Dreams About Blood – Meaning and Interpretation

Blood is a symbol of life force and energy, as well as happiness, and dreams about blood symbolize both vitality and energy, and their loss. These dreams might reveal the strength of certain aspects of your life.

They can also symbolize the loss of strength in some areas of our life. Blood can also indicate passion and deep emotions, but also disappointment. It can also indicate loyalty and love.

Dreams about blood inside the body are a symbol of energy and strength, while dreaming about blood running through your veins might be a sign of poor health.

Blood can symbolize deep love and feelings. It is also a symbol of pain. It can symbolize being deeply hurt by something or someone.

It might also signify cleansing and releasing the old, to make space for the new. Dreams about blood might indicate the need to face some fears you have.

Blood is a symbol of fertility as well. It can also be a symbol of your energy and inherited characteristics from your ancestors.

Dreams About Blood – Interpretation and Meaning

Dreaming about being covered in blood. If you dreamed about being covered in blood, such a dream is not a good sign, and might announce conflict in your relationship, or with someone from your social surroundings.

Maybe it signifies feeling as if you have lost something.

This dream might also indicate receiving some important, but unexpected news, from some family member or someone close.

Dreaming about someone covered with blood. If you saw someone covered with blood in your dream, such a dream might signify an argument or a conflict with some close friend or an acquaintance you spend a lot of time with.

Dreaming about a lot of people covered with blood. If you saw a lot of people covered with blood in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign. This dream might indicate upcoming health issues or illness, affecting someone close to you.

Dreaming about trying to stop the blood. If you dreamed about trying to stop the blood running from an open injury or wound, such a dream might signify longing for someone who has recently passed away. It can be a sign of grief you feel, because this person is no longer alive.

Dreaming about losing a lot of blood. If you dreamed about losing a lot of blood, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating loneliness and being depressed because of that.

Dreaming about someone losing a lot of blood. If you saw someone losing a lot of blood in your dream, such a dream might signify worsening of the relationship with this person, because of your selfishness. Maybe you are refusing to support and help this person.

Dreaming about your house being flooded with blood. If you dreamed about your house being flooded with blood, and blood coming from everywhere, such a dream is a good sign, indicating your current plans and projects, are going to be successfully fulfilled in the near future, bringing you joy and happiness.

Sometimes this dream is a sign of getting an addition to your family.


It is a sign of good things coming into your life soon.

Dreaming about swimming in blood. If you dreamed about swimming in a pool of blood, such a dream might be a sign of some extraordinary events happening in the near future and surprising you a lot.

Dreaming about water with blood. If you saw water coming from a sink, with blood traces inside, such a dream might represent your ability to become successful and fulfill your goals.

Dreaming about shedding someone’s blood. If you dreamed about shedding someone’s blood in a fight, such a dream might indicate your lack of determination to solve some problem or an issue you have. This dream encourages you to have more confidence in your abilities to resolve whatever issue you might encounter in your life.

Dreaming about drawing your own blood. If you dreamed about inserting a needle in your vein and drawing blood, such a dream might signify some losses happening soon in your life.

It might also be a sign of tiredness and overworking.

Dreaming about blood on your hands. If you dreamed about seeing blood on your hands, such a dream might be warning you to pay more attention to the things you are currently working on; otherwise, you cannot count on finishing anything successfully.

This dream might also indicate feeling guilty because of something.

Maybe this dream is a sign of blaming someone for their behavior or failing to do something.

Dreaming about clothes stained with blood. If you saw bloody clothes in your dream, such a dream might signify some of your enemies might attack you or try to prevent you from achieving some success. Maybe you don’t even know these people are your enemies, and wouldn’t expect something like that from them.

This dream signifies their determination to ruin you.

Dreaming about getting stained with someone’s blood. If you dreamed about being stained with someone’s blood, such a dream might signify getting romantically involved with that person, which might bring you a lot of happiness in life.

Dreaming about the ground being covered with blood. If you dreamed about the ground being covered with blood, such a dream might indicate conflicts and arguments with family members or friends.

Sometimes this dream is a sign of encountering extreme hardships soon.

Dreaming about blood dripping on the ground. If you saw blood dripping on the ground in your dream, such a dream is usually a good sign, signifying all things working out for you in the near future and making you happy.

Dreaming about drinking blood. If you dreamed about drinking blood, such a dream is a good sign, indicating some of your hopes and desires will finally be coming to fruition.

Dreaming about drinking your own blood. If you dreamed about drinking your own blood, such a dream might signify being too self – centered and obsessed with yourself, neglecting others and their needs and desires, even the ones who need your help.

Dreaming about licking blood off. If you dreamed about licking blood off some object, such a dream might signify some accidents or negative consequences due to your carelessness, which you might regret later.

Dreaming about trying to wash blood off. If you dreamed about attempting to wash blood off your skin, such a dream might indicate becoming vulnerable, because you listen to other people’s advice and opinions, without considering your feelings and thoughts about some matter.

Dreaming about spitting blood. If you dreamed about you or someone else spitting blood, such a dream might signify a minor sickness in the near future.

Sometimes this dream is a sign of your tiredness, due to excessive overworking.

Dreaming about seeing blood on your body. If you saw traces of blood on your body in your dream, such a dream might indicate feeling ashamed and degraded because of your behavior.

Sometimes this dream might indicate recovery from a self – inflicted injury.

Dreaming about seeing blood on your bed. If you dreamed about seeing traces of blood on your bed sheets, such a dream is not a good sign, and might signify infidelity. This dream might indicate your partner is having an affair without you being able to notice that.

It might also indicate a divorce because of betrayal.

Dreaming about meat covered with blood. If you saw or ate meat covered with blood in your dream, such a dream is a good sign, indicating love, and possibly moving to a next level of commitment, such as an engagement, a marriage, or starting a family.

For singles, this dream might indicate meeting a new romantic interest soon, who might turn out to be the “right one”.

Dreaming about a blood transfusion. If you dreamed about having a blood transfusion, such a dream might signify saving yourself from some danger.

It might also indicate learning to adapt to any obstacle coming your way.

Dreaming about needing a blood transfusion. If you dreamed about needing a blood transfusion, such a dream might signify currently having difficulties in life, especially in regards to your finances. Maybe you should ask your family members or friends to help you, until you can stand back on your feet again.

Dreaming about losing blood. If you dreamed about losing blood, such a dream might signify the loss of love in your life.

It might also signify the need to devote more time to your spiritual side.

Maybe it signifies you had some difficult breakdowns lately.

It might also signify being emotionally and physically drained.

Dreaming about your blood being drained from your body. If you dreamed all your blood being drained from your body, such a dream might signify something from your life completely sucking everything from you, like your power, confidence and strength.

Dreaming about having blood on your hands. If you dreamed about having bloody hands, such a dream might signify feeling guilty for something you did, or feeling responsible for something.

Dreaming about walls covered with blood. If you dreamed about walls being covered with blood, such a dream might signify your feelings of failure and loss. Maybe you can’t stop thinking about some recent difficulties or trauma you have experienced.

Sometimes it might indicate not being able to stop thinking about an involvement in some bad situation.

Dreaming about blood dripping from the ceiling. If you saw blood dripping from the ceiling in your dream, such a dream might indicate a situation you need to confront and deal with. The room, in which you saw blood, might give you some additional clues about the area of your life where you have these issues.

For example, if it was in the bathroom, it might be health related issues. If it was in the bedroom, you might be having relationship issues, or if it was in the kitchen, you might have issues regarding your eating habits.

Dreaming about vomiting blood. If you dreamed about vomiting blood, such a dream is usually a very bad sign, indicating the deterioration of your health.

This dream might be a sign of a prolonged illness and a long period of recovery.

This dream might also indicate losing motivation and purpose in life.

Dreaming about coughing blood. If you dreamed about having blood in your mouth, and coughing it such a dream might be a sign of wasting too much of your energy and time on meaningless activities.
