Dinosaurs are an extinct animal species, believed to have originated over 200 million years ago, and disappeared millions of years ago.
Being extinct, in dreams they can symbolize unfounded doubts, fears and worries, but also things inevitably coming to an end eventually. Dreams about dinosaurs can have good and bad meanings. These dreams can also indicate life changes, both good and bad.
In dreams, dinosaurs symbolize the past and how it reflects our life and possible our future as well. Sometimes dinosaurs can signify past problems and issues returning to our life.
Maybe you’ve been avoiding dealing with some issues and they’ve come back again in your dream, in a form of a dinosaur, to remind you of their presence.
Sometimes dinosaurs are a symbol of old attitudes and habits. Maybe a dinosaur in your dream is a sign of old habits you should get rid of. These dreams sometimes signify the need to finish with the past and leave it behind, in order to continue with your life.
Maybe some things from your past have been holding you back and now it’s time to get rid of them and release yourself. A dream about dinosaurs may be a symbol of some of your desires.
Dinosaurs in dreams might reveal our love for the past times and history. They might be revealing our tendency to cling on to rigid concepts and ways of thinking that are no longer in use, or that no longer serve us. This dream might be a message to you to finally let go of the past and move on.
Maybe this dream is also a sign of your incapability to deal with some things alone, and the need to ask for help. It might also reveal something becoming irrelevant in your life.
Dinosaurs can symbolize the end of some things in our life. They can also be a symbol of raw power. Maybe this dream, symbolizes someone close to you unwilling to change.
Dreams about dinosaurs might be revealing some of your subconscious urges and instincts you are not aware of.
A dinosaur in a dream might also signify your character, driven by passion. This dream might also reveal the need to practice self – control, because of your unpredictable behavior and outbursts of temper, which can make you many enemies.
A dinosaur might signify your aggressive attitude towards others, without thinking about the consequences. Maybe such a dream is a result of some circumstances occurring in your real life, you can’t control, which makes you anxious.
These dreams sometimes signify relationships and affairs you need to get rid of because they’ve become irrelevant for you and no longer serve you. Maybe a dream about a dinosaur signifies a huge attachment to work.
Dreams About Dinosaurs – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about seeing a dinosaur. If you saw a dinosaur in your dream, such a dream might represent a huge fear you have, which has possessed you completely.
Dreaming about dinosaurs mating. If you watched dinosaurs mating in your dream, such a dream might represent your desire to preserve some parts of your past. This dream might reveal your concerns about carrying on your family legacy.
Dreaming about a dinosaur chasing you. If you were chased by a dinosaur in your dream, such a dream might represent a huge fear you’ve been trying to avoid.
Maybe this dream signifies some fear or fears you have overcome.
Sometimes, such a dream signifies some issues from the past coming back to haunt you.
Dreaming about running from a dinosaur. If you have been running from a dinosaur in your dream, maybe this dream signifies your fear of change. This dream might also be a sign of an unpleasant event you might find yourself trapped in in the near future.
Dreaming about finding or looking at dinosaur bones. If you saw dinosaur bones in a dream, that is a good sign and symbolizes luck in love. Maybe you need some healing to do first.
Dreaming about collecting dinosaur bones. If you were collecting dinosaur bones in your dream, such a dream might signify losing a close friend of yours.
If there was a huge pile of bones in a dream, that dream is a bad sign and can possibly signify death in your family.
Dreaming about feeling the presence of a dinosaur. If you felt the presence of a dinosaur in your dream, this is not a bad symbol. Such a dream might be a sign of some unconscious feelings and thoughts.
Maybe this dream is a sign of confronting your fears and negative emotions, so you can move on with your life.
This dream might be representing some outdated habits and thoughts you need to change. Maybe it is a sign of your obsolete behavior or attitude that needs to be changed.
Dreaming about killing a dinosaur. If you killed a dinosaur in your dream, such a dream is a good sign indicating the ending of a karmic cycle. Maybe it’s a sign you are done with your past and are completely free to embrace the future.
A dream of killing a dinosaur may be signifying your attempts to overcome or confront some huge fear you have. Maybe the fear is related to confronting some person or some situation you are afraid of. Maybe you need to confront someone who has been molesting you for some time.
Dreaming about being killed by a dinosaur. If you were killed by a dinosaur in your dream, such a dream might reveal something wrong, you’ve unconsciously and unwillingly done in the past, and your subconscious is giving you a message about that through the dinosaur in your dream.
Dreaming about living with dinosaurs. If you dreamed about living with dinosaurs, such a dream might signify you not being afraid of your past. This dream is a sign your conscience is clear and you’ve done only your best to always be good and help everyone. You are also at peace with yourself and not afraid of the future either, because you are good to everyone constantly.
Dreaming about being a dinosaur. If you were a dinosaur in your dream, such a dream might signify the strength of your character, your bravery and courage. This dream depicts you as a person ready to confront anything and anyone.
Dreaming about defeating a dinosaur. If you dreamed about defeating a dinosaur, such a dream might not be a good sign, and might signify some injustice you are doing to someone in real life.
Dreaming about befriending a dinosaur. If you dreamed about being friends with a dinosaur, such a dream might be a sign of your forgiveness and peace of mind. This dream probably signifies you have forgiven all the people that have hurt you in the past and you are now calm.
Dreaming about seeing dinosaurs after a fight. If you saw dead or wounded dinosaurs after fighting in your dream, such a dream might signify the possibility of needing to defend your stands in some situation, at the risk of your own reputation.
Dreaming about grass eating dinosaurs. If you saw herbivorous dinosaurs in a dream that is a good sign signifying you’ll soon receive something long awaited.
Dreaming about meat eating dinosaurs. If you saw carnivorous dinosaurs in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate loss of something very dear and valuable to you.
Dreaming about a dinosaur in your town. If you dreamed about a dinosaur in your town and people running away from it, such a dream might signify somebody not being able to adjust to recent changes in life. That person might be you or some member of your family.
The message of this dream is to embrace change and stop clinging and longing for the past that cannot be brought back. You need to be happy about your present and joyously expect the future.