Dreams about being stabbed are surprisingly common. They usually indicate feelings of being wounded by someone’s comments or actions.
These dreams might also be related to your social interactions, and feelings of being stabbed in the back by someone you trust.
Sometimes these dreams reveal feelings of inadequacy. Maybe you feel as if you are not good enough for something or someone, or that there’s someone better than you.
Dreams about you stabbing someone might reveal your own bad thoughts about someone. Maybe you have been harboring some anger or jealousy towards someone and those feelings have manifested in your dream of stabbing someone. If you had such a dream, you should seriously reassess your thoughts.
This dream might reveal your feelings of competitiveness towards this person, and your desire to be better than her in any possible way.
Stabbing someone else in a dream might reveal your feelings of being betrayed by someone. In such a case, you stabbing someone in your dream is a way of getting even with this person for betraying you.
Sometimes dreams about stabbing signify things that are wrong in your life, or your fears that things might go wrong. Sometimes this dream is only a sign of jealousy.
Dreams of being stabbed may reveal feelings of being hurt by someone. Maybe you see someone’s happy for your pain and suffer and that hurts you. Maybe you are feeling betrayed by someone. Maybe you’ve experienced an unexpected shocking situation.
Dreams about being stabbed might also indicate troubles and accidents in the near future. Stabbing someone might foretell some obstacles coming your way.
Sometimes these dreams indicate you being in love with someone.
If a woman dreams about being stabbed that dream might signify she is worried about some pressures in her life. If a man dreams about being stabbed maybe this dream is a sign of someone’s aggression towards him, or he is feeling that way towards someone.
Dreams about stabbing might be a message about losing control and the need to learn to control reactions and emotions. The area of stabbing can also reveal the exact meaning of this dream.
Dreams About Being Stabbed – Interpretation and Meaning
Dreaming about being stabbed. If you had a dream about being stabbed, such a dream might reveal you’ve been having power issues. Maybe you are feeling inadequate and defensive. This dream might also indicate your feelings of being betrayed by someone you trust, and you basically feel stabbed in the back. Sometimes this dream is a sign of your vulnerable nature.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the back with a knife. If you were unexpectedly stabbed in the back by a knife in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign and might indicate betrayal from people you trust or your rivals in the near future.
Dreaming about stabbing yourself. If you had a dream about stabbing yourself, such a dream might reveal your feelings of guilt for ending a relationship or hurting the person you love.
Dreaming about stabbing someone. If you stabbed someone in your dream, such a dream might indicate your fears of betrayal by someone you trust.
This dream might be a sign of your distrust and defensive behavior.
If you stabbed someone in your dream, that might also reveal you being defensive about something.
This dream might also signify you being angry with someone and taking your anger out on this person.
Sometimes this dream indicates your desire to be more independent in a relationship or in some situation.
This dream might also signify your desire to see others suffer or hurt them in some way.
Maybe this dream is a sign you are taking something or someone important away from someone.
Dreaming about someone getting stabbed. If you saw someone getting stabbed in your dream such a dream might reveal your sexually dominating nature or someone dominating over you.
Dreaming about seeing someone you love being stabbed. If you saw someone you love being stabbed in your dream, such a dream might reveal your fears for this person and also your feelings of being powerless to help them.
Maybe you are aware this person is doing something dangerous and that’s what makes you afraid for their safety.
Dreaming about being stabbed with a sword. If you were stabbed with a sword in you dream and you actually felt the pain from the wound, such a dream might be revealing some of your unfulfilled desires.
Maybe there’s a part of your personality you don’t show to anyone fearing you might be rejected or judged because of it.
If you were stabbed accidentally, this might signify you not being aware of your desires, which exist only in your subconscious.
A sword is also a symbol of masculinity and it might be representing some sort of power struggle between you and the person who stabbed you.
This dream might also reveal your feelings of being defeated in something.
Dreaming about being stabbed with a knife. If you were stabbed with a knife in your dream, such a dream might signify embarrassment or pain for resisting something you don’t actually want.
Maybe you feel someone’s trying to get back at you for something.
This dream might also signify some dangerous enemies you have.
Maybe this dream is revealing the actions of people who are jealous of you.
Dreaming about stabbing someone with a dagger. If you stabbed someone with a dagger in your dream, such a dream might indicate your aggressiveness and maybe issues with your sexuality.
This dream might be a consequence of a bad relationship in which one of the partners feels like a victim of the other.
Sometimes this dream is a sign of your ability to overcome any obstacle and solve any problem you encounter.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the leg. If you had a dream about being stabbed in the leg, such a dream might reveal some issues with your personal choices. Maybe you feel attacked by someone for something you want to do on your own.
Dreaming about stabbing someone in the leg. If you stabbed someone in the leg in your dream, such a dream might reveal your desire to prevent someone or something become independent.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the foot. If you had a dream about being stabbed in the foot, such a dream might signify your feelings about your beliefs and stands, being wounded by someone’s words or actions. Maybe someone in your life doesn’t want you to have your own stand or stand stable on the ground.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the neck. If you were stabbed in the neck in your dream, such a dream might represent issues with some commitments you’ve made.
Maybe you feel someone’s challenging your ability to commit.
Maybe someone is attacking you because of your commitments.
Sometimes this dream might signify someone wanting you to give up on something.
Dreaming about stabbing someone in the neck. If you stabbed, or tried to stab someone in the neck in your dream, such a dream might reveal your jealousy or anger at someone for not ending a certain commitment.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the hand. If you were stabbed in the hand in your dream, such a dream might reveal some issues about your abilities. Maybe you feel someone is attacking your skills and abilities and trying to picture you as incompetent.
Dreaming about trying to stab someone in the hand. If you tried to stab someone’s hand or hands in a dream, such a dream might signify your desires and attempts to attack someone more competent than you. This dream might be a sign of your jealousy, because someone is better than you or is doing something better than you.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the eye. If you were stabbed in the eye in your dream, such a dream might reveal your reaction or awareness about being wounded by someone’s actions or words.
Maybe you have become aware of someone’s jealousy.
This dream might also signify someone who doesn’t want you to judge or observe something.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the chest. If you were stabbed in the chest in your dream, maybe such a dream reveals your sensitivity to other people’s words and actions. Maybe you are easily wounded by someone’s insensitive reactions. Maybe someone doesn’t want you showing of your personal power.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the head. If you were stabbed in the head in your dream, such a dream might reveal your intellect or decisions have been attacked by someone’s actions or words. Maybe someone doesn’t want you to ever think about something again.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the stomach. A dream of being stabbed in the stomach is usually not a good sign and might indicate some of your rivals are planning to harm you in some way.
Dreaming about being stabbed in the heart. If you dreamed about being stabbed in the heart, such a dream might reveal that you have been deeply emotionally hurt.
This dream might also be a warning about possible health issues with your heart.