wasn’t moving in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of being deceived by some envious people. They are probably jealous of your good fortune and success and would do anything to deprive you of your happiness.
Dreaming about being attacked by a ghost. If you were attacked by a ghost in your dream, such a dream might signify being in a state of a possible emotional breakdown. Maybe you were piling up some bad emotions and frustrations which are almost ready to burst out.