People who were born on April 15th are born under the Zodiac sign of Aries. This Zodiac sign is first sign of all twelve signs, which already carries and importance and significance by itself. Aries people are strong and resilient and can endure toughest situations. People born on this day carry certain special traits and characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd and be different. Same goes for every day of birth since people born on specific days have their own positive and negative characteristics which set them apart from others. Being born on a certain day is not irrelevant and we can learn a lot about ourselves if we see what kind of significance this day has for us and how it influences our behavior.
In today’s article we are going to see the characteristics and personalities of people born on April 15th, which careers and partners best suit them and why. So if you are born this day or know someone who is, this is definitely going to be interesting for you.
Characteristics and Personality
People born on April 15 carry a great dose of realism in their actions and behavior. Their environment is fascinated by exactly the way they look at world and are trying to describe it, how they define and move in their own way. On the plan of everyday life, they are interested in what others eat, do, think, but it can be overwhelming especially when issues and problems arise.
For people born on April 15 it is very important to clearly define their relationships with others as well as to give others the freedom to choose for themselves. They should also bear in mind that they too are literally observing their environment. Keeping their practical and groundbreaking connections can happen to miss the more subtle expressions of others.
It may happen that they ignore the youthful imagination they carry within themselves, while pointing to mature access to things. They would do better if they took into account both the detestable and irrational aspects of human nature, as well as the fact that they sometimes suppressed the values of humor, entertainment, and if they were not always so serious about it.
People born on April 15 are ruled by number 6 and planet Venus. Sixes are very charismatic people who inspire others and who are very fond of their surroundings. Because of the combined influence of Venus and Mars (which is dominated by Aries), sexuality and sexual attraction are very pronounced in these people. Because of their magnetic attraction they can often be misunderstood. Faced with the challenge of the influence of Mars and Venus, born on April 15, somehow the goal is to establish a balance and express the male and female side of its nature.
These people are very familiar with the functioning of the human body. However, due to their preoccupation and dedication to work, it often happens that health is neglected. In fact, these people know much more about health and healthy eating habits than diseases. They look nice, slim, and stylish and look to create and maintain such an appearance. If they use any diet this person should choose a diet with as diverse as possible food. These people have good appetite and this can be a problem for them.
Love Compatibility
People born on April 15th are sentimental people who adore being in love. They are very impulsive and they use this impulsive nature even for love decisions which is not always the best idea. They love to find a partner that is supportive enough but not too obsessive or pushy, because this is going to scare them away. They can often become fools in love because they are always chasing for love and never seem to notice it in the right time.
People born on April 15th tend to have a lot of romantic struggles and problems, mainly because of their naïve nature. They are overall kind souls who are only searching for someone who is going to be with them for the rest of their life. They love taking care of home even if they live alone, but this is not a priority in their life. They best get along with people born on 10th, 9th, 6th, 1st, 24th, 27th and 15th. People who are least compatible with them are Pisces while with Leo, Sagittarius and Libra they can form great and exciting relationships.
Purpose and Career
When it comes to career and job, this area of their lives always gets to the second place because of their desire to search for love and romance. Even though there is a strong desire in them to succeed, they always become distracted by their love life.
They are very hard working and detail oriented, and unlike Aries people from the second triad, they are much less prone to abandoning their goals and tasks. They will make sure to finding things till the end, no matter how hard it might be. Ideal jobs for them are firefighters, policeman, managers, and creative producers. Any job that they are going to do with passion is perfect for them since they can’t do something they don’t enjoy doing or feel passionate about.
Symbols, Lucky Number and Colors
People born on April 15th all have the same birthstone and that is Diamond. This beautiful stone is a dream for many and exactly his traits, strength and elegance, are representative traits of people born on this day. Their lucky colors are red and dark red, which symbolize passion, love, romance and sometimes aggression. Their lucky metal is Iron which is a symbol of strength and perseverance.
Their lucky day is Tuesday and motto “I am, I do”. When you want to surprise you Aries born on this day, Honeysuckle flower is the perfect choice since they are symbols of sweetness and elegance. Their lucky numbers are 18, 20, 4, 8 and 11.
Historical Events on April 15
- 1450 – In the last phase of the Hundred Years of War, the French defeated England in a battle at Formigny, ending the English domination in Normandy.
- 1469 – An Indian spiritual teacher was born, Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism. His followers Siki mainly live in India, and the most numerous are in the Punjab and Harijan states.
- 1755 – Doctor Samuell Johnson, an English poet, journalist and lexicographer, published the “English Dictionary”, the first modern English dictionary.
- 1765 – Mihail Vasiljevich Lomonosov, Russian scholar, poet and scholar, world-famous encyclopaedist died in Sankt Peterburg.
- 1764 – Gen.-Antoaneta Puason, Marquis de Pompadur, lover of King Louis XV, and one of the most influential personalities in his court, died in Versailles.
- 1843 – American writer Henry James was born. He has written about 100 books, including the most famous novels “Portrait of a Leader”, “American”, “Daisy Miler”, “Roderick Hudson” .
- 1912 – On the first trip from the UK to the US, the “Titanic” sunk, the largest and most luxurious over-the-top ship of its age. Life lost 1,523 out of 2,224 passengers.
- 1912 – Korean dictator Kim Il Sung was born. He has served North Korea since the establishment of that country between 1948 and 1994. The death of the “great leader”, as he was officially called upon, ended one of the longest absolutist rulers in the 20th century.
- 1923 – Insulin, which Canadian scientist Nobel prize winner Frederick Banting discovered in 1921, began to be used in the treatment of diabetes.
- 1952 – Franklin Bank in New York has issued the first credit card in the world.
- 1968 – Two Soviet satellites without a human crew, Kosmos 212 and 213, merged automatically as they circled the Earth’s orbit.
- 1980 – The French philosopher and writer Gen Pol Sartr died in Paris, one of the most prominent representatives of existentialism. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964, but declined to receive (“The Mourning”, “The Wall,” “Being and Nothing,” “The Muffin”, “Behind the Closed Door”, “Dirty Arms”).
- 1986 – American planes bombed Tripoli and Benghazi in retaliation for the deaths of two Americans in a bomb blast at a Berlin-based discotheque on April 5th. About 40 people were killed in the bombing, including the adopted daughter of Libyan leader Gaddafi.
- 1989 – At the stadium in Sheffield, in northern England, 96 people were killed and 96 people were injured when the stadium was already crowded and a new group of fans left.
- 1990 – The filmmaker of Swedish origin Greta Garbo, the “divine Greta”, was celebrated in New York as her admirers called it. He is considered to be one of the greatest actresses of the 20th century of the genre and soundtrack (“Queen of Christina”, “Ana Karenina”, “Marija Valevska”, “Mata Hari”).
- 1994 – The Ministers of Leading Countries of the World signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
- 1996 – The “Truth Commission” in South Africa, formed to investigate abuse of power during apartheid time, opened an investigation.
- 1997 – During the pilgrimage, the 343 pilgrims died in a fire near a tent settlement near Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
- 1999 – NATO took over responsibility for bombing a refugee convoy in Kosovo, during which, according to Yugoslav sources, 75 civilians died.
- 2003 – Folkert van der Graf murdered Dutch politician Pim Fortin at 18 years in prison. This was the first political assassination in the Netherlands for the last three years.
- 2008 – The ruling Russian party The united Russia (JR) unanimously elected Russia’s president Vladimir Putin for party leaders. At the JR Congress, a statute was introduced that introduced the function of the president of the couple. By accepting that function, Putin remains the most influential person in Russian politics and after leaving the presidency of the state at the beginning of May for Dmitry Medvedev.
- 2013 – Three people were killed and more than a hundred injured in two explosions that took place during a major marathon in Boston (USA). For the assault, the suspects brothers Carnajev came from Chechnya.
- 2013 – Nicolas Maduro won presidency in Venezuela’s presidential election. Maduro’s anti-nominee Enrique Caprilles refused to accept the outcome of the electoral commission, saying there were more thousands of irregularities in the elections and called for his supporters to protest.
- 2015 – More than 800 refugees and migrants have died when a ship overtook the Mediterranean Sea near the Libyan coast. Only 28 passengers aboard an accident. According to UNHCR, the highest number of refugees and migrants in the Mediterranean were killed in this crash.
Famous People Born on April 15
- – Born Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, Italian Renaissance architect, inventor, engineer, sculptor and painter.
- 1469 – Born Guru Nanak, Indian Spiritual Teacher, founder of Sikhism.
- 1489 – Born Mimar Sinan, the chief Ottoman architect in the service of Sultan Selim I, Sulejman Magnificent and Murata III.
- 1552 – Born of Peter Antonio Cataldi Italian mathematician and astronomer.
- 1642 – Born Suleyman II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.
- 1684 – Born to Catherine I, Russian Emperor.
- – Born Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathematician and physicist.
- 1710 – Born William Cullen, Scottish physicist.
- 1832 – Born Wilhelm Busch, a German painter and writer.
- 1833 – Born Maxwell Tylden Masters, an English botanist and taxon
- 1843 – Born Henri James, American writer.
- 1874 – Born to Johannes Stark, a German physicist.
- 1894 – Born to Bessie Smith, American Jazz Singer.
- – Born Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (Russian Nikita Sergeyevich Hrušev), Soviet politician and statesman.
- 1912 – Born Kim Il-Sung, North Korean dictator.
- 1920 – Born Richard von Weizsäcker, a German politician and statesman.
- 1931 – Born Tomas Tranströmer, Swedish writer, poet and translator.
- 1938 – Born Claudia Cardinale, Italian actress.
- 1949 – Born Ala Pugačova, Russian singer diva.
- 1959 – Born Emma Thompson, British actress.
- 1960 – Born to Pedro Delgado, the Spanish Formula One driver.
- 1960 – Born Philipp of Belgium, Duke of Brabant and Belgian throne.
- – Born Samantha Karen “Sam” Fox, a British pop singer.
- 1990 – Born Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson, British actress.