Butterflies are a symbol of love, emotions, happiness, life energy, transformation, passion or new beginnings. They are also a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and life processes.
A dream about butterflies might reveal your attitude towards natural progress in life. Dreaming about butterflies might be an announcement of changes happening soon in your life.
It is important not to resist those changes, but appreciate the gifts they bring you, because they are all a part of a natural process of life. You should trust in the infinite wisdom of nature, knowing exactly what we need in each moment in time.
Sometimes these dreams might reveal all is going well in our life, and sometimes they might signify something is missing.
Butterflies are also a symbol of freedom. They signify freedom of movement and going wherever you want. Sometimes they can even symbolize difficulties in settling down. These insects might also signify moving through different life cycles or changes of personality, personal development and growth.
Dreams about butterflies also symbolize love, pure happiness and beauty of life. This dream might be a reminder to enjoy life more and its simple pleasures. For women, this dream might be a symbol of happiness in love and for men it might indicate beautiful things in their life.
Sometimes this dream is an indication of need to settle down. Maybe you’ve been all around lately, lacking focus in life. Maybe you’ve been making too many changes, trying out different things. This dream might also indicate the need to stop changing romantic partners and settle down in a stable and committed relationship.
Butterflies in dreams might signify our physical and mental health. They symbolize inevitable changes in life and represent our mind. Sometimes they appear in dreams during periods of difficulties in life. Seeing them in dreams might also indicate creativity, spirituality, longevity and joy.
Maybe you’ve changed something in your life recently. Maybe you are currently changing something. This dream might indicate a change in the way you think, or some transformation you’ve been undergoing.
Butterflies are a symbol of transformation for the better. Because of that, they are symbols of the soul and resurrection. Sometimes their appearance in a dream might indicate a death in the family. Often they appear in dreams after the loss of a loved one, a family member or a friend.
Sometimes this dream indicates the need to become more open and outgoing to others. Often this dream is an indication of rebellion against authority.
A butterfly in a dream might also symbolize something important in your life you are afraid of losing. Sometimes it signifies your anxiousness about the need to change something you like and enjoy. It may also symbolize someone you care a lot about and you are afraid not to scare that person away.
Dreams About Butterflies – Meaning and Interpretation
Dreaming about butterflies. If you dreamed about butterflies, such a dream might indicate your strong willpower to make required changes in your life. Sometimes this dream might represent longing for the past or a specific period in the past, usually your childhood.
Often this dream represents some sort of transformation or changes you are undergoing. Maybe things in your life are currently uncertain or you are expecting some big change to happen soon.
Dreaming about two butterflies. If you saw two butterflies in your dream, such a dream is a very good sign related to your love life. This dream might indicate a happy romance or happiness in marriage. This dream might also indicate a commitment in a form of an engagement.
It might also indicate plans to live together with someone. This dream might confirm you are ready to spend your life with your significant other.
Dreaming about several butterflies. If you saw several butterflies in your dream, such a dream might indicate freedom, inspiration, acceptance and growth in some areas of your life.
Sometimes this dream indicates receiving some good news in the near future.
Dreaming about flying butterflies. If you saw butterflies flying in your dream, such a dream might indicate the need to be more open to people. You should be more easygoing.
Sometimes this dream indicates receiving some good news from a far – away friend.
Dreaming about a butterfly flying in beautiful countryside. If you dreamed about a butterfly in beautiful countryside scenery, such a dream might indicate some situation in your life you cannot change.
This dream might also be an indication of prosperity and abundance in the near future.
Dreaming about a stuffed butterfly. If you dreamed about a stuffed butterfly, such a dream might signify your readiness to involve yourself completely in an important project.
Dreaming about mounting a stuffed butterfly on the wall. If you had such a dream, it might indicate some sexual oppression you might have been undergoing lately.
Dreaming about catching or killing butterflies. If you dreamed about catching or killing butterflies, such a dream might be an indication of your superficiality. Sometimes this dream is an indication of your possessiveness.
Dreaming about a dead butterfly. If you saw a dead butterfly in a dream, such a dream maybe indicates some of your unfulfilled goals.
Dreaming about losing a butterfly. If you dreamed about losing a butterfly, this dream might indicate loss of love or end of a relationship.
Dreaming about a swarm of butterflies. A dream about a swarm of butterflies is a very good sign. This dream might be an indication of good news from someone very close to you living far away.
Dreaming about a butterfly flying away from you. If you watched a butterfly flying away from you in a dream, such a dream might indicate the need to let go of something important and special. This might also indicate some changes you are forced to make although you don’t want to.
Dreaming about a butterfly standing on a flower. A butterfly standing on a flower as a dream vision is a very good sign, indicating the possibility of finding true love in the near future.
Dreaming about a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. If you watched this magnificent process in your dream, such a dream might indicate some changes concerning your spirituality, which will occur slowly but will bring you immense joy at the end.
Dreaming about a butterfly landing on you. If a butterfly landed on you in a dream, such a dream might indicate new and prosperous opportunities in your career, bringing you higher earnings as well.