Dreams About Apple – Meaning and Interpretation

Apples are a good symbol in a dream, indicating harmony, fertility, pleasure and sexual desire. Apples in dreams are also symbols of wealth and prosperity, beauty and perfection.

They are also a symbol of fulfilled desires and goals, as well as success and luck in love.

This dream usually indicates happiness and contentment with life. Apples also indicate life filled with joy and love.

If you dreamed about apples, such dream might signify a good period for new and prosperous beginnings.

You should use this period the best you can.

Spoiled or wormy apples might be a sign of being surrounded by dishonest people.

Sometimes a dream about apples might reveal your awareness of being wrong about something or your desire to correct something.

Dreams About Apple – Meaning and Interpretation

Dreaming about apples on a tree. If you dreamed you saw apples growing on a tree, such dream often signifies your wisdom and knowledge.

Dreaming about apples scattered on the ground. If you observed apples scattered on the ground in your dream, such dream might be a warning to choose wisely your friends.

This dream might indicate a possibility of becoming a victim of some lying and deceiving people, who might try to take advantage of you.

Dreaming about an apple pie. If you were eating or baking an apple pie in your dream, such dream might indicate using your knowledge to create something useful.

Dreaming about rotten apples. If you dreamed about rotten apples, such dream might indicate missing some opportunities to gain profit. This dream is a reminder to pay attention to new opportunities and use them wisely.

Dreaming about an apple rotten from the inside. If you saw or bought a good looking apple, which was rotten from the inside, such dream might indicate some good investment possibly turning out bad. This dream is a warning to check well all the facts, before you make some investments.

Dreaming about wormy apples. If you saw or ate apples with worms inside, such dream might signify someone’s bad influence.

This dream might also indicate some false people you might encounter, which might say or do something to distract you from the right path.

Dreaming about ripe apples on a tree. If you saw ripe apples on a tree in your dream, such dream might indicate a period of happiness in your life.


This dream usually indicates the fulfillment of your desires and progress in life.

Dreaming about a big, fresh and juicy apple. If you saw or ate a big and juicy apple in your dream, such dream is a good sign, indicating your vitality and good health.

Dreaming about a fresh red apple. If you saw a beautiful red apple in a dream, such dream is an indication of a satisfying love relationship, or your satisfied sexual needs.

This dream might also indicate someone’s healthy influence. It might also be a sign you need some positive changes in your life.

This dream might also indicate your desire to change some negative situation in your life. Maybe you are aware something in your life is wrong and you want to correct it.

A red apple might also indicate being arrogant and thinking you are better than others.

Maybe it indicates ignoring someone’s advice.

It might also indicate neglecting your friends and family to gain something you don’t deserve.

Maybe it’s a sign you are ignoring someone who has helped you gain power and success. It might also indicate showing off to others.

Dreaming about a green apple. If you saw a green apple in a dream, such dream is usually a good sign. This dream can be an indication of love, blossoming in your life. This dream can also indicate making smart choices and making good decisions.

It can indicate good judgment. Maybe you enjoy being good at something which others refuse.

It might also signify your satisfaction for avoiding some danger in life.

Dreaming about a black apple. If you saw a black apple in a dream, such dream is a bad sign for your health and suggests you have a medical check-up.

Sometimes this dream indicates a long term illness.

Dreaming about apple seeds. If you saw apple seeds in a dream, such dream might indicate the need to look under the surface of some situation.

It might also indicate discovering the true values.

Dreaming about a partially eaten apple. If you saw a partially eaten apple in your dream, such dream might indicate not looking at some situation as a whole.

Dreaming about slicing an apple. If you dreamed about slicing an apple, such dream might indicate not being aware of something obvious, which might cause negative outcomes of your endeavors.

Dreaming about biting an apple. If you dreamed about biting an apple, such dream might indicate being obsessed with sex.

Dreaming about eating an apple. If you dreamed about eating an apple, such dream might signify your desire to gain more knowledge.

This dream is also an indication of your fulfilled desires and accomplished goals. Sometimes this dream is a sign of your fertility and the possibility of getting pregnant in the near future.

Dreaming about giving an apple to someone. If you dreamed you were giving an apple to someone, such dream might be a sign of appreciation and recognizing someone’s efforts.

Dreaming about picking an apple from a tree. If you dreamed about picking an apple from a tree, such dream might indicate your desire to gain more knowledge.

Dreaming about picking a rotten apple from a tree. If you picked a rotten apple from a tree in your dream, such dream might indicate meeting someone who might be a bad influence on you.
