Dreams About Being Chased – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreams about chasing are very common. They are usually induced by everyday stress and anxiety.

Usually we dream about being chased by another person or an animal, and sometimes a monster.

In such dreams we run and usually try to hide ourselves from the chaser. Most often, the chaser represents a threat to our well – being, wanting to hurt and possibly kill us.

These dreams send a powerful message there’s something or someone you are avoiding. Sometimes it can be something painful or something you fear from.

They are usually dreamed by people who tend to avoid confronting and dealing with their problems in reality, and instead, they are avoiding, ignoring or running away from them. These dreams might reveal your reaction to stressful situations in life, and show your tendency to escape, instead of confronting an issue or a problem.

They are usually a sign of running away, or trying to escape something in your real life, and the dream is a message to confront whatever issue bothering you.

Sometimes dreams about chasing indicate running away from some aspects of your personality, or your life.

Maybe you should try to realize, if there is something in your life, you are running away from?

If you were the one chasing someone in your dream, such a dream might indicate your ambition to pursue the things you want in life. Sometimes it indicates catching up with others, because you are falling behind.

The distance from the chaser is also important. If the chaser was right behind you, the dream indicates your problems won’t just disappear, and you will be forced to confront and deal with them.

If, on the other hand, the gap between you and the chaser was huge, the dream might indicate being able to distance yourself from the issue bothering you or the problem will simply fade away on its own.

Sometimes we dream about being chased if we fear someone might attack us. Women tend to have such dreams more often than men.

The chaser itself is the most important fact in determining the meaning of such a dream. It might somehow, through its traits, represent the issues you have been avoiding or running away from.

Dreams about being chased sometimes indicate situations or issues you feel are impossible to overcome, so you keep avoiding confronting them.

That might be something you feel afraid or stressed about. Maybe they indicate you don’t want to acknowledge something.

These dreams might also be related to some situations in your life, you consider emotionally frightening and dangerous.


This dream might also indicate you avoid solving problems and issues with people from your surroundings, most likely, family members, your partner, or friends. Maybe you feel pressured by some situation you find embarrassing, so you are avoiding it.

If a dream about chasing is recurring, you need to find out what is bothering you in reality, and deal with it as soon as possible.

Dreams About Being Chased – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about being chased by someone. If you were chased by someone in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign, and might signify a powerful enemy you have.

If you were caught by this person, the dream might indicate, that person could possibly harm you in some way.

If you were able to escape, you will probably avoid confrontations with this person.

This dream might also indicate soon having some financial problems.

Maybe this dream is a reflection of your worries about money, regardless of the amount you currently have or need.

Dreaming about chasing someone or something. If you were the one chasing someone or something in your dream, such a dream might indicate your desire and attempt to get something.

Maybe it signifies a goal you can’t seem to reach, no matter how hard you try, or some problem you are desperately trying to resolve.

Dreaming about being chased and not being able to run away. If you dreamed someone was chasing you, and you weren’t able to run or move, such a dream might indicate the need to become more responsible. Your worries and duties might be catching up to you.

Dreaming about being chased and caught by the chaser. If you were chased and finally caught by the chaser in your dream, such a dream might signify feeling inadequate about something or some situation in your life.

Maybe you feel trapped by someone or some situation in your life.

Dreaming about not being able to see the chaser. If you weren’t able to see who or what was chasing you in your dream, such a dream might indicate the need to discover your feelings towards someone or something.

Dreaming about being chased by your father. If you dreamed about being chased by your father, such a dream might signify not being able to do what you know is right in some situation.

Sometimes this dream indicates ignoring some bad decision you have made.

Dreaming about being chased by criminals. If you were chased by criminals in your dream, such a dream might be warning you to protect yourself against people who might try to take advantage of you.

Dreaming about being lost and chased by someone or something. If you dreamed about being lost somewhere, and then chased by someone or something such a dream is not a good sign. This dream might indicate a lot of difficulties you might be encountering daily, and not being able to deal with the stress they are causing you.

You might consider asking someone to help you overcome this situation.

Dreaming about being chased by a dark entity. If you dreamed about some dark, unrecognizable entity chasing you, such a dream might signify incompatibility between you and your partner. Maybe there are some external factors interfering with your relationship and the both of you, in a negative way.

Maybe you have been influenced by members of your families or your friends, or maybe your living conditions and financial issues.This dream is an indication things won’t become better in the near future between the two of you.

Dreaming about being chased by something sinister and evil. If you dreamed about being chased by something sinister and evil looking, such a dream might indicate having some stress and problems in reality, you desperately want to escape from.

This dream is a sign you need to confront, instead of avoiding them, because you might provoke worsening of the situation you are already in.

Dreaming about being chased by vampires. If you were chased by vampires in your dream, such a dream might indicate your desire to experiment and explore your sexuality. This dream can also be a warning about being in danger, because of your carelessness.

Dreaming about being chased by demons. If you dreamed about being chased by demons, such a dream might indicate having some emotional or psychological issues, most likely related to your marriage or relationship. Maybe you have some unresolved issues with your partner, and have a lot of disagreements with him or her.

Dreaming about being chased by a monster. If you were chased by a monster in your dream, such a dream might indicate some issues currently bothering you, will end in a short while.

Dreaming about something unclear is chasing you. If you dreamed about something chasing you, but you couldn’t clearly see what, such a dream might indicate being under stress and anxious because you are avoiding some issues which are not clear to you.

Dreaming about being chased by something big. If you were chased by something enormous in your dream, such a dream might indicate avoiding some issues you feel are too powerful to confront and deal with.

Dreaming about being chased by something hairy. If you were chased by something hairy in your dream, such a dream might indicate avoiding something you don’t like or something unpopular.

Dreaming about being chased by an elephant. If you were chased by an elephant in your dream, maybe such a dream signifies your desire to avoid something or someone, you know will upset you. Maybe you are avoiding anger, quarrelling, etc. Sometimes it indicates desperately trying to hide something, you know will upset someone.

Dreaming about being chased by a raccoon. If you were chased by a raccoon in your dream, such a dream might indicate your attempts to avoid the consequences of your mistakes or bad behavior. Maybe you have purposefully broken some rules you know you weren’t supposed to, and now you don’t want to be punished for what you did.

Sometimes this dream signifies, trying to avoid someone you know is breaking the rules and the law, especially if you know you might get involved in some wrongdoings because of that.

Dreaming about being chased by a snake. If you dreamed about being chased by a snake, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating your desire to avoid some person you don’t trust.

Sometimes it indicates your desire to avoid loss, failure or embarrassment at any cost.

Dreaming about being chased by a bull. If you were chased by a bull in your dream, such a dream might signify having problems at work in the near future. Maybe some of your colleagues will try to compete with you.

Dreaming about being chased and attacked by a dog. If a dog chased and attacked you in your dream, such a dream might indicate being overly occupied in all areas of your life in the near future.

This dream can sometimes indicate doing things in haste, without much attention. Maybe this dream indicates that, some of the mistakes you made because of your hasty actions are now coming to bother and frustrate you.

Dreaming about being chased by black bears. If you dreamed about being chased by black bears, such a dream might not be a good sign, indicating an upcoming illness.

Dreaming about being chased by sharks. If you were chased by sharks in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating some difficulties coming ahead, which you won’t be able to avoid.

Dreaming about being chased by bees. If you were chased by bees in your dream, such a dream is not a good sign, indicating problems ahead.

Dreaming about being chased by different animals. If you were chased by different animals in your dream, such a dream might be a sign of a great period in your life, filled with joy and happiness, approaching soon.

If you were afraid of the animals in your dream, the dream might indicate suppressing anger or running away from your desires.
