Dreams About Dogs – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreams about dogs usually are connected to areas of life where you feel emotionally protective. A dog in a dream is a sign of self – defense. This dream might also reflect your way of confronting negative situations in life.

Maybe such a dream signifies emotional barriers, which you use to protect yourself. This dream is also a sign of loyalty and being protective towards friends and family.

Dogs in dreams are a symbol of loyalty, protection, fidelity and intuition. This dream might symbolize you or someone close to you who has these qualities. Sometimes a dream about dogs indicates some forgotten or ignored talents you have.

A barking and vicious looking dog might indicate some inner conflicts you’ve been having. It is also a sign of betrayal.

Sick dogs indicate neglected friends, and if they are dying or are dead already, such dream might be a sign of losing a good friend. A dream of a dying dog might also indicate giving up on something or someone.

A dream in which someone was bitten by a dog is a sign of betrayal. Maybe you feel you did something wrong to that person.

Angry dogs in dreams usually reflect feelings of anger towards someone. They might symbolize loss of temper. Sometimes this dream signifies a person in your life who has an angry attitude and a bad temper.

If a dog attacked you in a dream you might be feeling someone is attacking you or threatening you in real life.

Lost dogs in a dream indicate losing confidence in yourself. You might have doubts in your ability to emotionally protect yourself. Maybe you feel some situation is too dangerous for you to confront. Maybe you have problems to defend yourself or your opinion.

A dream about dogs can also have a negative meaning and signify losing control, and not being able to control your instincts and urges. It might also indicate powerful sex urges towards someone.

Sometimes it indicates anger towards someone. This dream might also signify quarrels in the near future.

Dreams About Dogs – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about a dog walking towards you. If you saw a dog walking towards you in a dream, such a dream is not a good sign. It might signify some bad event or negative situation occurring soon in your life. This situation will be difficult for you to overcome.

Dreaming about playing with your or someone’s dog. If you dreamed about playing with your or someone’s dog, such a dream might be an indication of meeting some person who will become your good friend.

Dreaming about playing with a lot of dogs at the same time. If you had such a dream it might indicate your frugal nature, which makes you act selfishly towards others.

Dreaming about a dog biting someone. If you dreamed about a dog biting you or someone you know, such a dream might indicate some kind of confusion.

It might also signify conflicts and lack of understanding with your romantic or business partner.


Dreaming about your own dog biting you. If you dreamed about your own dog biting you, such a dream is a bad sign, indicating losses in the near future. This unfortunate event might be a consequence of some hardships occurring in your life in the near future.

Dreaming about being bitten on the leg by a dog. If you had such a dream it might indicate loss of ability to restore balance in your life. Maybe you don’t want to move forward in achieving your goals. It might also indicate hesitation to approach a new situation.

Dreaming about being bitten on the hand by a dog. If you dreamed about a dog bite on the hand, this dream might be a sign someone is being disloyal to you.

Dreaming about feeding a dog. If you dreamed about feeding a dog, such a dream might be an indication of your reliability, determination and independence.

This dream might also indicate you are currently nurturing your talents. Sometimes it indicates the need to pay more attention to your friends.

Dreaming about not being able to get rid of a dog. If you dreamed about not being able to get rid of a dog, this dream might signify some person in your life who is smothering you or is too dependent on you.

Dreaming about a dog barking. If you heard a dog barking in your dream, such a dream is usually a bad sign. It might indicate receiving some negative news or encountering some negative and unfortunate situations in the near future.

Dreaming about dogs barking. If you heard dogs barking in your dream, this dream might indicate you have been pretty grumpy lately, annoying people around you with your behavior.

Maybe this dream indicates you are behaving bossy and yell at people.

Sometimes this dream indicates some of your friends who complain constantly.

Dreaming about your own dog barking at you. If you dreamed your own dog was barking at you, such a dream might indicate others are jealous of your social status and wealth.

Dreaming about a dog barking happily. This dream is a very good sign indicating social gatherings and pleasure in the near future. Maybe you have become a part of a social circle you desired.

Dreaming about a dog barking fiercely. If you dreamed about a fiercely barking dog, such a dream might be representing your character. Maybe you tend to demand things from people and want to control everyone. Maybe you constantly give orders to people.

Dreaming about buying a dog. If you dreamed about buying a dog, such a dream might be a sign of your tendency to buy your friendships and services from people you know.

This dream might also be a sign of your need to have a partner or a friend.

Dreaming about being guided by a dog. If you were guided by a dog in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of not being able to solve some problem.

Dreaming about running over a dog. If you run over a dog in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of doubting the intentions of your friend. Maybe he betrayed you in some way or he didn’t support you in some situation.

Dreaming about stepping on a dog. If you stepped on a dog in your dream, such a dream might indicate taking for granted some of your friendships or relationships.

Dreaming about bathing a dog. If you dreamed about giving a dog a bath, such a dream is a sign of your nurturing nature. It might also signify your generosity and loyalty.

Dreaming about dressing up your dog. If you had such a dream, maybe it indicates your attempts to cover your true character, or your flaws.

Dreaming about a dog chasing its tail. If you saw a dog chasing its tail in a dream, such a dream might signify not handling some situation effectively. Maybe you are wasting too much time on insignificant matters.

Dreaming about a dog licking your hand. If a dog licked your hand in a dream, such a dream might signify being helped by a friend to find a good job or get a promotion.

Dreaming about a dog on your doorstep. If you saw a dog lying on your doorstep in a dream, such a dream might signify a visit from someone you respect and admire, which will pleasantly surprise you.

Dreaming about a dog protecting you. If you dreamed some dog was protecting you, such a dream might be an indication of being protected by higher powers. Maybe this dream indicates you have a very good control over your behavior and intentions.

Dreaming about being attacked by dogs. If you were attacked by dogs in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign. Maybe you’ll encounter something negative in your life, like some conflicts and misunderstandings, which might make your life a hell.

Dreaming about being killed or wounded by a dog. If a dog killed or wounded you in a dream, such a dream might be a very ill omen and predict some tragedy occurring in your life soon. Maybe it is a sign of a disease or grave illness. Maybe this dream is an indication of a relative or close friend passing away soon.

Dreaming about a wild or a rabid dog. If you saw a wild or a rabid dog in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign and signifies conflict.

Maybe you are trying to resolve some problems in your life and that seems impossible to you.

Dreaming about being chased by a rabid dog. If a rabid dog has chased you in a dream, such a dream might indicate some obstacles and problems which will require much of your strength and focus to overcome.

Dreaming about a dog howling. If you heard a howling dog in your dream, such a dream might indicate separation from someone very close. This dream might also indicate someone close passing away soon.

Dreaming about a friendly dog. If you encountered a friendly dog in a dream, such a dream is a good sign and indicates loyalty from people who surround you. You are indeed a happy person being surrounded by people who really appreciate and love you.

Dreaming about a hostile dog. If you encountered a hostile dog in your dream, such a dream might be warning you of possible scandals and betrayals in the near future by some people who dislike you.

Dreaming about a dog following you. If a dog followed you in a dream, such a dream might indicate you need to be careful about your well – being, especially when engaging in potentially dangerous activities.

Dreaming about a giant dog. If you saw a giant dog in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of meeting someone who might become a very good friend to you. This dream might also be a sign of help and support from an old friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Dreaming about being frightened by a giant dog. Being frightened by a giant dog in a dream might indicate overcoming some huge obstacles in your life. This dream might also indicate removing all negative things in your life.

Dreaming about a homeless dog. If you saw a homeless dog in a dream, such a dream might indicate grave misfortune in the near future. You might encounter some health issues or difficult situations, which will be hard to overcome.

Dreaming about dogs fighting. If you watched dogs fighting in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate bad results of some romantic pursuit. Maybe you will have some unpleasant experiences making a love offer, which will cause you a lot of stress and disappointment.

Dreaming about dogs growling. If you dreamed about dogs growling behind you, such a dream might be indicating betrayal from someone.

Dreaming about a dog on a leash. If you dreamed about a dog on a leash such a dream might indicate you have a good self – control over your instincts and urges.

Dreaming about walking a dog. If you walked a dog in your dream, such a dream might indicate success in the near future.

Dreaming about a black dog. If you saw a black dog in your dream, such a dream is a bad omen. It might indicate being disappointed by someone you consider a very good friend. You might realize this person never was your true friend and even tried to harm you in some way.
