By using universal energy and by understanding Angel numbers, we could find out so much about of all aspects of our soul, and this is one challenging task, especially in the time that we live in at this moment, modern time.
If we fully understand Angel numerals, we can desegregate into our mortal body as a straightforward process of Universal vibration improvement, because all these characters of the soul seek to provide to and witness the changes happening on Earth in these times.
In some way, we could understand what Angels are saying to us, by using Angelical formations, because we are all connected, and when we communicate (in any way, shape or form) our soul blends into the Universe.
When we are at our highest possible level in life, when we feel that we are truly part of the Universe, in its true meaning, then we are the children (just like Angels are) of the Creator, the Source.
Many will say that here we come to the connection to the different dimension in life, and even if this is something that could be strange to us, still we can express ourselves as souls in the human body.
In the end, this just shows that we just need to accept Angelical messages, since we share the Universe, and in the centre of it there a Source, which we call the Creator or sometimes God; Angels are called light beings, and this comes from the fact that our Source gives us light, and they are His rays, to say it metaphorically.
Numbers that come from them are part of that light – today we are talking about numerical sequence 4141.
4141 Angel Number – what does it mean?
Angel number 4141 has pronounced vibration 1 in its core, and this power is doubled, so it is not hard to guess that such a message has many things common with new starts, and fresh energy necessary for moving on in life.
Angels are saying in this numerical sequence that you are now, finally ready for the race of life, and in this sense, you are encouraged to activate in the field of personal desires.
There cannot be any more excuses and procrastination, but start engaging to make your dreams come true – and you must admit that you have been dreaming for a long time, and you have been scared what might happen.
The Universe brings a good spirit, and now you have the opportunity and the right circumstances to move and do something meaningful that you have long wanted.
Whether it is work or Love, this is the ideal time to feel the rich taste of triumph. The world can be under your feet, and you have blessings to do whatever you want.
Secret meaning and symbolism
We spoke so many times about Angelical connection to us, and we define them as creatures of light that try to maintain the perfect balance in our lives – and they are allowing the Universe to make his plan real.
It is not hard to guess that vibrations that we find in this numerical sequence 4141 direct us to His plan – the secret purpose, perfect balance, ending with the manifestation of whatever we want in life.
Angel number 4141 symbolize our activity and change that will lead us away from negative life situations.
This angel number suggests that you should love yourself and release thoughts and beliefs that keep you from going forward – and the vibration of the number 1 is directing you to do the right thing in life.
What Angels are saying in the message that you see as numeral row 4141 is that sometimes in life, it is necessary to reject all things that do not serve you in some way. You must release everything and everything that represents a burden to your soul and move towards the future, into uncertainty, a little scared but happy again.
For example, it could be a job that you have been doing for a long time or the one that you are currently doing, but you are not satisfied, and you feel like you are wasting your time.
So, if you do not like the place you are in right now, you must get mentally active and take on some inspiring action – find something else, do personal business. Or, if some relationships bring you negative energy, end the relationship with those human beings, stop being a person of habit, you are much more than that, and the change (number 1) is on your way, and you need to be fulfilled to reach your final destination.
4141 Angel Number and Love
Sometimes in life, just like in Love, we, as human beings, must be ready to say that we want the real deal and that we know when something is not real.
When we learn to listen to our hearts, then with that decision, something is wrong right now, it may not be the right time to do it, or all the dice have not folded – do not worry too much, Universe is there to think of you, and to lead you in the direction that is best for you.
In any case, be patient and feel for yourself when the time is right to make that decision. Patience is the key to making good decisions.
Meditate and open your soul to various possibilities – what Angelical beings are directing you are just expansion of your sights.
Many things and people that you could love are all around you, so in this sense, message 4141 speaks of the new beginning that will lead you toward Love.
Interesting Facts about number 4141
Sum number, in this case, is 10 – clearly one of the most important numerals in Angel numerology since it connected mater and soul.
Number 10 direct us toward completion in life, and in some way 41 direct us toward the same things – knowing who we are in this life and moving on, in some new direction that was unknown for us until now.
As usual, in these moments when we are a part of things that are unknown, Angelical creatures approach to us so that we know where to go.
In this sense, it is a good thing to remember that they are Light beings that are close to the Source (we spoke of it, in the intro section of this piece where we explain of what the Source is).
This message should inspire you to place yourself finally on the ground that you are waking on, and starting energy cleansing process so that that place is filled with the new energy.
Purify the energy you have gathered from other people that do not serve you in any way, expel the negative energy vibrations and open your soul to light energy, for the right self.
In the end, it is highly recommended for you to silence the mind and try to hear the inner voice, and the best way is to sit in the silence and to speak to the Universe, listening to the sounds of nature and enjoying its beauty.
What to do when you see number 4141?
The end is here, and we will speak once again of the Source, the place where everything has started – Angels give us the energy from the Source, and its power is indescribably compelling, illuminating and far-reaching, everything that we know and that exits is under its control and falls under his Universal law.
Using Angelical beings and their ability to communicate with human beings, that energy can cross all over the Universe, sharing dreams and uses it as the basis or groundwork for imagining creation.
This the image that we see as our idea, and we could use it for changing our lives; this is the creation that could be seen in the vibration of the number 1, and all grounds are seen in the vibration of 4.
So, 4141 means that you will receive a wonderful gift to pass on knowledge to other people, and you will be able to encourage many around you.
In the end, the two biggest virtues that you could develop in your mortal life, and pass to the next are gratitude and humanitarian work (Doing good for other people, out of pure Love).
So, Angelical sequence 4141 just increases the power of knowledge, and you will start a new direction in the upcoming days. In that process, you will be able to answer to many burning questions that you have wanting to know.
Angels are saying that you are now confident to make a move, to learn and to let others learn from you, all for the purpose to have a better and more spiritual life.
These beings will have the courage to train and acquire a variety of knowledge.
Take advantage of this period, because you do not have so many new beginnings in life that are so well-grounded and directed toward pure virtue.