Dream of Swimming Pool – Interpretation and Meaning

Cool, soothing blue and the tempting dip in the fresh water – a swimming pool awakens holiday mood in us and associations with luxury and hot summer days. We lie relaxed on comfortable loungers on the edge, maybe with a cocktail or a good book. Or we go for a swim with the partner or the children in the water or play water polo.

In many hotels, a swimming pool is standard equipment, in private homes; it is usually reserved for the wealthy part of the population, unless it is not just a small round pool in the garden. But the pool is not always positively occupied: In many films, a swimming pool plays a role; he can also have sinister or threatening aspects. For toddlers, a swimming pool quickly poses a danger because they can fall in and drown. When we dream of a swimming pool, the element of water plays a major role.

Dream symbol “swimming pool” – The general interpretation

The water itself is in the interpretation of dreams mostly for the feelings of the dreaming, this is even more so if it is concentrated in a swimming pool in a small area. Those who swim like a fish in the water and have fun in the pool are at peace with themselves and their emotions.

If the dreaming feels uncomfortable or is afraid to drown, he rejects his emotional side or individual feelings. If he ventures into the deeper water in the pool, this stands for deep-seated problems, while shallow water symbolizes carelessness or harmony.

A jump into the water can mean that the dreaming again trusts after a difficult time or gets rid of a bad feeling. He dares to jump into the cold.

In general, a swimming pool can also be used for relaxation, holidays and rest. Either you feel quite content or in harmony, the balance between work and leisure is right. Or you see yourself after a break; your subconscious mind indicates that you urgently need a break.

As the water symbolizes the emotional side, an empty pool is an emotional distress. The dreaming needs affection and support. If the person who is dreaming is sinking in the swimming pool, it stands for the unconscious.

Sinking or drowning in the swimming pool means that the dreaming suppresses his feelings, he is intellectually very active, but he forgets about his emotional side and sinks into nothing but thoughts.

Dream symbol “swimming pool” – The psychological interpretation

The swimming pool symbolizes the emotional world and the relationship of the dreaming to oneself and others. If swimming in the pool feels pleasant in the dream, then he is in harmony with himself, he feels accepted and loved by his environment.

If he fights against drowning or feels defenseless, he should deal more with his suppressed feelings. An empty pool stands for emotional neglect; possibly also the connection to one’s own feelings is disturbed. If garbage floats in the water, the dreaming should clean up in his heart.

Dream Symbol “Swimming Pool” – The spiritual interpretation

In the spiritual sense, the swimming pool in the dream stands for a purification of mind and soul; past sins or traumas are washed off in clear, blue water. The dreaming prepares for new experiences and a life in harmony.

Who does not like this idea? Lying under a parasol in southern warmth by a swimming pool, a cool drink in your hand and watch the humid drifting in the water through the sunglasses – a pool provides holiday mood, time out, recreation. We can immerse ourselves in his cool and get wet or just let us float in it with an air mattress.

From the spiritual point of view of dream interpretation, the dream symbol “pool” stands for clarification and purification of the soul. Especially for the adults is a beach holiday with pool a great recreational factor, however, it represents funny romping in the water, splashing, playing and carefree fun for the children.

But even for the little ones, a pool can also be a great danger if they fall into it by carelessness and not immediately available to someone who recognizes the danger and saves the child from drowning. A pool has both positive and negative associations and just as different it can appear as a dream symbol in our dreams.

Dream symbol “Pool” – The general interpretation

The dream symbol “pool” is associated in the general dream interpretation above all with the emotional state of the dreaming. To dream as a woman of how you swim full of enjoyment through the pleasantly cool water of a pool indicates a positive attitude to sexuality and a good general condition of the dreaming.

Just as one perceives the bath in a pool, so it is also about the emotions ordered: If the situation for the dreaming uncomfortable and he even dreading to drown in the pool, he may also in real life, afraid of their own emotions and rejects these shares in themselves.


Enjoying the bath in the water with ease, you feel free and in balance in real life.

Longing to look at a pool in the dream can, as well as a hot tub, make it clear to the person concerned that he urgently needs rest and a break and should definitely allow this soon. Standing on the edge of a pool and dreading the leap indicates that you are a person who is very difficult to drop.

Dream symbol “Pool” – The psychological interpretation

From a psychological point of view what hides behind the dream image “pool” is everything that has to do with emotions. The element of water also plays a major role here and should be included in the dream interpretation.

Water symbolizes the emotional world and stands for the feminine. If you now see in the dream an empty pool in front of you, you may just go through even an emotional dry spell in which nothing really ripens or develops.

Similar dreams

  • Swimming pool
  • House
  • lake
  • air mattress

Above all, the threatening situation of drowning can provide information about which fears the dreaming carries inside. If you hit the water wildly, you dread in a figurative sense in the awake life of drowning.

Maybe one has the feeling of being too well received by one’s partner and, as it were, wants to swim free from this grip. Or you are even full of emotions that seek their way out and want to be lived and felt.

Dream symbol “Pool” – The spiritual interpretation

From the spiritual point of view of dream interpretation, the dream symbol “pool” stands for clarification and purification of the soul. The water in it serves for clarity and renewal and allows the dreaming to free themselves from the old and to open them to the pure spirit of the new.

The pool in dreams: it is linked, like the pond and the lake, to the symbolism of still waters and to a containment space that is purely artificial (provided it is not sea water) and reassuring; think of a bathtub.

What does it mean to dream of a swimming pool? It often represents a highly secure, comforting place, being a limited space is easily manageable, we feel completely reassured and at ease.

The water of the dream pool is linked to the emotional world. Your emotions are held in check, controlled and harnessed; the dreamer, out of fear or opportunity, keeps his emotional spectrum in a distant psychic space of the unconscious.

The common meaning of pools in dreams

Dreaming of a swimming pool with clear water is undoubtedly linked to our emotions; our psyche held in check, we keep close control everything that happens to us without external agents can disturb our little world in some way, doing so obviously the dreamer does not fully experience the surrounding world.

Just as one perceives the bath in a pool, so it is also about the emotions ordered: If the situation for the dreaming uncomfortable and he even dreading to drown in the pool, he may also in real life, afraid of their own emotions and rejects these shares in themselves.

Enjoying the bath in the water with ease, you feel free and in balance in real life.

Dreaming of a pool with dirty water: it’s possible that you feel like that, you’re likely to feel guilty about something; the water in the pool represents yourselves, your soul, and your emotions.

Dreaming of an empty pool: it could represent the absence of emotions in the life of the dreamer, perhaps linked to an effective field, perhaps to love, to the family, to friendship.

Dreaming of diving into the pool: perhaps it is the need to get back in touch with your emotions and also explore the possibility of trying new feelings. Dreaming of sinking in the pool: you are at the bottom of the pool; do you feel that you miss the air and you cannot re-emerge? It is likely that you do not know how to handle something, like a relationship, you are overwhelmed and you cannot master your life.
