Dreams About Falling – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreams about falling are one of the most common dreams. They usually occur in the first stage of sleep, accompanied by muscle spasms in your legs, arms and the whole body.

When dreaming such dreams, you might feel your body contracting, which might even wake you up.

These dreams are very revealing about your inner state, so you must never overlook their meaning, especially if you dream often about falling.

This dream is a probably an indication of your instability, insecurity or anxiety. Maybe you feel overwhelmed about some situation, which might be out of control, possibly in your work or in your relationship. Maybe it seems as if there’s nothing to hold on to.

In dreams about falling, you usually wake up before you hit the ground. These dreams might also indicate losing control in some aspect of your life or some situation.

They can be related to relationships, work, home, etc. Maybe you have problems with letting go of something, like your status or power or even control.

These dreams might also indicate your sense of failure in some situation. Maybe you fear failure in important areas of your life, such as school, job, or love. Maybe you have lost your confidence.

Dreams about falling might also be a result of your fear of losing your job or your relationship.

Sometimes these dreams are connected to some internal or external issues which you have been neglecting. There are various reasons for having dreams about falling.

One reason might be the loss of balance in your life. Maybe you don’t have stability. You might also feel pushed by someone. You might be overworking.

Sometimes these dreams can indicate doing something against your will. They might also indicate some repressed aspects of your personality. Maybe you have lost control over your life.

Sometimes they indicate trying to hold onto a situation and fix something you cannot control and doesn’t serve you anymore. That might be a certain issue in your relationship, with your friends or your family.

This dream might be warning you to be more cautious. Sometimes it indicates a big crisis in your life. Maybe you fear for your safety or financial security. Maybe you have some major problems and struggles.

You might be frightened about losing everything in life. Maybe you feel helpless, because you cannot change anything. You might feel exhausted, because you have reached your maximum in some situation. Maybe you need to slow down a bit.

Falling on your back might indicate the need for some more support and if you fell in the water, maybe you feel overwhelmed with emotions and emotionally breaking down.

If you were feeling alright while falling, maybe this dream indicates some unexpected favorable changes.


Sometimes these dreams might be caused by problems which people around you have and you feel stressed about not being able to help them.

These dreams don’t always have to indicate some bad things. Often they are a sign of change happening soon.

If you weren’t afraid while falling, this dream might indicate not being serious about an important situation you cannot control anymore. Maybe you are irresponsible or avoid responsibilities.

This dream might also indicate failing to achieve some goal you have set yourself.

Dreams About Falling– Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming about falling and waking up. If you dreamed you were falling and you suddenly woke up, such a dream might indicate some bad things happening soon. You might encounter some obstacles and difficulties when trying to reach some goals. The fact you woke abruptly, indicates those events might happen soon.

Dreaming about falling down and feeling it. If you dreamed about falling down and were actually feeling you were falling, such a dream might be a warning. This dream might indicate grief and illusions. It might indicate some risky ventures which might be ineffective and end up failing.

Dreaming about flying and falling down. If you dreamed you were flying and then fell down, such a dream is actually a good sign and indicates easily finding solutions to some problems you currently have.

This dream also indicates removing obstacles on your way, to successfully fulfill your plans and desires.

Dreaming about being frightened after falling. If you were terrified after falling, such a dream might indicate some negativity in your life. It might indicate conflicts which you will fortunately resolve, thus restoring your balance.

Dreaming about falling and hurting yourself. If you dreamed about falling and hurting yourself, such a dream might be a bad sign. This dream might indicate grave losses.

It might also indicate being abandoned by people you considered very close and trustworthy.

Dreaming about someone falling. If you saw someone falling in a dream, such a dream is a warning. This dream might indicate someone you know getting in some sort of trouble and maybe needing your help and encouragement to overcome these difficult times.

Dreaming about falling and getting back on your feet. If you dreamed about falling, but getting back on your feet again, such a dream is a good sign. This dream indicates success and respect of others.

It might also indicate becoming wealthy soon.

Dreaming about not being able to get up after falling. If you weren’t able to stand up after falling in your dream, such a dream might have a negative meaning. Maybe you will become disappointed and depressed for not being able to achieve something you want.

Dreaming about an unknown person falling. If you saw some stranger falling in your dream, such a dream has a bad meaning. It might indicate grave financial losses which might seriously jeopardize your financial stability.

Dreaming about falling quickly. If you dreamed you were falling down very quickly, such a dream has a bad connotation. It might indicate the negativity which is probably currently present in your life. This dream might indicate disgrace and isolation for something you haven’t done.

Dreaming about falling, but never reaching the ground. If you dreamed about falling, but not being able to reach the ground, such a dream might indicate your current emotional state. Maybe you feel you are losing control and failing at something. Maybe you feel as a complete failure and not being able to achieve anything.

Dreaming about falling and hitting the ground. If you dreamed about falling and hitting the ground, such a dream might signify realizing you were wrong about something and the consequences of your errors.

This dream might also indicate loss of power or status. Sometimes it indicates learning from your mistakes.

It might also indicate hitting bottom, or some situation not being able to get worse.

Maybe you are currently dealing with your losses.

Dreaming about falling from a great height. If you dreamed about falling from a great height, like a tree or a building, such a dream might be a very good sign. You might get a promotion at work.

You might receive some rewards and appreciation from people around you.

Sometimes this dream might indicate some negative things and unfortunate events interrupting your daily routine.

Dreaming about falling from a small height. If you dreamed about falling from a small height, like a chair or a table, such a dream doesn’t have a good meaning and might indicate facing some obstacles soon, which you will fortunately overcome with ease.

Dreaming about falling from the roof. If you dreamed about falling down from a roof, such a dream may represent the negativity you are surrounded with.

It might indicate being ignored by the people around you.

Sometimes this dream indicates isolation from people, due to misunderstandings.

Dreaming about falling from a boat. If you fell from a boat in the water, such a dream might be a warning. You should pay attention in the upcoming days, because something negative might happen to you, leaving you feeling isolated and rejected.

Dreaming about falling off a tree. If you fell off a tree in a dream, such a dream might indicate changing your approach towards some things.

Dreaming about falling off a balcony. If you fell off a balcony in a dream, such a dream might indicate separation from your romantic partner due to some unexpected life circumstances. That might be travel or work reasons, but you will soon be reunited.

Dreaming about falling through water. If you dreamed about falling through water, such a dream might signify loss of control, because you are overwhelmed with strong negative emotions about something. Maybe you feel abandoned and left on your own.

Dreaming about falling from a horse. If you dreamed about riding a horse and falling from it, such a dream represents some negativity in your life. Maybe you will encounter some obstacles you will need to confront in the near future.

Dreaming about falling from a tall building. If you dreamed about falling from a skyscraper, such a dream might indicate losing control after achieving a high level of success. Maybe you fear failure after reaching some high goals.

It might also indicate falling into depression after a period of great optimism and happiness.

Dreaming about falling from a waterfall. If you dreamed about falling fast through the current of a waterfall, such a dream is actually a good sign. This dream might indicate being madly in love with someone you see regularly, and being over the moon with happiness because of that fact.

This dream doesn’t indicate the beginning of a relationship it is rather revealing your excitement and pleasure of being in such a state of bliss.

Dreaming about falling into a hole. If you fell into a hole in your dream, such a dream might not have a good meaning. This dream might be a sign of an approaching illness. Sometimes it might indicate impediments caused by some people in your everyday surroundings.

Dreaming about falling in murky water. If you fell in murky water in a dream, such a dream might indicate making some mistakes in the near future. Maybe you will make some decisions or do something you will later regret. These mistakes might cost you a lot.

Dreaming about falling into the sea. If you dreamed about falling into the sea, such a dream might signify your good health and easy recovery from some illness.

Dreaming about falling in water. If you dreamed about falling in water, such a dream might indicate some negativity entering your life. You might find yourself in some unfortunate financial circumstances, which will jeopardize your financial stability and might even bring you to the edge of bankruptcy.

Dreaming about falling down from a mountain. If you dreamed about falling down from a mountain, such a dream might indicate being arrogant and considering yourself superior to others. Maybe you are successful, educated and have money, but your position doesn’t give you the right to undermine and humiliate the ones less fortunate than you.

Things may always turn in life, so you beware.

Dreaming about falling in mud. If you dreamed about falling in mud, such a dream is a bad sign, especially if you were falling from a great height. You might encounter conflicts with some people close to you, like relatives, friends or colleagues soon.

You will be the one responsible for these conflicts. You might unintentionally say or do something to offend some of them. Sometimes this dream indicates changing residence soon.

Dreaming about falling out of a window. If you accidentally or purposefully fell out of a window in a dream, such a dream might indicate some danger you are in. Something is negatively influencing your life. That can be some negative emotions or some negative people around you.

This dream might be a warning to deal with that negativity, to avoid possible problems and misfortune in the near future.

Dreaming about falling into a septic tank. If you dreamed about falling into a septic tank, such a dream might signify receiving a wealthy gift or a reward for something you did in the past.

Maybe you even forgot about it, and it will be a pleasant surprise when you receive it.
