Dreams about fights are an unpleasant experience. They might indicate the way you are dealing with responsibilities and problems in your life. They might point out to some outside influences, which are preventing you from achieving your goals.
If, for example, your reaction to someone attacking you in a dream was to run away, instead of fighting and defending yourself, such a dream indicates that you are currently escaping from your problems, instead of dealing with them.
If you fight back the attack, such a dream indicates that you are confronting your problems and obstacles coming your way. You probably are confident and feel you are controlling your life.
Sometimes dreams about fighting might indicate a conflict between your desires and moral beliefs or your reason and emotions. Such conflicts might pull you in different directions.
Dreams about fighting might also be a sign of conflicts in real life. If you knew the person you were fighting with in a dream, maybe such a dream indicates some issues you have with that person in real life. Maybe you are not even aware of the animosity you have towards that person.
These dreams might also reveal your inner struggle to understand something. Maybe you have difficulties making some decision. Violent actions, like punching, stabbing, murdering, kicking, pulling someone’s hair or slapping someone in a dream are a sign you need to make some important decisions about your life.
Very often dreams about fighting and violence represent your anger and resentment towards someone in your real life. You need to think about a way to resolve your anger and relieve such negative emotions, being so powerful that they appear in your dreams as well.
Maybe a dream about fighting indicates your desire to express yourself in the right way.
Sometimes it indicates you might be threatened by something. These dreams are often dreamed when you are having a fight with someone in real life or you are angry at someone. Sometimes a fight in a dream might indicate being in conflict with yourself.
If you dreamed about others being angry and fighting, such a dream might indicate you have offended someone, who is holding that against you and harboring anger at you.
Dreams about fighting are often dreamed by women with emotional problems.
Dreams About Fighting – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about fighting with someone. If you dreamed you were fighting with someone, such a dream might indicate some events happening in the near future which might come as a big surprise to you. That event can be either pleasant or an unpleasant one.
Sometimes this dream might indicate receiving good news from someone close to you.
Dreaming about fighting with a friend. If you dreamed about fighting with a friend such a dream is a very bad sign and might indicate losses in the near future.
Dreaming about friends fighting. If you dreamed about watching your friends fighting in front of you, such a dream might indicate the possibility of soon being an intermediary between them in real life, making sure they come to a mutually beneficial solution.
Dreaming about fighting with a stranger. If you dreamed about fighting with someone you don’t know, such a dream might be a sign of some changes in your life which might alter the course of your life. They might happen in your home, your business, career, or in personal relationships.
Dreaming about fighting with an acquaintance. If you dreamed you were fighting with an acquaintance, such a dream might be a sign of receiving some good news soon.
Dreaming about hearing a fight. If you heard someone fighting in a dream, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate something bad happening to you in the near future.
Dreaming about a fight between a younger and older person. If you watched some young person fighting with someone older, such a dream might be a sign of conflict and problems with some authorities. That might be an institution as well.
Dreaming about fighting with someone your age. If you fought with someone about your age in a dream, such a dream might indicate some rivalry you have with a friend or a sibling. Maybe you have some resentment towards that person, without knowing it.
Dreaming about watching someone fighting. If you dreamed about watching someone fighting, such a dream is a good sign and signifies the freedom you have to organize your life the way you want.
Dreaming about a couple fighting. If you were fighting with your partner or watched a couple fight in a dream, such a dream is not a good sign and indicates betrayal and infidelity.
Dreaming about fighting along with your partner against someone. If you dreamed about fighting along with your spouse or partner against someone else, such a dream might be a bad sign for your romantic life. This dream might even indicate a period of separation from your partner. Usually the separation is temporary, but sometimes it indicates the end of the relationship.
Dreaming about losing blood while fighting. If you were dreaming about fighting with someone and noticing blood coming from a wound on your body, such a dream might be a sign of betrayal and treachery. Maybe you trust some people too much. Sometimes the people who are our closest may turn out to be our worst enemies.
Dreaming about being hurt in a fight. If you dreamed about being hurt in a fight, such a dream might indicate your tendency to uninvited put your nose in other people’s business.
Maybe you are giving people advice without being asked to. Regardless of your best intentions, you should try to avoid such a behavior if you don’t want people to start avoiding you. Your behavior might also cause you problems.
Dreaming about breaking a fight. If you tried to break someone’s fight in a dream, such a dream might indicate you don’t have what it takes to be a good arbiter.
Dreaming about being defeated in a fight. If you dreamed you were fighting with someone and lost the fight, such a dream is a sign of unfortunate events coming soon into your life. It might indicate making bad financial decisions and losing a lot of money as a result.
In some cases this dream indicates even loss of property or worse, bankruptcy.
Dreaming about fighting with someone close. If you dreamed about fighting with someone close or a loved one, such a dream might indicate your arrogant nature.
You might even have an aggressive attitude towards everyone. Your behavior might cause you a lot of unnecessary problems and even ending of relationships with people who are very important to you.
Dreaming about not being able to stop fighting. If you dreamed about fighting with a large number of people, and you couldn’t stop fighting, such a dream might be a serious warning.
This dream warns you to avoid contact with people with a possible criminal past or doubtful character, because you might end up considered as one of them. You might also be involved in some wrong doings you would never have participated otherwise, which might also bring you great regret.
Sometimes this dream might indicate going on a wild party soon.
It might also be a sign of a career change.
Dreaming about watching someone fighting from a distance. If you observed someone fighting from a distance, such a dream is warning you not to become a victim of someone’s mistake. You might find yourself in a compromising situation where your reputation will be jeopardized.
Dreaming about fighting with a girlfriend. If you were fighting with your girlfriend in a dream, such a dream is usually a sign of strengthening the relationship with your girlfriend.
Dreaming about fighting with your mother. If you were fighting with your mother in a dream, such a dream might be a bad sign, indicating some unfortunate times and events coming in the near future. You might even be involved in some accident, you will be responsible for.
Dreaming about fighting in a duel. If you were fighting in a duel in your dream, such a dream might not be a good sign. This dream might indicate problems and difficulties in some important areas of your life, like your personal relationships, business or career.
Fortunately they are only temporary and you will be able to overcome them with ease.